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"Hi Zoldycks"

"And you are?" A familiar bandaged up lady asked. "I'm hurt,.." I started as I walked past them. "What was it you said to call you?? Mom." "Ahh!! Y/N SWEETY!" She shouted as she ran up to me and spun me around in a hug. Oh this woman is the same. Completely different from our view in the anime of her.

"What are you doing here. Did you come to meet Illumi. I'm afraid he's not here." Why would I come to meet him?! "Actually, I already saw him." "Hm?" "In the hunter exam." "Did you now." "I also saw Killua." She got quiet after a while. "He passed you know." "Did he." "Yup. I came to drop his hunter card." I said as I pulled it out of my pocket.

"I'm afraid he won't be able to meet with you right now. He's busy." Yeah, busy getting beaten. "That's alright, I can wait." "Oh, so does that mean that you'll be staying over." She said excitedly as she snapped her fingers. A bunch of butlers came out of nowhere and she sent them to prepare a room.

"You seem so different." As she talked, I saw someone pop up from behind her. "Oh, this is" "Kalluto, I'm guessing." "Ye-Yes. How did you know that." "You're a family of assassins. Everyone probably knows." Actually I have a different reason for knowing.

She went in a room with me and asked me a bunch of questions. I just gotta wait out the days until Gon, Kurapika and Leorio get in and when Killua gets out. "Feel free to roam around the house. You are basically my little girl." I wonder if I should look for Alluka. I can probably use Void. Then again, they got security cameras. I maybe have an ability for that. I'll check.

Just like that, the day passed. "You're back faster than you said you'd be." "Ah, Grandpa Zoldyck." I said as I turned around. "Don't call me that. It sounds old." He chuckled as he came up to me. "Are your friends on their way like you said they'd be." "Yup. And I'll head back to them with Killua in a few days or so." "And you'll be going to the heaven's arena or was it the Chimera Ants?" "Haha, you are getting old. The Chimera Ants are after Greed Island." Oh yeah, I forgot to mention,.."*in the background* I could have sworn it was the other way around." He knows I'm from another world.

And how is that? Well. When I stayed with the Zoldycks when I was younger, that's around the time I figured I was in Hunter x Hunter. So I used to write all that I remember about the anime in a book. He started getting suspicious of me so one day he got his hands on the book and read it. I ended up having to tell him everything but he promised to keep it a secret because he finds it entertaining.

"Anyway, bye old man." I said before opening a void under me and falling through. "Where to now." I said to myself as I landed on my two feet and started walking again. The Zoldyck house is huge but it doesn't have anything interesting. "Hahh." "What are you doing." I jumped to the side because I got startled a little. "Oh, Kalluto. You sure know how to sneak up on people." I let out a sigh.

"Yo,.. Wana go walk around the house with me." I felt bad about Kalluto only following Kikyo around in the anime. Maybe I should take him for a stroll. "Mother seems to trust you. Ok" she won't be trusting me for long when I escape with Killua. "Does she." Kalluto nodded yes and followed me as I went outside.


"And this game is called Monopoly." "Wow, that's alot of games. How'd you find them?!" "That's a secret." Right now I was showing Kalluto all the games from my past world which I remade and have stored in my backpack. He seems to be really interested in them.

"Your bag is really cool to." He said as he signaled asking me if he can go through the bag. I nodded yes. "Cool, what's this." I almost forgot that this kid got an ability. I don't wana ask for him to use it. I'll just hang around. "That's a paper fortune teller..."

The day passed and the following 19 days, we hung out to. But not today. Right now I'm gonna check on Gon and the others.

3rd POV
Leorio and Kurapika almost got the gate open and they were trying again while Gon was standing next to Zebro. "Wah!!" Everyone turned their heads to the screaming Seaquant. "Y/n!" Gon shouted as he ran towards the girl who just appeared. "Damn Sequant. Kinda rude of you to just scream at me." She joked as she nudged him. "WHO ARE YOU?!! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!" She just strugged.

I left way before he began working here so I won't expect him to know me. "She's a friend of the Zoldycks. And she tends to somehow know everyone's name since she was younger." Zebro said as he scratched his face lightly with his finger. "How's the progress going?" "You know them." "Mhmm." "We're her friends!" Gon shouted as he came next to me.

"You know, Y/n. This might be alot easier if you just 'void' us inside." Leorio complained as he imitated me drawing the circle in the air. "But aren't you guys getting stronger. Think of this as a training exercise." I said as I gave them a thumbs up only to get looked at tiredly. I'm kinda surprised they didn't just ask me to teleport to Killua, get him and teleport back. It's probably because they want to 'convince' him to come back seeing as he left on his own free will if you minus the Illumi situation.

"But, miss Y/n. Why don't you open the gate." I looked at Zebro indicating to be quiet and he got it. "You can open the gate?!" "What~ no~." I said as I looked away and sweatdropped. Since I was younger, Illumi practically killed me with how much he made me practice to open the gates. I can probably open 4 and with the help of my nen, probably 5.

"Y/n. Come and open this gate." Leorio said as he folded his arms and tapped one foot on the ground. "Well would you look at that um, my mom's calling me. Bye." I shall not take away their victory of opening the gates tomorrow seeing as they almost opened it today. Wait, who am I even teleporting to. No one was even on my mind.

When I arrived, I just saw darkness. "Did I just die from teleporting?!" "Hahaa, no. That's an over the top assumption." "Woah! Who said that." I said as I looked around even though I saw nothing. "You don't have to keep your guard up. I won't hurt you." "...... You're an invisible talking thing and you want me to put my guard down? Yeah, no." "Haha, you're funny. I made a good choice in bringing you here." "Huh?"

Hi Skittles
Short chapter cuz I wanted a cliffhanger 😌🤭

Word Count:

I'm in Hunter x Hunter?!? (ON HOLD UNTIL I LOSE MY WRITERS BLOCK)Where stories live. Discover now