The Ceremony

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The next morning Jordan woke up with her head on Logan's bare chest. She smiled and got up to go to the bathroom, she looked in the mirror and saw all of the bruises and bite marks on her body and remembered everything from last night, her hand then slipped to her neck and she saw that there were two holes and between them there was a swirled L.W. Jordan smiled, knowing that she was finally fully with Logan.

Jordan got in the shower and smiled as the hot water washed over her.

Can life get any better than this? Jordan thought

Yeah, you could come back to bed and we could start this all over again. Logan's voice chuckled as it rang through Jordan's head

"What the hell?" Jordan asked. "How can you hear my thoughts?" she asked as she turned off the shower and grabbed a towel

"Its a werewolf thing, when they mate they can hear each others thoughts." Logan answered out loud

Jordan stepped out of the bathroom to see Logan laying under the covers, she also saw that the room was a disaster.

"Wow, we did some serious damage." Jordan gasped

"Yeah." Logan dragged out

"I'll fix this. Let the object of objection become just a dream, as I cause the scene to be unseen." Jordan said, casting her spell, once she did the room looked as perfect as it did when they arrived.

"I'm so glad I'm mated to a witch." Logan sighed as he laid back.

A buzzing and ringing was heard in the room and Jordan saw a flashing coming from her purse so she started digging through it until she found her phone, she slid the answer button and held it up to her ear. She listened to the person on the other line.

"Yeah?... Ok... Ok... We'll be ready... Ok... Love you, bye." Jordan smiled as she hung up

"Who was that?" Logan asked, opting not to read her mind

"My mom, she's going to pick me up." Jordan said as she started dressing in the spare clothes that she brought

"Wait why?" Logan asked, sitting up

Jordan paused for a second "I thought I told you. Since I'm eighteen now, and I found my mate. I'm having a claiming ceremony."

"A what?"

"Its a ceremony that witch's have after they mate. Its kind of like a wedding."

"So what happens?"

"You'll see later tonight. My parents are coming to pick me up, be at my house by seven, in a suit." Jordan told before grabbing her stuff and kissing Logan before walking out the door.

Logan got up and took a shower, after that he made a cup of coffee and got dressed. After checking out of the hotel he got in his car and drove home, there he was greeted by his parents and his two siblings.

"Finally mated buddy, how does it feel?" Ethan asked as he patted his little brothers back

"Pretty damn great." Logan smiled

Lisa came down stairs with a suit in her hands and gave it to Logan.

"Go take a long shower and get dressed." Lisa commanded

"But I already showered." Logan replied

Lisa let out a small growl "Go take another one, and use some cologne, or I'll drag you in there myself."

"Fine." Logan agreed, walking up stairs, scared that his mother was serious

At Jordan's house, she was also commanded to shower again and wash her hair.

After Jordan came back from the hospital her parents apologized multiple time and promised her that Margaret was no longer welcome in their house, so Jordan decided to move back.

When Jordan finished her shower, she put on a satin white robe and her mom and Tessa started doing her hair, nails and makeup.

"Mom, watch how you hold that iron." Jordan warned as she saw the curling iron was dangerously close to her ear

"Sorry sweetie, I'm just really excited." Lauren smiled as she put the curling iron down.

"We're all excited." Tessa smiled "Even though I'm not allowed to attend the ceremony, I'm happy for you."

Only the direct family members of the witch that is claiming are allowed to attend the ceremony, such as the mother, father, sister, brother, and children if they have any.

Jordan smiled sadly. "I really wish that you could come Tess."

"Yeah, but this is how things are, and I'm ok with it." Tessa smiled and continued to paint Jordan's nails

It was silent as both women continued to get Jordan ready.

At seven o'clock Logan and his family arrived at Jordan's house. They were all dressed up and were greeted at the door by Tessa.

"Hey everyone." She smiled as she opened the door for the werewolves before walking out of the door and leaving.

Lauren came down the stairs. "Hello Woodruff family." She smiled "I'd like you to meet our high prissiest, Luna." she said turning her attention to a young looking woman dressed in a white gown.

"Hello, I'll be preforming the ceremony tonight." Luna smiled

"Jordan will be ready in a few minutes, so go to the beach and sit on the left side, and Logan, we'll need you to stand under the alter." Lauren told and all walked into place.

They sat on the beach, talking and waiting for Jordan to show up. It was a small gathering, just Lisa, Jeff, Megan and Ethan were sitting on the left and Lauren and Mitchell were sitting on the right.

"She's ready." Luna smiled as she heard Jordan's footsteps

All stood and watched as Jordan walked alone down the beach. She walked alone to represent her willingness to be mated and her strength to stand alone.

Jordan looked beautiful, her hair was curled and she wore a long light pink almost white dress and her makeup was light and it complimented her hazel eyes.

She walked over to the alter to stand next to Logan.

"You look beautiful." Logan breathed in aw

"So do you." Jordan smiled

"The ceremony will be short, but meaningful." Luna smiled and both Jordan and Logan nodded. "Alright. Are you Logan Michael Woodruff of sound mind and free will to take Jordan Claire Blade as your mate for the rest of eternity, or until death parts you?" Luna asked

"I am willing." Logan smiled at Jordan

"And are you Jordan Claire Blade of sound mind and free will to take Logan Michael Woodruff as your mate for the rest of eternity, or until death parts you?"

"I am willing." Jordan nodded

Luna then placed her hands out and a spell book and a knife appeared. The book opened and turned to a blank page.

"Now, slit your hand with the blessed knife and read from the page simultaneously, then place a drop of blood on the words." Luna told as she gave Logan the knife.

He cut into his flesh, then gave the knife to Jordan and she did the same.

The page on the book lit up as words started to appear.

"Da robur in saecula curabit nos amor et gaudium magnum nobis." Both Logan and Jordan read then dropped their blood on the paper.

"By the power of the valhallan spirits, you are now mated.The bind is done. You may go, and have a wonderful life." Luna smiled before disappearing


Hey, this is my first day back to school, if you're still off I have great envy for you. Hope you liked the chapter. I also know I used the spell from charmed, but I really like that one.

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