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"Welcome,...I'm Menchi, the Second Phase examiner."

Soon, it began. Everyone started running out in search of pigs. How the heck am I supposed to cook a pig. My parents never taught me that. Well, we're all going to fail anyway so I don't really have to try I guess. I was walking with Killua and the rest of guys in search of the pigs. Then we began going down the hill. "They're carnivores?" "Let's kill them.." "That sounded so violent, Y/n.."-Kurapika.

The pigs saw us and began running toward us. "Y/n what are you doing?! Run!" "Wait" I jumped up and kicked the pig's forehead. "That is the weak spot. Come on." They ran toward the pigs and began hitting the foreheads. A bunch of other people heard the noise and joined in. Soon, we all began running back to the area to cook it. "Hey guys,.. it's a while back,.. hold my hand." The four of them looked confused but then held onto my hands. "You may feel sick by the way." "!WA-"
*sound of wind blowing and leaves rustling*

"We're here." "Well that was faster than expected. How'd you just appear."-Menchi. "You used the same thing you did in the running part didn't you, Y/n!" Killua said in a voice that sounded like he was about to throw up. "Yeah".

We began preparing the meal and looked as other people now walked in with theirs. I didn't bother with making it perfect because I already knew that we'll be having another challenge. And soon, everyone finished and as expected, we all failed.

"Well that said,... I seems a bit excessive to fail every single applicant."

"The symbol of the hunters association." Soon, someone jumped down from the air ship. None other than Chairman Netero. He talked to Menchi and then she chose another exam. We all got onto the air ship and headed over to the site.

Upon arrival..
Menchi did her demonstration of how to get the Spider Eagle Egg and then as soon as she got back up..."I've been waiting for something like this!" Killua, Gon, Kurapika, Leorio and I all jumped down at the same time and then a bunch of other people followed afterward. I mean,.. I could have just used the skill I used to get Leorio from Hisoka,.. but what is the fun in that.

Everyone except a few held onto the web and as soon as Gon said to go, we all let go and grabbed the egg. A hard gust of wind blew and sent us flying back up. "THAT WAS FUN!" "Yeah!" We boiled the eggs and then ate it. It actually tasted really good,... you know,.. even though it's part Spider to.

After all of that, we got back onto the airship. Chairman Netero introduced himself and then we all went our separate ways. Killua and Gon went exploring,.. Kurapika and Leorio were about to go get some sleep and I was just staying with them. Well, we were heading to the sleeping areas but then Tonpa tried messing with us. I gave him a glare and pulled Kurapika and Leorio away.

"Don't listen to him. I'll wake you guys up when we reach so don't worry." "But don't you wana sleep to." "Don't worry about me~,.. I was gonna go for a walk to get food anyways." "Ok,.. but if you're feeling tired, make sure to come and sleep." "Yup"

I left them in the room and just walked around. "Huh,... did I get lost on an airship-" I was cut off by someone covering my mouth and pulling me into a room. "H-hey! Let me go." I tried to scream out. The person was holding onto my hands really tight so I couldn't get my book or fight back.

"Wait,... don't.... freak..out." Huh, that voice? "Illumi?" The person let go of me and I moved foward. I turned around and saw Gittarackur and Hisoka standing there. "Why did you pull me away so creepily. You know you could have just called for me. And why don't you take out those pins from your face. You look weird as hell."

He gave me a confused look but then began taking out the pins. "How did you know it was me?" "I have my ways. But I can't believe you didn't recognize me at first." "Well, you changed. You got taller, you lost that baby face of yours and your aura is,..well,... different." "So she's the little sister you said you had but lost." Hisoka said as he walked up towards me. "Yes. But she is not my blood sister." Well,... I think he knew that already, Illumi.

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