Completing The Bond

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It was two days before Jordan's birthday and both Jordan and Logan were extremely nervous about what was going to happen. Jordan, went to talk with Trinity and Logan went to speak with Kendall, since they were the only people that the couple knew who were mated that they felt comfortable talking to.

Jordan was dropped off by her mom and once she exited the car she walked up to the Gordon's door and rang the bell. She heard some shuffling and saw Sam open the door.

"Hey Jordan, come in." Sam smiled as he opened the door more so she could come in. "Yo Trin! Jordan's here!" Sam yelled

"Damn you're loud." Jordan joked

"Whatever." Sam chuckled "Mom! I'm taking your car! I'll be back later!" Sam yelled as he grabbed a set of keys off of the counter

"Ok! But if the cops pull you over I'll tell them you stole my keys." Kris shouted back in a serious tone

"Ok!" Sam yelled

"Where are you going?" Jordan inquired

"My girlfriends house." Sam stated. Jordan raised an eyebrow. "Megan." Sam smiled

"Does Logan know?" Jordan asked

"God, I hope not. Don't tell him ok?" Sam asked

"Sure." Jordan smiled before Sam ran out the house

"Hey Jordan." Trinity greeted as she came down the stairs.

"Hey Trin." Jordan smiled

"C'mon, lets go to my room." Trinity smiled as she led Jordan to her room. Trinity's room was covered in rock posters, chains, small paintings that somehow worked together and there was a picture of a garden made from small pictures of Trinity's mugshots. "So, what brings you here?" Trinity asked as she sat on her bed

"Well, Logan and I have to complete our mating bond before my birthday and um-" Jordan started nervously

"And, you don't know if you're ready to have sex." Trinity stated

"Yeah." Jordan nodded "How did you know you were ready."

Trinity shook her head "You're really asking the wrong person that question. I was thirteen when I lost my virginity, I was stupid and I defiantly wasn't in love. I also didn't love the other twenty guys I slept with, some I barely knew. Even Kendall, I didn't love before we completed our bond." Trinity explained truthfully

"Do you regret it? Having sex with anyone other than Kendall?" Jordan asked

"Yes and no. I thought that I would never find my mate, and that whole thing with my father, I just needed to feel some type of love, or to feel cared about by a male, but I also have no regrets, all of thats in the past and luckily Kendall cant hold that against me because he's slept with more people than I have." Trinity stated

Jordan looked down, not getting an answer that she came for. Trinity noticed.

"But I will tell you that having sex with your mate... making love to your mate is like no other pleasure you'll ever know. And when your ready, you just... "Trinity sighed and smiled "You just know."

"Thanks." Jordan smiled

"Now, tell me what you like most about Logan." Trinity smiled and both girls took off in conversation about their boyfriends

At Logan's house, he waited for Kendall to get dropped off by Tracy. After a few minutes he heard a beat on the door, he went to open it to his surprise he saw Sam.

Sam looked completely terrified. "H-hey Logan." Sam stuttered

"Hey Sam. Why are you here." Logan asked confused

Megan walked down the stairs and was surprised that Logan was standing at the door with Sam. "Oh shit." Megan muttered

Kendall walked up behind Sam and was able to feel the awkwardness, he pushed past Sam and Logan and looked up at the silent Megan, feeling her emotions.

"They're dating." Kendall blurted out, feeling their emotions "Probably a week, give or take a few days." he continued

"What the hell Kendall?" Sam asked

"What? You were going to tell him anyway." Kendall shrugged

"You were supposed to be on my side." Sam said as Megan walked over to him and gave him a side hug

"Dude, I'm banging your sister, I'm kind of not on your side anymore." Kendall joked

"God! Don't remind me. I had to buy noise canceling headphones because of you." Sam said before exiting the house with Megan

"Should I be worried?" Logan asked as he looked at the place where his sister was previously standing

"No, Sam's a good kid, nothing like his sister." Kendall smiled "So you called me to ask about what you should do with Jordan?"

"Yeah, I'm kind of nervous. I really love her, and I don't..." Logan trailed off

Kendall sighed "Wow, I really miss that."

"Miss what?" Logan asked

"The anxiety, the fear, the feeling of my heart about to jump out of my chest. I really miss that." Kendall stated


"Yeah, and it's strange because I had that with Trin. I was nervous to sleep with her, even though I was far from being a virgin, it felt like my first time, and I think thats how you know you're ready. You need to feel... something." Kendall said

Logan was able to understand Kendall and they quickly started talking about many different topics until Tracy came back to pick up Kendall.


The next day Jordan and Logan were still pretty scared about completing their bond. The two rented a hotel room a few miles away from their homes. They went to a movie and dinner to set the mood and after that they came back to the hotel.

They walked into the elevator and they could both feel each others anxiety.

"Tonight has been amazing." Jordan finally spoke

"Yeah? I'm glad you liked everything." Logan smiled as the elevator came to a stop. They both then got out and started walking to their room. Logan took out the key card from his pocket and slid it into the lock, he opened the door and let Jordan go in first.

She smiled as she scanned the room. "This is wonderful."

"I thought you'd like it." He whispered in the part of her neck where his mark would lay

Jordan turned around and kissed his lips, she then moved him over to the bed and pushed him on it. Logan chuckled and pulled her down with him. They both then started fumbling while trying to take off the others clothing.

"How much do you really care about these clothes?" Logan asked

"Not at all." Jordan smiled and Logan easily ripped off her dress and she did the same to his shirt and pants. Jordan was straddling Logan when she noticed him staring at her neck. "Just do it already." she whispered and he started to kiss her neck before he sunk his teeth in her. Jordan cringed, then smiled, her pain turning into pleasure.

"I love you." Logan breathed before flipping Jordan over

"I love you too." She smiled before they continued their night.


Hope you liked it. I would have done a sex scene but I figured I did it in my other book and Jordan's seventeen still so I thought that might be a little weird. Thanks for reading, vote and comment

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