- Chapter 2 -

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Y/N had run out of the classroom, not really knowing where to go. The bell rang soon enough anyway, so she ended up going straight to History. After another lesson, it was lunchtime. Y/N was still quite traumatised by the incident with Zhongli. She sat with her friends yet refused to say much and was strangely quiet. Childe was worried sick for her. He kept asking what had happened, but she didn't feel like saying anything.

Lunchtime went through without much incident. Y/N's friends were still worried about everything, but they collectively decided to let the matter settle. Aether was still anxious about the whole thing, but Lumine managed to calm everyone down, being the most collected out of everyone.

The end of the day finally arrived, and Y/N grabbed her stuff and got ready to leave when she heard a familiar voice call her.

'Y/N? You're still here?' Y/N turned around. It was Childe. She let out a sigh of relief.

'Yeah... Why are you still here?' Y/N asked.

'Oh, I was talking to Professor Zhongli.'

'Oh. Okay. Do you want to.... walk home together?'

'Yup! Let's go!' Childe grinned at Y/N, who weakly smiled back.

The two of them took their stuff and started walking home.

'Ugh, it's so cold and dark now! Are you cold?' Childe glanced at Y/N.

Y/N just shrugged, but Childe took his gloved hand and wrapped it around hers. 'There! Warmer?' Childe smiled comfortingly. Y/N looked away, but she was smiling. Thank you, Childe.

'Are you feeling okay now, Y/N? Do you want to come to my house tonight? There's no school tomorrow so - '

'It's fine, Childe. But thank you. Thank you so much. I really - '

She broke off as Y/N felt Childe hold her face and lightly kiss her on her forehead. 'No problem.'

Y/N looked away, blushing slightly. It's just a kiss! It's fine!

'Hey, you're blushing!' Childe held her face in his gloved hands, then hugged Y/N, squeezing her. 'Please, don't be sad. It breaks my heart to see you like this, Y/N.'



'Thank you.'

In an area not too far from where the two friends were standing, a particular brown-haired man stood, glaring at the smiling figure that dared touch the girl.

♥︎              ~              ♥︎           ~             ♥︎                   ~            ♥︎           ~            ♥︎           ~              ♥︎              ~           ♥︎

Over time, Y/N got over what happened with Zhongli. She wanted to report what he had done to the council, but as she impatiently waited outside Jean's office, wanting to talk to her, Lisa strangely came out of Jean's room and told Y/N to leave. She said so politely enough, but Y/N was rather annoyed. This happened a few more times, with either Jean 'being too busy to deal with small matters,' or another teacher ushering her away.

Y/N was frustrated, and Zhongli watched it all happen, smiling to himself. Y/N tried to forget about what had happened over time. It... kind of worked. She hated herself for now taking further action, but she'd say something if he did anything to her again.

At least that's what she told herself.

A few days later, Y/N was on her way home again while Childe was having football practice. She walked down the streets, unaware that someone was following her. The teacher carefully got his phone out. He took a couple of pictures of the girl, then continued following her until she got home.

Y/N was quite vigilant most of the time, but Zhongli once again could do much better. He knew how to blend into the surroundings, when Y/N was going to turn and where she would look. Almost as if he was experienced in following people and had done it countless times.

By the time Y/N had reached her house, Zhongli had taken several pictures of road names and directions. He then took a couple of pictures of the house, at different angles and the main aspects of it.

As Y/N stepped inside, Zhongli began walking back to his house, smiling at the fact that he was getting closer and closer to Y/N.

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