- Chapter 13 -

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As Y/N began her way to school, she heard a voice calling her name.

'Y/NN!! Y/N! Hey - '

She turned around. It was Childe. And he was going to school... early.

'Childe...? What are you - '

'That... that message you sent to me...'

'What message?'

'The one you sent this morning!'

'Childe... I don't have my phone. I didn't send anything...' Y/N looked confused and Childe sighed.

'Yes you did... look!' Childe pulled out his phone and clicked on their chat. He gave the phone to Y/N.

'W...what? Childe, I promise I... I didn't write that! Zhongli has my phone! He took it from me. I forgot to tell you that - '

'You forgot?'

'Yes, I did. I don't even have it on me. Childe, I would never say that. I don't know why he...'

'Okay. I... I'll trust you.'

'You better.'


'Let's go, Childe.'

Y/N thought of the plan she had prepared.

Should I check if Childe's one of the traitors later? He can't be... right? I'll... I guess I have to do it. Just in case.

The pair began walking casually once again, talking about nothing in particular.

School began as they reached the building and classes started. At break, Y/N began to get her plan ready. She had spent quite some time planning it out, but it wouldn't be too hard to execute. She looked at the USB she had. It had what seemed like a symbol on it. It resembled a peacock, with blue lines fanning out to create the feathers. Y/N thought back to what she had asked Zhongli about the USB. If the man had been telling the truth, then her plan should work efficiently. 

Y/N went over to an office. She knocked and waited impatiently for the door to be answered.

'Y/N. I was waiting for you.' Jean looked at Y/N.  'I have them here... Albedo made them for you, although I don't know why you would need - '

'Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Thank you, though,' Y/N said as she took the copies into her hand and rushed to where she needed to go.

'Alright then.' Jean walked back to her office.

Y/N stuffed the items into her pocket, being wary of anyone around her. She then took the items to Zhongli, who was in his office, alone.

'I have them.' 

Zhongli nodded, then took the things in Y/N's hand.

'Thank you, Y/N. You know what you should do, correct?'

'I could ask you the same question.'

'I'll be fine. Now hurry.'

Y/N left the room then went to talk to her friends. Everything was going smoothly, for now.

After another pair of lessons, Y/N went up to Childe at lunchtime.

'I need to ask you something. Come with me.' Childe looked confused but followed Y/N to a secluded area.

'Can you do me a favour and go over to Zhongli? I need a USB from him. Just ask him for one.'

'Oh, sure. Why though? Zhongli is...' Childe asked.

'Long story. But, I'll tell you once you do that for me. I would, but I have something to do.'

'Oh. Alright then, if you're sure. I'll meet you at where we usually sit with the others, okay?'

'Okay. Thank you.' Y/N walked away, leaving Childe to go to Zhongli's office. Y/N soon met her friends. 

'Y/N! We were waiting for you. Where's Childe?' Lumine asked.

'Oh... he's gone to get something. Anyways, why were you waiting for me?'

'Because... next Saturday is... his  funeral.' Lumine looked away as she said so.

'Venti - ' Y/N muttered quietly. 'Alright. What time is it at..?'

'1... 1 pm.'

'Okay. Thank you.' 

'Anyways I - '

'Hey!' Childe grinned as he practically jumped onto Thoma.

'Ah - ' Thoma flinched as Childe sat next to him.

'Y/N! I got your - '

'Thanks.' Y/N carefully took the USB Childe had and put it in her other pocket.

Their friends looked a bit confused but continued their conversation. After a while, Y/N stood up.

'I have to go somewhere. Sorry. I'll see you guys later.'

'Oh. Okay! See you then!' Yanfei smiled as Y/N began walking away.

She hurried to Zhongli's room once again. She knocked and the man answered it.

'Did he take one?' Y/N entered his office.

'Yes. He didn't ask about anything. I noted the details about it down and he seemed fine. I think we can cross him off our list, Y/N.' Zhongli looked up from the computer and gave Y/N a chair.

'Alright. I'm not surprised... But it's still good to know he's not one of the traitors. I'll do the rest of my friends over the next few days.'

'What if it's someone completely different?' Zhongli asked.

'There has to be a correlation with Venti. His death was apparently caused by someone. And I doubt any random person would be related to that.'

'However, there's always a possibility.' 

'I'll look into that. I mean, I doubt any of my friends are going to be working for that organisation, but, just to... make sure, I guess. I still don't understand why you're doing this.'

'You'll find out eventually. Be prepared for a lot of things. I'm going to take you to several places over the weekend.'

'Venti's... funeral is on Saturday.'

'You can't miss it?'

'No, I can't. He's still my friend. I still... miss him.'

'Alright. We'll start going more into this on Sunday then.'

Y/N nodded, then began getting ready to leave.

'I don't know why you're doing this, but thank you.'

She left the room.

I didn't ask him about the message.

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