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What the heck.... why can't I move. And why does my body feel so,......heavy. And my head ughh it's hurting.. *places hand on forehead...."gah da fa"(Translation,.. 'what the frick.') HUHHH WHO THE HELL JUST SAID THAT. AND WHY DOES MY HAND FEEL SO TINY?!

I raised my hand in the air after struggling for a while and,.... "bo ah"(it shrunk) What the frick?! Why do I sound like a baby and why did my hand SHRINK?! Wait,.. mom, I should call for mom or dad. Yeah they'll know what to do,.. I hope. ........but,....... how then heck am I gonna call them.

... I never thought I would ever have to do this,.... but here goes nothing.... "AHHHHHHHH!!!*Extremely loud baby scream*" *sound of door being knocked open.

Well that worked out perfectly. I saw at least 5 figures come through the door when I struggled to look to the side. I couldn't move my body so I had to strain my eyes. "Young miss! Are you ok?!" Who the hell is this- wait,... WHO THE HELL ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE?! One lady picked me up. What the frick is happening right now. These people. Huhh?!

"Lady Kuromiya, what's wrong." Wait,.. who.. it better not be me they're talking to,.. I'm Y/n L/n.

After a few hours of them bothering me and me getting very,.... very annoyed,... I decided to retrace everything to the point before I woke up. I took a while but then something just appeared in my mind. Actually,.. I remember everything. I was minding my own business walking home from school, enjoying like and then a FRIKING TRUCK hit me. DID I DIE AND GOT REINCARNATED INTO SOME KIDS BODY?! ... and my name changed?! I like my own name. I'm not gonna change it!

Wait, I straying from the actual point and that is,... I died. What about my family and friends. My pets,.......my ANIME AND FANFICTIONS! "Oh, young miss,.. don't cry~" leave me alone lady. This ain't tears of sadness,.. it's anger. Ughhhhh.

Well, a few years passed since I got Reincarnated into this world. I'm now 3 years old physically of course. I'm really 19 in,... spirit form? Idk. My years of growing up in this new world, I found out that I was born into a super high class, famous family,... they are called the Kuromiyas. They named me Odile,.. but I made a problem out of it and kept on nagging them to call me Y/n. So now I'm Y/n Kuromiya. Also, another thing I noticed was that I still got my exact features. My (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, etc. That was strange because I was birthed from my 'mom'. Did I do like a baby swap in the womb or something.

Anyway,.. this all happened because that truck killed me. I thought if I ever got killed by a truck, I'd get into some anime like in the Tokyo Revengers fanfic I read (did i just self promote?,... yes,.... yes I did.) But noo,.. I just got killed and sent back a few years where I don't have a good phone to watch anime. *Sigh,.."life's hord(hard)." "Why would you say that?" Ack! Oh, another thing,... I have absolutely no privacy in this house. Butlers and Maids EVERYWHEREEE. "Nevermind."

It could be because I'm just 3 that they're bothering me though. This world may be kinda boring,... but it's also really weird. I don't know why,.. but it is.

More years of me being a bored child passed and now I'm 5. I was currently going to my 'parent's' friends house. Apparently they are also some high class, well-known family. And they also got kids. We were now getting ready to go to their house. "Y/n, come on." "Yeah." That was my 'mom'. She's alright I guess. I got kinda close with these parents. I still miss mine though.

On the way...
"What the hell."
"Y/n, language. And sit down on your seat before you fall down. (*In the background*,..I don't know how this kid already knows to say that kind stuff.)"
"Yeah yeah,.. mom, did we ever come here before?." It looks really familiar.
"Hmm,... we came already. But you didn't."

WHAT THE F-... "H-HEY! WHAT'S THE FAMILY NAME OF THESE FRIENDS OF YOURS." Is that the gate to where I think it is. "Didn't we tell you already.. hmm I guess not. They're the Zoldyck's." "......HOLY SHIT-" "Language." Hush MOTHER! I guess dying was worth it.. because I think I may have actually gotten sent to HunterxHunter. "No friking way." When I said that I got another warning glare from my 'mother'.

I'm in Hunter x Hunter?!? (ON HOLD UNTIL I LOSE MY WRITERS BLOCK)Where stories live. Discover now