The Escape

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All walked as silently as possible out of the room.

"There are about fifty guards patrolling, so watch out. Also there are three main trails that will lead you out, one is straight, another is to the left and the last is right, just in case we get split up, but all eventually meet at the center door." Luca told "And remember, don't get shot, everyone here has silver bullets, so even a small shot might kill you, got it?." All nodded.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" A hunter screamed from the center as a few more hunters came behind him.

"Run!" Luca shouted and all ran in different directions. Luca went straight with Diamond behind him, he shot all three hunters standing in their way. "Diamond! Leave, find your friends!" Luca commanded

"I'm not leaving you!" Diamond retorted

"Diamond-"Luca started

"No! You had my back, now I have yours." Diamond smirked before shooting a hunter over Luca's shoulder

Jordan, J.T and Dana ran left as they heard a few hunters running and shouting after them.

"You guys go ahead, I'll hold them off!" Jordan shouted. Dana was about to object but Jordan cut in. "I know what I'm doing, I have a plan, now go!" and both ran off.

Jordan jumped into a hole in the celling and held herself there until she heard a hunter coming, once above him she dropped down on his shoulders and pressed her thumbs into his neck, and let the electricity flow into him until he fell to the ground. Jordan got up and waited for more hunters to come, and when they did she started throwing the knives she was given and using electricity to her advantage, but one was able to get close enough to punch her, but Jordan electrocuted her, when more hunters started to show, Jordan ran down another hallway.

Kendall, Trinity and Logan ran trying to find an exit, when a few hunters showed in front of them. Kendall opened fire with his gun, shooting everything in his path and when a hunter showed up behind them, Logan pounced on her and sunk his teeth in her shoulder, Kendall ran out of bullets and tried to reload when a woman came up with a flame thrower. Trinity grabbed her mate and threw him behind her and turned her back, shielding them with her wings. The hunter threw the flames and they hit Trinity's wings and legs, not harming her. The hunter looked totally shocked.

"What the fuck?" The hunter asked confused

"I'm fireproof bitch!" Trinity said as she turned around opened her mouth, spitting a ball of fire at the female hunter, the woman ran but not before catching her pants and shirt a blaze. More hunters came from both sides and all three creatures were fighting off the attackers as best as possible, until all three teens were separated, running down their own hallways.

J.T was shifted from his tiger form, back to human after throwing on a pair of shorts, he was being followed by Dana and they were both hoping to find an exit, and that all of their friends were still ok. The two came to many doors, but none would open, not even with magic, a hunters started gaining on them.

"Stop dryad!" a male hunter screamed from behind and Dana stopped dead in her tracks, that word reminded her of something, something she thought of every night for the past nine years.


Young eight year old Dana Howard got off the bus from school one day and headed for her house which was deep in the woods. After fetching the mail Dana opened the door, but Dana could sense something was wrong, she walked into the kitchen to see drops of blood leading up the stairs, she could smell that it was her mothers. Dana started to tremble.

"Mom, mommy." Dana's voice came out as a whisper, the nymph ran up the stairs to see two men in her parents room, with one straddling her mother, holding her arms and legs down. Dana ran in the room. "Stop, let her go." Dana shouted with tears filling her eyes as she tried to run toward her mother.

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