Chapter Fourteen: A Somewhat Sleepover

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5901 words, wow... also, TW attempted ***e, blood, death (pretty sure we all wanted him dead anyways). What a lovely start, but don't worry, there's plenty of fluff to make up for that.

Cross creaked open the door. He heard nothing. "Let's go." Chara nodded and followed Cross inside. They tip-toed over to the stairs. XGaster was passed out on the couch. They doubted he'd be up soon. They then went upstairs to their room. Cross started to get ready for work as Chara texted Betty.

Cross went into their bathroom and took a shower. He finished and put on his tan shirt and black pants. He grabbed his pen and notepad, put on a jacket, and said goodbye to Chara and kissed his forehead like a mom and left for work. He walked down to the nearest bus stop. He waited for a public bus and got on.

He should've gotten a taxi.

The bus was crowded and had a couple of creeps. Some guy came up to Cross and made gross lovey faces at him. Cross shivered and scooted away. He bumped into someone else who was worse. They grabbed his waist and smirked at him. A cigarette hung from his mouth. He took it out and blew smoke before looking back at Cross. "Hey~" The word dragged out from his mouth in a way that made Cross cringe.

He looked away and pushed away the guy's hand. That annoyed the man. He growled and pulled Cross close. "My name's Nick. You're pretty hot. Wanna stay with me tonight?"

Cross ignored him. "Quiet type, huh? That's alright. I dig it~"

Cross felt as if he was on the verge of tears. He wanted to get away but not cause a scene. He wished Nightmare was there with him. He wouldn't care if people called them a couple. Not like he ever did. He tried to pull away from the guy who reeks of smoke and alcohol. It reminded him of XGaster too much. He shook his head at him. The bus wasn't anywhere near his work.

"Hey, look at me, sweetheart."

Cross' face began to turn into a twisted frown. The only people he'd be comfortable being this close to was Nightmare and Chara. He got up and ran to the front. He asked to get off and the driver let him. That Nick guy followed him. It was part one of his plan. He speedwalked down the sidewalk as the creep advanced towards him. He spotted the nearest alleyway and turned down it.

Nick thought it was too easy. He turned the same alleyway. Cross had flipped his hood on, a dark shadow covering his face from the dim light of the alleyway. He also zipped up his jacket. He could burn it if it got messy, and his pants were black so it wouldn't show any stains.

Before Nick could say something, Cross turned his back to glare at him, his blood red eye glowing dangerously. This made Nick hesitate a bit before saying what he was going to say.

"You're still really cute. If you're worried about pain, I can be gentle."

Cross took a deep breath, now he knew for sure this creep wasn't going to back off.

"C'mon-" he was off by something zipping past him, it glowed red and the air made a swoosh sound. He screamed as the side of his face started burning.

He screamed again as something else jabbed his knee, he looked down and saw a burning hot knife embedded in him.

His shoulder was next.

Then his other knee.

His foot.

His fingers.

His hand.

The other side of his face.

His stomach.

Cross had appeared in front of him by now.

"PLEASE- don't kill m- AAAAA!"

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