Chapter one: New seat

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X!Chara is a literal child
modern/human AU
that is all you need to know


third person pov

Golden light shined though Nightmare's window. It was a normal day and felt like nothing could go wro-

"Nightmare! it's time to get up! it's time to go to school!" Dream called out to his brother, who was laying face first into his pillow. "That's exactly why I don't want to get up." Nightmare's response was muffled but his brother still understood. "I'm going to go make breakfast, you better be up and ready by the time I'm done." Dream said, trying to sound stern.

Nightmare only made an annoyed sound in return, Dream sighed and went to go make breakfast for the both of them. 'Maybe I should get up. It's not like I can fall asleep and continue my dream.' Nightmare thought, 'I hate it when that happens.'

he got out of bed with a grunt and pulled his hair behind his ear, he was going to fix that later. Nightmare dragged his feet over to the bathroom and got ready. He scowled at the sight of his right eye, it had ended up getting damaged during Nightmare's 'corruption' as him and Dream called it. So he grabbed and put on a square shaped cloth eye patch from one of the many draws and let a little of his hair fall and cover same of his face. He came downstairs and saw that Dream had finished breakfast, he pulled out one of the chairs out and it made a 'screech' sound against the floor that made him cringe slightly. "oh. you actually got up!" the younger twin called out with a hint of sarcasm,  "oh hush!" the taller of the two replied playfully.

the twins both lived in a large mansion-like house their mother had bought for them because of how close it was to the school. said school was three stories tall, the bottom floor for kindergarten to grade 5, middle floor for grades 6 to 8 and the top floor for grades 9 to 12 (Dream got lost on their first day). the twins mother would send them money once a month to make sure all the bills are getting paid, groceries stuff like that. their mother favored Dream, everyone seemed to choose the brighter twin over Nightmare but he didn't mind, he couldn't care less about what others think of him as long as no one touched his brother. Even after Nightmare's corruption he and Dream still stayed close (even if Nightmare might deny it).

Dream wordlessly slipped a plate with 2 fluffy, golden-brown pancakes infront of Nightmare who quickly started eating them. he was almost done when Dream called his name from the other side of the table, "Nightmare!" said person nearly dropped his fork. "what?" Dream had wide eyes and pointed to something over Nightmare's shoulder he turned around and his eyes winded as well.

the clock read 7:49.

"SH#T!" they both cursed at the same, jumping off the table and running to get their things which were packed from the night before. throwing on their jackets on the twins ran outside and starting making their way to (Hell) school.

— —

Both twins were trying to catch their breath by the time they arrived in their classroom and they dropped their bags over their seats and sat down as fast as possible. Luckily they had made it on time.

"Mr. Nightmare Joku, your seat had been changed, you'll be seated next to Mr. Peñaloza"

Nightmare got up from his seat and dragged his chair with his bag on it. 'Cross...' Nightmare thought, 'why did it have to be Cross...' it's not like he didn't like Cross, the exact opposite is why he didn't want to sit next to the smaller, snow-white haired boy. Nightmare's train of thought came to a stop when he pulled his chair under the desk next to Cross'. Planting himself on the seat, Nightmare snuck a glance at Cross only to find that the other wasn't acknowledging him and went back to looking at the whiteboard.

Well, of course his mind started wandering towards the boy next to him.

Cross was one of the few people Nightmare tolerated, on one occasion Nightmare had broke down in front of Cross and started crying into the other's shoulder while clinging on him for dear life, whispering sweet nothings and calming words. It was then that Nightmare had noticed his growing feelings for the smaller. Cross never brought that up again and Nightmare will be forever thankful.

Nightmare turned his focus back to the teacher for once. Math. Perfect.

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