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"Oh, Ill- I mean Gittarackur. Hi." Did he come to fight and take back his badge. Or maybe he wants to get information on Killua. "What's up?" "I just saw you sit on the floor so I wanted to make sure you were ok." "Oh." I said as I walked toward him. "Um can we make a deal." He tilted his head a bit curious and confused. "Come here." I signaled to him to follow me in an empty area so we won't have any spies.

"Here." I said as I handed him Goz's badge. "How did you know this was my target." "I guessed." "Just like you guessed Hisoka's card." "Yes. I just narrowed down the numbers from the other people. So, now that you have this, you may need 3, no two more points since I gave you the sniper girl's one. Don't take numbers 403, 404, 405 and 99 badges. Go for anyone else  just not them." He got his target in the original quite easily because no one got his badge.

Now that I have his badge, I don't know what he'll do to get points. "Deal." "Promise." "Yes. But I can't say the same for Hisoka. He my hurt your little friends." "He won't." Afterall, he has his target's badge and in the anime, Kurapika made a deal with him. But I'll still stick around just incase. Also, I wana see when Gon gets his badge. "I won't be so sure about that." He said as he walked off to get new badges.

A few days passed and I've been doing nothing but wasting time and talking to Sniper girl. It was night now and I went walking around to see if anything happens. I can't remember everything that happened in the anime. When I was younger I wrote it all down in a book but it was random and not in order because I was forgetting it. Anyway, I heard people talking from a distance and I saw Hisoka talking to Leorio and Kurapika. This is where Kura gives him the badge.

I guess it won't hurt since-. But wait. Hisoka already has his 6 points. So what is he doing here. I quickly teleported to them to get there faster. "Y/n!" "Hola~. What do you want with them, Hisoka. Don't you have your 6 points" which will soon be 3 since Gon is currently stalking you. "I'm just looking to have a little fun." "Find it somewhere else, leave them alone." Since Kurapika's target wasn't me, I wonder who's it was.

"Hey, how may points do you guys have." I asked while still facing Hisoka. "I have my 6 points and Leorio has 3. He has yet to find is target." "What's your target number Leorio?" "It's 246." Great, that's the bee girl. She's probably gonna be in that cave. That'll be easy to get the badge. I'll pull her out of the cave one time and put her with Siper and the others.

"Go find someone else, Hisoka." He still has to fight someone for Gon to get his chance. "Hmmm,....." It took him a while but he finally gave in and I teleported Leorio and Kurapika to where the girl was. "Kura, who was your target." "It was some monkey man, number 118."  "Oh, anyway, your target is Ponzu, isn't that right, Leorio" Leorio nodded yes. "She's supposed to be in that cave. Be careful. She handles bees and chemicals."

They both nodded before I went off to follow Gon and Hisoka to see Gon triumph in getting that badge.

The next day
Right now I'm still following Gon and Hisoka. Gon is currently waiting to steal Hisoka's badge. I should probably get him out of there as soon as he gets the badge though. I don't want Hisoka going all weirdo on him. This may change the storyline where Gon supposed to go against Hisoka in the Heavens arena but somehow I'll still make it happen.

I felt Hisoka's bloodlust from the tree I was sitting on. It sent shivers up my spine. Creepy. The time was now and Gon used his fishing rod and got the badge. I almost fell off the branch because I cheered so much when he got it so perfectly. Oh, but I guess I didn't get to save that dude who Hisoka killed. I lost the bet I made to myself. I said I'd save the people that Hisoka and Illumi killed to see if I can but I guess I lost. Oh well.

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