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"Ok Y/n,... go ahead." I put my hands to the side of the glass and....

"It isn't doing anything.." could it be Transmutation- *sound of something exploding.* I was cut of by a blaze of fire then an explosion. Now everywhere had smoke and we were all covered in black dust and ash. "*cough cough. What the hell?!" "*cough,.. watch your language, Y/n. *cough"-Illumi. "Oh my,.. I've never seen that before,.. Silva could she be a Specialist."

"Yup, that's a huge possibility." Silva said as he took a napkin to wipe his face. Woah,.. so I'm like Chrollo. Could I have it because I'm from another world. Because I found out that both my parents have Conguration. Strange. "You'll need to train more from now on, Y/n."-Illumi. "Yeah!" Should I just copy Chrollo's powers. But I don't wana steal other people's one. Hmm, I'll think about that a little later.

*sound of door knocking* "aww, already" "What do you mean, Kikyo?" "No no,.. I told you to call me mom. And why don't you have a look outside." "Hmm?" I walked out to the door and opened it to.."Mom! Dad!,..you're back." "Only took a few months but yeah." I was happy ofcourse because I kinda missed them, but everyone else was,.. "Illumi, why do you look more quiet than usual." "Dear, he's just sad because you'll be leaving now." "HUH?! Why?!" I shouted as I looked at my parents.

"We won't be back for years. So, we wanted to take you with us. And we heard you were training and by now you probably found out your nen type. So if we take you with us, you'll get more experience." "B-but, I'll miss them. And I didn't even get to see Kikyo's baby get born. Or beat Milluki in a game or-" "Yes we know you'll miss them, but we want you to grow stronger and we would like to help. You will always get to meet them later on,.. don't worry." "But I,.... ok,.. fine" I'll take that hunter exam in a few years anyway,... so I'll see them.

The Butlers packed my stuff and just like that, it was now night and we were at the door ready to leave. My parents were talking to theirs and I was just standing next to Milluki and Illumi. "Um,... I'll miss you guys." "Yeah, me to I guess,.....he-here." Milluki said as he handed me one of his gaming consoles. "Huh!? But isn't this one of your favorite games!?" "I already played it a bunch of times." He said while looking away. "..Thanks!"

Illumi stood there for a second watching us but then spoke. "I think I will miss you to. You were just like the little sister I never had. Very mischievous ofcourse and rude at times but still,.. you were alright." Damn,... I never thought I'd ever hear that coming from Illumi. "Thanks Lumi." "Don't call me that." "Haha~"

Anyway, we left after a while and took off to somewhere. Years passed,.. like alot of years and I spent that time training and strengthen myself. I even got my power. It's like Chrollo's one but I don't steal it. The more I use it, the weaker my enemy or the person I copied it from gets. Their power will build back up ofcourse,.. but that's when the fight is over or I'm not using it. I even got a book like Chrollo. And every time I wana add in something, a new page appears. The book is about 3 or 2 and a half centimeters thick at the moment.

And about how I go along copying these powers. I simply have to see them use it. Then it automatically gets analyzed, I write it down from what I analyzed,.. and boom,... power. But ofcourse,... every thing has a price. Mine is,... if a page gets ripped out,.. I'll never be able to use it ever again. If I try copying it from the same person in an attempt to get it back, it will not work. Once ripped out, it's gone for good from me.

I'm now 17 years old and well, you guessed it,.. I'm currently on my way to take the FRIKING HUNTER EXAM. I was so excited for today, I couldn't sleep.

I didn't really tell my 'parents' where I was going,.. I sorta just left a few days ago and now here I am,.. infront of that restaurant. I also thought ahead of everything. I brought my electric scooter so that I don't have to use up my energy in running. I also drove around on it looking for this exam site. And about the battery,.. I found some dude who has something to do with electricity in their nen,.. so I copied it. And now everytime my scooter battery goes down, I just use it to charge it. Sorry dude who I copied it from,.. he just gets weak evey few hours.

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