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"Phase 4 of the hunter exam is officially over. All remaining contests, please return to the starting point at once." As the examiner said that, I bid farewell to Siper and we all headed to the starting point. I also told Ponzu goodbye and she quietly waved.

After we got back, the last day, I went to get her back so that the committee will get her with Siper and the two guys the same time. She didn't try to take back the badge again so we were cool now.

We had an hour to get back so I just held onto everyone and teleported to the examiner who was rather shocked when we just appeared in front of her. The hour slowly passed and the remaining people came.

"Now, we will check the badge of everyone present here. Number 406, Miss. Y/n, Number 405, Mr. Gon, Number 99, Mr. Killua, Number 404, Mr. Kurapika, Number 403, Mr. Leorio, Number 44, Mr. Hisoka, Number 301, Mr. Gittarackur, Number 191, Mr. Bodoro, and finally, Number 294, Mr. Hanzo.

Huh, Hanzo won to. He must've taken some people I haven't really bothered about badges.

"Attention all applicants,... the chairman wishes to interview you. When you hear your Number, come to the reception room on the second floor. We'll start with Number 406." "Huh, why do I have to go first." "Go on, Y/n." Killua and Gon shouted as they pushed me in the direction. "Yeah yeah." I went and opened the door. "Good day, please have a seat." He asked me which one I have an eye out for and which one I would not like to fight. "Well," I started as I propped myself up with my hands and looked at the ceiling.

"I have an eye out for Numbers 44 and 301. However, I do not wish to fight, 403, 404, 405 and 99." "Thank you. That's all." I nodded yes before standing up. I walked out the door and they called Gon in next. As I walked out and Gon walked in, I opened my book and dropped something in the room.

It's another ability. It's basically used to spy. I got this when I was younger so I can't remember who I got it from. I form little circles with my nen in my hand and either drop it on the floor or stick it somewhere. After I'm finished with it, it disappears so that I don't get caught.

I walked out and ran to an empty room right after. I took up the listening part and put it in my ears. (Basically a wireless earphone.) "I would keep an eye out for Hisoka, Number 44. But I could never fight, Number 403, 404, 406 and 99." Hah he added me into that.

The next person went in. It was Killua now. "Gon, cuz we're the same age. Who I don't wana fight is Bodoro. I don't think it would be that fun." Next was Kurapika. "I'm watching 405 and 406 purely for positive reasons,.. 44 for negative reasons. I would fight anyone if there was a reason. If there isn't, I would rather not fight at all."

Next was Leorio. "Number 406. I owe her. I really hope she passes. That's why I really don't want to fight her." Aw thanks Leorio,.. and sorry for taking your spot, Gon.

Hisoka was next. "I'm keeping an eye out for 405, 99 and,... 406." Me?! "And I'd least like to fight number 405. The time simply isn't right." And here I thought I solved that creepiness of his.

Next was Illumi, well, Gittarackur. "Number 99, and 406. Then Number 44." Next was Bodoro. "Im keeping a watchful eye out for Number 44 however, I simply refuse to fight children, so number 405 and 99 are out."

And lastly was Hanzo. "I have an eye out for Number 406. We have a little thing to settle." Hah, is he talking about how I took the badges he needed. Hahaha.

I guess that was it. I disabled the listening device and went outside. We were now headed for the last phase. I hope it all works out. I went back to meet up with Gon and the others. When I arrived back, I saw Killua and Gon happily laughing. It's not like I don't want Killua to go back to his house and tell his dad about his friendship with Gon. I want him to go it's just, I also want him to pass the exam.

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