Happy Birthday Trin

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After two weeks, Diamond was still trying to find the answer to why they were being chased by hunters. She looked though countless books, and read many stories online, but still found nothing.

While Diamond was looking the others were trying to plan a surprise birthday party for Trinity. Trinity would be the first out of the group to turn eighteen, and they wanted her party to be spectacular. The major planing was finished and all they had left to do was the minor detail work.

It was sunday and everyone but Trinity took off time from our activities to help finish the decoration and details for Trinity's party. The party was being held at an abandon warehouse that the witch's use to hang out in during freshman year.

"Let's have the music set up here, and the presents over there and... Dana! Can you have some ivy leaves grow from the walls." Diamond directed.

Dana did as was told and lifted her hands and vines of ivy appeared on the walls.

Diamond was about to start barking commands when Jordan walked up to her.

"Hey Diamond, this party's going to be amazing. You don't need to try this hard." Jordan told her

"Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. Its just that Trinity's my best friend and I just want her birthday to be perfect." Diamond apologized

"I get it, I would do the same for Dana. But you don't have to worry, Trinity will love it." Jordan reassured her

"Alright, lets get the rest of this stuff set up." Diamond said in a more relaxed tone

After everyone finished setting up the decorations for Trinity's birthday party, all that was left was to set up the food. Jordan called a local pizzeria and told them that they needed eight large pepperoni pizzas delivered to the warehouse on Tuesday at 7 o'clock, an hour before the party started. Diamond told Logan to get a few gallons of soda and Kendall went along with him to get a few bags of ice. When the boys came back they put the ice in one of the freezers and the soda's in the back. When all was done everyone went home.


On Tuesday everyone tried to avoid Trinity as much as possible, because they wanted to keep the party a secret as long as possible. After school at about six thirty, Jordan went to Trinity's house.

"Hey Trin." Jordan greeted

"Hi." She said slightly upset. Jordan knew Trinity was upset because she thought everyone forgot her birthday, so Jordan just played along, trying not to spoil the surprise.

"I came to get you because Diamond had a bit of a breakdown and the only person she'll talk to is... you." Jordan lied, she just needed Trinity to come with her.

"Ok." Trinity agreed before grabbing her purse. "Lets go." she said as she walked toward Jordan's car. They drove for a few minutes in silence until they finally reached the warehouse.

"Why are we here?" Trinity asked, confused.

"This is were Diamond ran." Jordan lied

"But, how did she even know about this-" Trinity started

"C'mon we have to hurry." Jordan cut her off from thinking any farther into the situation. Jordan and Trinity walked inside and saw that it was dark.

"Where's Di-" Trinity started

"Surprise!" everyone shouted as the lights suddenly came on and people jumped from behind furniture.

"Oh my god." Trinity smiled

"Happy birthday Trin." Diamond smiled as she came over to Trinity and Jordan.

"Thanks." Trinity replied as she gave Diamond a tight hug, then gave one to Jordan and then she joined the party.

The party was small, Trinity didn't have a lot of friends, besides her small group, so it was just the group and about ten kids who were in detention with Trinity, her mom and younger brother Sam were there too, but they didn't stay too long.

Everyone at the party was having fun, dancing to the music, eating the food and having a good time. The party was starting to wind down when Trinity started acting kind of strange.

"Hey Trin, you ok?" Dana asked as she walked up to Trinity sniffing the air.

"Do you guys smell that?" Trinity asked as she looked around. The girls sniffed the air but smelt nothing.

"Smell what?" Diamond asked

"That delicious scent." Trinity purred as her eyes filled with lust

"Its you're mate, he must be here somewhere" Jordan told her.

When all magical creatures turn eighteen, they are able to find their mates, the people that they are supposed to be with for the rest of eternity. For werewolves they usually find their mate between the ages of eighteen and twenty-three, but for witch's it could take up to five hundred years to find their mate, very few witch's find their mates on their eighteenth birthday, so when they do, its a very big deal.

"He's near, I can smell him." Trinity smiled as she walked a few feet forward, she walked until she hit the back of a well dressed boy and he turned around.

"Hey Trin, nice par-" Kendall started until he looked into Trinity's eyes, he swallowed harshly. "You-you're..." Kendall stammered

"You're mine." Trinity whispered

"And you're mine." Kendall smiled. He then lent down and kissed Trinity passionately

"See, I told you they'd make a good couple." Dana smiled

Kendall picked up Trinity and took her to his car and drove her home or at least somewhere with a bed, or couch, or anywhere.

After everyone left, the group was left to clean up the mess, but is was very easy since they just cast a cleaning spell. After the spell was cast everyone drove their separate ways home.


Kendall drove Trinity back to his house. He opened his front door as he continuously kissed Trinity and held her with one arm. He walked into his room and kicked in the door. Kendall then placed Trinity on the bed and started to remove both of their clothes.

"Wow, Kendall Smith's room. How many other girls have been in here?" Trinity asked as Kendall began to kiss her neck

"Just you, I've been saving my bed for my mate." he purred against her skin which caused Trinity to smile.

They removed the remainder of their clothing and continued with their evening.


I finally made it 3rd person, tell me what you think

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