Chapter 4: Whodunnit?

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Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts

Teach us something please

Whether we be old and bald

Or young with scabby knees

Our heads could do with filling

With some interesting stuff

For now they're bare and full of air

Dead flies and bits of—


I got hit. I took a battle stance and scanned my surroundings for the culprit. A-ha! Target acquired. I prepared my ammo, took aim ... and threw a snowball at a tree.

"Ow!" a boy complained.


"Serves you right for hitting unsuspecting people with snowballs." I said, walking over to the tree. "Take the cloak off, Albus."

"How'd you know?" Albus said, taking off his dad's Invisibility Cloak.

"Who else would throw a snowball like that?" I teased. "Did James let you use the cloak or did you take it without permission again?"

"" Albus began.

"I won't tell him this time." I assured him. "Where's your cousin Rosie?"

"I don't know."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

He sighed. "I left her over at Honeydukes. We're supposed to meet back there in 10 minutes."

"Mhm. You'd better go now. Take Rosie back to Hogwarts and stay there for the rest of the day. There's—"

"Danger in the air." Albus finished. "Okay. James might notice our absence if we stay long anyway."

I smiled and watched him go as he put the Invisibility Cloak back on. It reminded me of the time I snuck out with Harry back in Third Year...

Now, to the task at hand. I surveyed my surroundings once more and...nothing. Weird.

'I may as well have a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks.'


I greeted Madam Rosmerta and took a seat beside the window. While waiting for my drink, I mulled over the thoughts in my head.

Jarvis had added Hogsmeade to the list of affected areas, but it's all quiet so far. Then again, Jarvis has never made a mistake before, so...

"I tol' ya, I couldn' have bin the one ter start it!" A familiar voice boomed.

"Of course, I believe you, Hagrid. But no one else was in the area at that time. How will you explain that to the Ministry?"

I looked around the crowded room and saw Hagrid and Teddy Lupin, deep in conversation at a nearby table.

"I was visitin' Grawpy. He's bin feelin' a bit sickly lately an' I've bin tryin' ter cure 'im."

"Hello, Hagrid. Hello, Teddy." I called, going up to them.

"Hello, Crystal! Good ter see ya again." Hagrid said, grinning.

"Hi, Crystal. What brings you here?" Teddy asked.

"It's good to see you too, Hagrid." I grinned, taking a seat. "I'm out on a mission to guard Hogsmeade for a while, Teddy."

Teddy frowned. "Is there something lurking in Hogsmeade? Should I alert the Ministry?"

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