Chapter five: Scars

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TW abuse, XGaster, blood, swearing

Cross got back from work. It was late. He sighed and turned the doorknob, awaiting his fate. He didn't get it, really. Why would XGaster care if he got home late or not?

"You're. Late." The voice was slick and threatening. "I-I know. I'm sorry." Cross only ever spoke directly towards the adult that haunted him, knowing that trying to save his voice would only piss him off.

"Get over here you piece of crap!" Cross timidly shuffled over.

"I-I promise it won't happen again! I swear upon my heart!"

The adult stood up. "Like hell! I bet you were prancing around all carefree, thankful that you ain't getting your ass whipped! You damn coward!" XGaster grabbed Cross' bicep, pulling him forwards so he couldn't escape. He grabbed an empty beer bottle and smashed it against his head. Cross hated how he now "Get in place, runt! Oh, and no food tonight or else I'll throw you in the basement!"

Cross nodded rapidly, tears pricking athis eyes. Glass had been tangled in his hair. He felt some shards embedded in his scalp, the blood trickling down his forehead sending shivers and pain down his back. XGaster sneered and threw Cross against the hard, wooden floor. "Go to your damn room. NOW!!"

Cross got up and ran upstairs. He burst into his room. Chara panicked as he say his brother fall to the floor, bleeding and crying. The lavender blood dropped from the ends of his hair and dropped onto the floor. It quickly stained the carpets that were spread across the stairs and entirety of the top floor, not including bathrooms.

Chara lunged off his rickety, stained mattress and slammed the bathroom door open. He stepped on the toilet to get the med-kit. He nearly slipped, but caught himself against the surprisingly sturdy door. He pushed off it and ran back into the bedroom, going to help Cross.

He started by pulling the shards of glass out of his hair, not really caring that he was cutting his own hands. He brushed his hand against the shaved part of his brother's head. He then took some disinfectant spray and sprayed the wounds. It stung, but Cross didn't care to much.

Chara dabbed some alcohol liquid against the wounds with a cotton ball. He'd gotten extremely good at treating wounds, due to Cross enduring most of the abuse so his younger brother didn't have to get as hurt. There were marks left on Cross' right arm. Chara couldn't do much about that.

He sighed and pulled out the bandages. He couldn't get to most of his brother's scalp, so he wrapped the bandage around his forehead. Cross almost silently gave a thank you. "Save your voice. . . What happened?"

Cross raised his hands shakily. He signed that he wasn't allowed to eat. Chara's eyes widened. "That's. . . Horrible." Cross rolled his eyes and signed that it was XGaster that they were talking about. "I suppose so. . ."

Chara looked away. He pulled something out of his pocket. It was crumpled and folded. The chocolate bar. . . Cross shook his head. "You have to eat something!" They heard a glass shatter downstairs. Cross put a finger to his mouth, signaling Chara to be quiet.

He shoved the chocolate bar away. He didn't want to risk it. Chara growled and shoved the chocolate into Cross' mouth. He couldn't help but let the delicious flavor sink in. He took a few slow bites, still unsure, but swiftly shoved it down his throat. It tasted so good. Of course, all good things must come to and end. . .

"What. Did. I. SAY!?"

The two whipped their heads around to quiver in fear at the tall figure in the doorway. XGaster stepped foward, a glass shard clutched in his hand. He grabbed Cross by the hair and prepared to slice his face.


They both looked over to Chara. "Don't hurt him! I gave him the chocolate!""Chara don't-!" Cross was slammed to the floor before he could finish.


Cross couldn't look. He only had to bear the shrieks and cries of agony that escaped his brother's mouth.

Chara was left with a permanent scar down his left eye.

Sunday. Chara and Cross hade to go to school tomorrow. Cross had bandaged Chara's eye, but due to all the... experiments done on Chara and himself, it had healed rather quickly. Problem was, there was a nasty scar going down the right side of Chara's face.

"Chara, why don't I teach you how to cover it with makeup in the morning?"

Monday. Chara had gotten awoken by Cross, quickly finishing their morningly routine, they slipped out the door and started walking to school.

"How's your eye?"

"It'll heal."

Chara and Cross continued their trip in comfortable silence.

Chara walked into his classroom. He put away his stuff in his desk and went over to his usual hangout corner to wait for the bell.

"You should leave."

Chara looked up at his classmate. Her name was Betty. She was part of a rich family with parents obsessed with her properness. She was also Chara's best friend and crush. He knew exactly what she meant.

"What about Cross? Where would we go?"

She turned to him. "You'll live with me."

Chara shook his head. "No. Your parents will kick us out."

She frowned. "But your eye. . ."

Betty could tell where Chara hid his scars with makeup. The brothers could easily just tell everyone about it, but it wouldn't end well for them.

"I can deal with it." Betty knew he wasn't sure himself, but didn't push it. "If you say so." She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Just get better ♡"

She backed away and skipped over to her desk. Chara's face was all the shades of red.

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