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"Huh,.. who are you. Where's the other examinee, number 16!?" Holy shit he scared me. We all stood there and I looked around before replying,.. "we swapped,..it doesn't have any rule saying we can't." "I-i see."

Anyway, we were now at the area where they will be fighting the prisoners. We can probably win this,.. as long as Leorio doesn't go against that girl or make that bet and loose our time.

Oh, I almost forgot. I swapped with Tonpa,.. so I guess I'll take his opponent. Nice. But what was this dudes power. The match with Tonpa ended before it could even start. Ah geez.

After the hunter examiner explained the rules and what we'll be doing, it began. The paths to walk to the centre came out and the first dude walked up. "Hey, can I do this one." They all gave an unsure look at first but then they gave in.

"Alright! We got the first competitors." I don't know what this guy's power is so it's better to end this quickly. It began and he came running toward me to punch. "You think you can take me down with a book!-" "Void,. Phew" as I said that I drew a circle in the air and made a little gun with my hand at the end for the coolness of it. Next thing he knows, he was now dangling above the huge drop and the only thing holding him up was the bungee gum. "Knowledge dude."

"Yess Y/n!"- Gon, Kurapika, Leorio
"Now kill him"-Killua

"Wait wait,..don't!. Let me down." "You gotta give up if I let you down." "Yeah, yeah. So put me back down." I drew another circle with my other hand and pulled him through. "Thank you,..... for letting me win!" As he said that he pushed me off the edge. "Y/N!" Well, I wasn't expecting him to give in that easy. And wow, this is a long drop. I pulled out my book.

Killua POV
He just killed Y/n. Wait, she cant be dead. She got all these cool powers. But what if she doesn't take out the book in time. "Winner. Looks like she was to kind hearted." The dude began bragging but before he can say another word, we saw a little flash and Y/n appeared right infront of him with her book in her hand. "Wrong choice" as she said that, she kicked him off the edge.

"Wrong choice" I kicked him off the edge and held onto him with the bungee gum,... sorry Hisoka, you're probably feeling drained right about now. "You either give up right here and now or I'm dropping you." "Ok,. I give up! I surrender!" "Winner is candidate 406!" I pulled the dude through the circle again, dropped him and walked back to Leorio and the rest of the guys. As long as they do what they did in the anime then we win this. But I have to make sure Leorio doesn't make that bet and then risk most of our time. And since I won this round, once it's Leorio's turn, the girl most likely won't have more points(time) than us so he can bet all the time.

Now was the candle person and Gon went up. It went exactly as the anime and Gon obviously won. Next, was Kurapika. When he took down the blue person, he came back and sat next to me. Now it was Leorio who was going up. "Hey, Leorio." "Hm,.. yeah Y/n?" "Whatever happens,.. don't make a dumb decision." "Huh,.. what do you mean." "You'll see."

First he made the bet on whether the blue man was alive,.. and next,... "Alright ,.. let's bet on whether I'm a man or a woman." I swear to God if he makes the wrong choice,. I may just kill him. "Quit glaring at me, Y/n. You'll burn a hole through my head."

Leorio POV
If I say that she's a man then I'll get to check. Ehe. "Hehehe" "Leorio don't be dumb. Anyone has a rock that I can throw." "Chill out, Y/n. I got this."

He doesn't got this. He's a friking horny teenage boy who looks like a full grown man! If only I copied some mind control skill. I flipped through the book looking for something. "Oh wait, my bag." I got a bunch of random stuff in there. I rummaged around and found another book. "What, is that another book of skills."-Killua. "Nope, just a blank sketch book". Ah, I know. I can use that skill.

Leorio POV
I'm going to say man-. My thoughts were cut off by something hitting my head. Huh,.. I feel lightheaded. "If you say she's a male,.. you'll end up like Tonpa." The heck,.. that's Y/n's voice. Creepy.

Note:"when the word was like this,..he was hearing that in his head."

Ah yes,.. the ultimate cheat skill. If only I had it back in my world. Shall I explain. I take a piece of paper and write my message on it. I have to read it while writing it to. Then for convenience, I tear around the message as much as I could to make the paper smaller then throw it to the person I want the message to go to. They feel a bit of dizziness and the hear my message in their head. The downside is that I have to aim for their head or it won't work. Also,.. if I throw it to my own head,.. I'll pass out for some reason. Yes,.. i have tried it before.

Leorio turned around a bit creeped out then said. "You're a female!" I gave him a smile and thumbs up. The girl looked shocked and we won. "Heh. Good." "We won,.. but at what cost hahh." "Cheer up Leorio,.. now we can get out of this tower faster." I said as I pat his back. It's Killua's turn now. Although, we basically won now. He went up and just like that,.. he pulled out the man's heart. Quite satisfying actually.

"The examinees win. And with no time lost at that. You may now move on!" The little bridges extended out and we continued. We passed through alot of traps but finally arrived at the two door one. "We have enough time, so why don't we just take the long route." "Yeah, no one has to stay back." We all voted on the longer one but I'm not about to go through more traps. "Hey, give me a hand would ya."

What is she doing. "Hey, Y/n why are you picking up a weapon?!"-Leorio. "Oh, I know!"-Gon.

Nice to see Gon figured it out already. He took up a weapon to and just like that, we all broke down the wall to the shorter side. "Let's go!" We began running and soon saw a door after we came down a long slide.

"Y/n, number 406 is the 7th to pass,.... Gon, number 405 is the 8th to pass,.. Killua  number 99 is the  9th to pass,....Kurapika, number 404 is the 10th to pass,... Leorio, number 403 is the 11th to pass."

"Whew,.. took long enough. Now we can just sit and wait for the time to pass and don't have to worry about not making it." I said as I dropped down to sit on the floor. "Indeed." Kurapika agreed as he also sat down. We had a long while to wait again. I saw Hisoka, Illumi,..that blad dude and the others before us. Some even came after us. The five of us just sat there and relaxed.

"Hey, be right back. I'm gonna talk to people." Yeah right. I don't like people. I just wana talk to Hisoka and Illumi so I can get on their good sides,.. you know,.. the more allies, the better and the stronger they are,.. also the better. "Ok".

"Hey~" "Hmm,.. you used my power didn't you." "Maybe." We chatted for a while longer then I went back to Killua and Gon. "Are you friends with them? They're creepy." "Hm,.. friends,.. I guess.. probably acquaintance is a better word." "Hm"

More hours passed and I mean alot more. We all either slept or played games I found in my bag. I even tried Killua's hand shifting trick but I didn't get it sadly,.. damn,.. all those months I trained with the Zoldyck's and I still didn't get it. "Hey, Y/n. I wanted to say this for a while, but I wasn't sure." Killua said as he pulled me in a corner away from the rest of them.

"Do you know any other Zoldyck except me?" Should I tell him. "I know them from my parents,.. why?" "You fight like my brother." "You mean Illumi?" "Yeah. Ugh. I hate that guy. Anyway, are you close with them." "Well, when I was younger,.. way way younger. You were still in your mom's womb, I stayed with them for a while. My parents had something to do so your family kinda trained me a bit."

"So did they send you to spy on me or something?!!" "Ha! No. I don't take orders from others. I'm my own person,.. besides,.. I haven't seen your parents in years." "......I'll trust you for now." "Yes yes,... you can trust me." Besides,.... I'll always take the four of their sides for anything,....probably.


The time was up. Now the next phase was about to begin.

Word count:

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