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"...... You're an invisible talking thing and you want me to put my guard down? Yeah, no." "Haha, you're funny. I made a good choice in bringing you here." "Huh?"

"What do you mean, ghost spirit." "Haha,. Call me Asper." "Is that your name." "No, but it's better than ghost spirit." "Then what's your real name?" "To be honest,.. I don't have one. I never talked to anyone before so I never bothered with names." "Which brings me to my other question... what are you. And you said you brought me here?"

"Ah yes. I am a connection between the real world and this world." "Woah, so you're an anime God. Can you send me to any anime. If you could that'd be awesome. I can be like a world leaper." "Wow now. Slow down. I'm as you say the 'anime god' but I'm only incharge of this world." "So are there anymore?" "Not that I'm aware of." "Hmmm. So what do you look like, Asper." "What's the fun in telling you right now. You'll know soon enough. For now, why don't you go back. The time zones are a little different when you're here."

Hmm. "Ok,.....WAIT!" "HUH!? Yeah, are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah,... I just wana clear things up." "Mhm." "You're not gonna send me back to my old world right?" "....why would I do that,.. you'd just die if you go back there. You were dead when I brought you here." When Asper said that, I felt a chill go up my body. "Ah, don't worry. The only way you're leaving this would is if you die let it be murder or age." I felt at ease after I heard that.

"Ok, now go~. If you stay here any longer, you might get old in the actual world." Before I could reply, I just felt a pull and then I fell and hit the floor. "Ouch, that hurt." I said as I sat up and rubbed my head. "Y/n!?" "Oh, Killua. Hey" I said as casually as I could. "What're you doing here?! Want my family to kill you!" He said as he pulled me up. "They won't~ At least I don't think so." "Hahhh." "Come on, let's go. Do your teleporting thing and get outta here."

"Ah,.. well. That'll kinda defeat the whole purpose of them coming all the way here." "Huh? What did you sa-" "Did you talk to your dad as yet?" He looked surprised before saying,.. "I was going to go now. But how did you know that." "Um,... I've been here since you arrived, soon yah. Oh, which reminds me,..." I said as I put my hand in my pocket. "Here, your hunter card." His eyes widened a bit when he took it in his hands. "Gee, thanks, really." "Think of it as an apology for not giving you a heads up on Lumi."

"*mumble*Lumi?! But anyway, I kinda put it together that he was controlling you, so its fine I guess." He said as he put both his hands behind his head. "Great,.. then you don't need to hold anything against me." I said and smiled as I roughly pat his head. "Yeah, whatever. I'm gonna go find my dad now. You can go ahead." "Mmm."

Yeah, I'm not leaving,.. because after he talks to his dad, he's just gonna go so I might as well stick around. "Bye Killua." I said before falling through a void under me. "Bye-"

"Y-Y/n?!." "You remembered me. I'm actually surprised, Milluki." "What are you doing here?" "I see your personality hasn't changed." I spat at him as I folded my arms. "You as well." He said as he looked at me and folded his hands also.

We were silent before he spoke. "What are you doing here?" "I came to get Killua. And what are you doing." "I'm going back to my room." "Okay, anyway,.. I'm leaving now-" "So that's why my parents called yours a few days ago." "What did they talk about." He just strugged. "I don't speak for free. I expect money." "Tch,.. I'll find out myself then." I said as I stuck my tongue out to him and made a void to outside of Silva's room. I turned myself invisible for the time being.

After Killua talks to him, and he's walking out, Kikyo will try to stop him. I'll just ask her then.

I heard movement inside the room and soon, the door opened. Killua exited and then, as soon as he was about to close the door,..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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