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The next phase begun. Everyone walked outside of the tower and saw the box where we had to choose the number. Since we came in earlier, I wonder if we would get different targets. I kinda hope I don't get Tonpa's target, Leorio and I hope Kurapika doesn't get me. Will the numbers change now or would we still have the same ones.

I took off my badge and hid it in my pocket. I signaled for Kurapika and the rest of them to do the same and look at the other people's badges. They were confused but still did it.

The began calling all the numbers in order to collect the card. "Number 7" I went up and dug around in the box, then picked up one. The rest of them went up after me. "Now if you would,.. please go ahead and peel off the sticker.,............the number you see is your target." Everyone began covering their badges and I just looked at Kurapika and the others and smiled.

I peeled off my sticker and my jaw dropped. No way,.. why him tho. We all boarded the boat and it set off. I sat next to Killua and Gon because I wanted to know what numbers they got. "Y/n,.. you looked shock when you got your badge,..... is it one of us." "Hmm .. it's a secret."

The three of us snickered before huddling close so no one could hear us. "Ok, pull your card out infront at the same time." I told them and they both nodded. "Ok,.. and go" Gon got Hisoka and Killua got the brother. How come they both got the same number they supposed to get. "Who's number is that, Y/n?" "It's Gittarackur." "Their eyes both widened and they burst out laughing. "Hey, why are you laughing. "Because. You're strong enough for him, why did you look scared." Gon nodded and agreed with Killua.

"Gon got Hisoka. But I don't know who's number is mine." "Oh, your target is one of the three brothers over there. The one with the yellow shirt with stripes." So does this mean that Kurapika has me. I wana ask. Soon, we arrived on the island. We started getting off in order. "Don't worry Gon,.. you can do this. You to Killua." I said to them before I got off the boat.

Will Illumi kill me if I go get him. I never know what he's thinking. I ran into the forest for a while and then went up a tree. I waited for a while and about now everyone got off. I decided to move to another place and I saw the sniper girl. I guess I got her original target huh. "Hi there~" I whispered to her as I sneaked next to her. She jumped up and scooted back. "Hey, don't worry, you're not my target."

"But you're mine!" She shouted as she aimed the gun at me." As soon as she clicked it, I teleported to behind her. "Hey, I just wanted to say hi. Not go on a killing spree. I kicked her down and held her to the ground with my foot after taking up her gun. "Hey, don't get yourself killed." I said as I took out my book. She looked at me with the side of her eye confused. "Ah, here it is." And before her eyes, I snapped the gun in half. "Wah?!"

That was a power I copied from my cousin. Super strength or something. Basically enhances your strength by alot. I dropped it to the ground and crushed it with my foot. "Got anymore weapons." She quickly nodded no and I took her badge. Number 80 huh. Wonder if anyone needs it. I got off the girl and walked away. But as soon as I took another step, I heard a gun click.

"Drop the badge." "How stupid do you think I am lady. Ofcourse a sniper has a hand gun." She clicked it and it blew up in her hand. "To bad I tinkered with it" I used another ability. It basically let's me fix or disrupt weapons that are in at lest a half of meter around me. She started screaming and dropped to the floor. Her had which was holding the gun was bleeding out and now just her arm was there. "Oh,.... sorry about that."

"Hey, you'll sell out our position if you keep on screaming." I took out a bandage from my bag and wrapped it around her hand. I would help her more, but I ain't got something that'll reattach all the pieces of her hand. I do have this pain releaving, blood stopping thing I got from a nurse though. When I wrapped the bandages, the pain was going away and the bleeding gradually stopped.

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