Chapter eleven: "Nightmare, no!" "Nightmare, yes!"

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TW mentions of alcohol

Nightmare slumped down on his seat, he hadn't gotten that much sleep or else he'd be with his group or bullying others. He looked over to the seat next to his, it was empty.

Maybe he's just late again.

He wasn't. It was almost time for lunch and Cross still hadn't showed up. He acted like nothing had happened, but his worry was screaming at him to go check up on his Cross.

Lunch time. Nightmare went to the washroom, sprinting when he made sure no one was watching him. As soon as he walked in the washroom doors, the other boys ran out, trying to avoid him.

Nightmare pulled out his phone, he didn't need to scroll much since Cross was the last person he called. He pressed the call button and tapped his foot impatiently.

No answer.

Nightmare hit it again, his hands were shaking slightly, what if something happened?! What if Cross was in danger?! WHAT IF-


That wasn't Cross' voice, it sounded younger, so who was it?

"Who's this?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Why would you have Cross' phone?"

There was a distant, hushed "I knew it!" From the same voice.

"Knew what?"

"Awww, you're worried about Cross~"

"Wha- Seriously, who is this!?"

"I already said this before, why would I tell you?"

Nightmare thought for a moment. "Because I know Cross?"

"If you were looking for him, he can't see anyone right now, and I'm not allowed to talk to people I don't know." They hung up.

Nightmare grit his teeth and called again. They answered. "Why can't he see anyone!?"

"Why do you think it's your business?" Nightmare's eye narrowed in frustration. How are they so calm?

"I-I just want to know! He hasn't been to school all day so far, and I'm honestly worried, okay!?"

Nightmare heard muffled laughter, the person replied.

"Alright, alright, he's fine. You might be able to see him tomorrow."

"Really? Why is he gone today, then?"

"He's sick. There's your answer."

Nightmare sighed. "Oh, okay. That's. . . better than what I worried, I suppose. . ."

"Hmm. Chara?..."

"Gotta go." They hung up again.

Nightmare sighed again and headed towards his classroom to start his lunch. He sat down and looked at his food. He wasn't really hungry. "Where did you go?" Nightmare looked up at Error.

"Bathroom. . ."

"Huh, well, we all noticed you seemed kind of anxious today. What's up?"

"Uh, nothing. I was just tired. . ."

"Sure you were."

"You don't believe me? How dare you!"

"You haven't made any sassy comments the whole day. What happened?"

"Like I said, I was tired. I'm fine now, so drop it."

"Even if you were, you're not anymore. What happened with the sassy comments?"

"I'm. . . bored. Also, I don't have any content to make sassy comments about."

"That makes sense..."

"Exactly. If I don't make sense, I'm drunk."

"We're seven-teen, Nightmare. We can't get drunk."

"Eh, who knows? Someone might have put vodka in the water fountain." Nightmare grinned at Error.

"If anyone actually did that, it would probably be you."

"Maybe~. Who knows what I could do with a bunch of drunk highschoolers."

"Ugh, I don't want to even imagine. . ."

"Though, not everyone uses the water fountain unless they're refilling their water bottles. . . Eh, still would be worth a shot. Error, we're going vodka shopping tonight-"


"You're no fun!" Error turned to the others behind him.

"He's back to normal!" They all let out a few okays or whatevers, but they did actually care.

"Am I ever actually 'normal'? Like, socially normal?"

"Nightmare, shut up."

"Well, okay, if you insist. . . You didn't say for how long, now I'm confiscating your chocolate."

"DoN't T-toUch my-Y cHocOla-tE!"

"Alas, you were too late." Nightmare snatched it and pocketed it. "This is mine now." He may or may not have been thinking about gifting it to Cross.

"GivE i-it Back-cK!" He tried to reach out, but his haphephobia kicked in and he retracted his hand.

"Don't try it~. Y'know, I might give this back if you buy vodka with me!"

"Nightmare, we are not drugging the entire school."

"Yes. We. Are."

"Are you going to stay at home or actually get it? I wouldn't go if you coward out of it."

Nightmare laughed. "Oh, Error, you know that I wouldn't do such a thing. I just ditch you in illegal places, but I won't do that this time. I actually want to watch it go down."

"I meant that hypothetically!"

"You don't need to be hypothetical about it. Just foresee it."

"I'll do it, but if we get caught you're taking the blame!"

"Oh, trust me. We wouldn't."

"I really shouldn't trust you, but fine."

"Yay~! Now meet me at that one place that would smuggle minors alcohol for the right price at 7, okay?"

Error sighed. "What the hell am I getting myself into?"

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