The Escape Part 2

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All of the parents continuously drove to where they knew their children were held, all were angry and ready to destroy. Jodie, Ledge, Blair, Lisa and Jeff were in Jodie's minivan leading, while Tracy, Kris, Ryan, and Jonathan were in the middle and Mitchell and Lauren were in the back.

Ryan and Blair were still trying to come up with a strategy to attack the hunters with.

Kris looked at Jonathan who was acting slightly different, her eyes gazed over his body and there appeared that there was a small hand gun strapped to his waist.

"John, thats not going to stop a hunter." Kris remarked

"Its not for a hunter." He replied

"Then whats it-" Kris started until she realized the purpose of the gun. "John you cant." Kris said with her voice slightly raised

"Kris is right Jonathan, you cant do it." Tracy said as she turned away from the road for a second

"I don't expect you to get it, I lost my mate and my daughter, I have nothing else to live for. I've been considering this for years, but now is the right time." Jonathan explained

"We're going to miss you John." Kris stated as tears spilled out of her eyes

Jonathan smiled.

"Are you sure about this?" Ryan asked

"Very, after we get rid of those hunters, I'm gone, forever." Jonathan told

The car was silent after that, everyone was getting even angrier, first they loose their kids, now they were about to loose a dear friend.


Jordan kept running down the hallway, away from hunters chasing her, she kept turning to send electricity down the hall, trying to distract the hunters.

Trinity was also running, trying to get away and burning everything behind her. She wasn't looking where she was going and felt her wings hit someone, she turned and opened her mouth, about to breathe fire to see Jordan turned with he hands holding a knife and an energy ball.



Both girls spoke at the same time, happy that the other was alive.

"Where's everyone else?" Jordan asked

"I don't know, we had to split up." Trinity said

"We should stick together, until we find the others." Jordan said and both girls started walking back to back down the hallways, fully armed.

Luca was still fighting with Daniel.

"How could you do this to us Luca? After everything we gave you, after all we've done for you." Daniel asked as he pushed Luca against the wall.

"All that you've done for me?!" Luca repeated "Once I turned sixteen you locked me in this hole, all you gave me was a pillow, some lab equipment, a hot plate and a mini-fridge that half worked! There are codes for the doors that you continuously changed and forgot to give me the new codes! I was trapped in here for two months, with only three boxes of ramen noodles and half a roast chicken! You never treated me like family, not even like a friend!" Luca screamed as he pushed Daniel off of him and into the wall behind him.

Daniel coughed and slid to the floor as Luca picked up his gun and held to Daniels head.

"Now tell me, what really happened to my parents." Luca told in a dark voice

J.T and Dana continued to run, trying to find an exit, when they heard a growl. They stopped immediately.

"Stay behind me." J.T said in a whispered tone, Dana nodded and both started walking slowly around the corner, they turned and saw that it was Logan in his wolf form walking away from a few dead hunters.

"Oh thank god." Dana said as she walked over to him and smiled. Logan shifted and threw on a pair of pants.

"Where's Jordan?" Logan asked concerned

"We don't know, she told us to go on." J.T answered "Where's everyone else?"

"Don't know, we got separated." Logan answered "We should probably stay together from now on." Logan told and the others agreed

Kendall was running by himself, he kept running down a hall when he saw Diamond running down another, he turned down the hall in which she came and saw Stacy running, his gun wasn't loaded so he picked it up and swung it, hitting Stacy in the head, knocking her out. Diamond heard the sound and turned, seeing Kendall and she ran to him.

"We need to find the others before she wakes up." Kendall said and Diamond agreed and they started running down the hall.

All of the teens were running from the remaining hunters and trying to find an exit before their powers wore out. They only had about twenty minutes left. They were all still bruised and cut but not severally.

Luca ran out of the hall that he was in and started searching for the teens, mostly Diamond. He saw Stacy's still unconscious body and saw that she was starting to wake up, but he didn't stop and kept running, he saw footprints and decided to follow them.

Dana, J.T and Logan we going around corners when they saw six hunters, they tried to turn before they were spotted but were too late. The hunters pulled up their weapons and pointed them at the teens, surrounding them. J.T and Logan shifted while Dana held up a vine.

"You sure you want this fight?" Dana asked and the hunters cocked their guns. "You asked for it." she smiled before wrapping her vine around a hunters neck and throwing her into another, starting the small fight.

Trinity, Jordan, Diamond and Kendall all ended up together in the front hall with a large padlocked door and a thick window before they heard a female scream.

"Its Dana!" Jordan said worried

"Trin, you and Diamond try to get that door open, and Jordan come with me." Kendall told before him and Jordan ran in the direction were they heard Dana scream.

Trinity tried breathing fire on both the door and the window, but nothing happened, both girls tried spells, and kicking, but nothing worked. A male hunter came from a hallway and Diamond jumped on him while Trinity continued with the door, Diamond successfully knocked out the man when Stacy came from the hallway with a bloody nose and a crossbow in her hand, she aimed it at Trinity, but Diamond got up and pushed Trinity out of the way, before Stacy could fire. Jordan came from behind Stacy and kicked her legs and kicked her in the back of her head, knocking her out.

"Bitch." Jordan muttered

The other teens and Luca came from behind to see what happened

"Are you ok Trinity?" Diamond asked

"Yeah I'm-" Trinity started before her eyes drifted to Diamond's stomach, all eyes were staring at her. Diamond finally looked down to see a large silver arrow sticking out of her stomach, releasing the crimson colored blood onto her white shirt. Diamond touched the arrow and winced.

"Fuck." she muttered before she started to drop, Luca ran over to catch her before she could hit the ground.


Hope you liked this chapter, what do you think will happen next?

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