Almost Caught

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Lauren was staring at Jordan intently. "Why do you smell like wolf?" Lauren asked with her english accent coming through.

"Umm..." Jordan stammered

"Answer me." Lauren said in a dark voice as her hazel eyes started to turn red.

When a witch gets angry or turns evil, their eyes turn red.

Jordan couldn't tell her family that she's been hanging out with Logan for the past couple of weeks. But she didn't want to lie to parents. Either way it went Jordan would be screwed.

"We were messing around before school and J.T turned into a wolf and started making fun of them." Jordan said in the most truthful voice she possibly could.

Lauren searched her daughters eyes, looking for lies for a few moments before cracking a smile.

"Sorry, you just know how I feel about wolves." Lauren apologized

"It's ok mom. I'll be in my room if you need me." Jordan told her parents before walking off. She went in her room and shut the door, Jordan flopped on her bed and sighed. A ringing sound was heard, and Jordan felt a buzzing from her back pocket. She took her phone out and saw that Logan was calling her. Jordan slid the answer button and held the device to her ear. "Hello?" Jordan answered.

"Hey Jordan, its Logan."

"Yeah I know, I have caller ID." Jordan smiled

"Right... well I was wondering, since my birthday's coming up... if you'd like to come to my party." Logan asked and Jordan could sense a tone of nervousness in his voice.

"But I thought it was just going to be your family?" Jordan questioned

"Yeah, but I want to at least have one friend at my birthday."

"But wont they be mad, given the fact that I'm a witch and all?" Jordan asked slightly nervous, thinking about Logan's family.

"Nah, they're cool. Besides I'm going to be eighteen, I can do whatever the hell I want." Logan laughed

Jordan was about to say yes until she realized that Logan was going to turn eighteen. When midnight struck, Logan would stand under the full-moon and howl and his mate would hear this howl and then Logan would come running to her. Jordan really liked Logan and she knew that once Logan found his mate, she wouldn't matter, so Jordan couldn't put herself through that.

"Sorry Logan, I have other plans." Jordan lied sadly

"Ok... well the offer's still on the table if your plans change." Logan told Jordan before hanging up.


For the next few days Jordan started avoiding Logan, she didn't talk to him in class, she didn't answer his texts and she didn't sit next to him at lunch. Jordan felt bad for what she was doing, but she had to cut the ties with him somehow, besides after his birthday he would have his mate and be back on his way home.

Lauren was still alittle suspicious of Jordan after she came home smelling like wolf, Lauren didn't say anything to Jordan, but she know her mother didn't fully believe her about J.T turning into a wolf.

Jordan's grandmother Margret decided to move from England and stay with Jordan in Florida. Its been even harder for Jordan to try to hide things from her grandmother. Jordan just decided to tell them all the truth after Logan was gone for good, and hopefully they wouldn't be too angry.

It was Saturday and Jordan texted Logan for his birthday and that's all she was going to do.

Jordan decided to not hang out with her friends that day, she just told her mom that she was going to hang out with Dana and that they might have a sleepover, but Jordan really just drove to the warehouse and tried to clear her head.

Jordan was thinking about the hunters and why they wanted them, what did they do, or what were they going to do. Jordan was also started thinking about how she was going to tell her family about her hanging out with a werewolf, how would her grandma react? But Jordan was mostly thinking about Logan and who or what his mate would be, would she be able to handle it if he didn't leave with her? Would he forget about her? Did he even like her?

Jordan was thinking about everything and questioning herself for hours and hours when she finally broke-down and stared crying. Jordan was alone and crying. The lights in the warehouse started turning on because she started to loose control of her powers. Jordan cried until midnight and a few minutes later a loud banging was heard from the warehouse door. Jordan stopped crying and got ready to fight anything at the door. The door started to bend and break.

"You don't want to come in hear!" Jordan yelled in a dark and dangerous voice, with an electricity ball in her hand.

The door finally broke down and that's when Jordan saw Logan. Jordan dropped her guard and stared at Logan's shirtless body.

"Logan what are yo-" Jordan started until her eyes met with Logan. Jordan could feel her heart beat faster and a tingles went up her spine. Logan no longer smelled like wolf, he smelled like warm spices. "You're my mate?" Jordan asked in a slightly higher voice

"Yeah." Logan panted

"This cant be happening, I must have fallen asleep. This cant be real." Jordan said as she shook her head and pinched herself

Logan looked slightly disappointed "I shouldn't have come here, I knew from day one that you wouldn't accept it." He said about to walk out

"Wait." Jordan said as she ran over and grabbed Logan's hand and a feeling of pleasure went up my arm. "What did you mean by 'from day one'? Did you know about us before tonight?" Jordan asked

Logan stopped and looked at her. "Remember when I told you my instincts told me my mate was here? Well those same instincts told me that you were my mate when I first saw you. I didn't tell you because I thought you would reject it, and when we started becoming friends, I still didn't tell you because I was still scared that you would reject me and after you rejected the offer to come to my birthday and started avoiding me, I thought-" Logan went on.

"You thought I was avoiding you because I didn't like you?" Jordan questioned in more of a statement

"Well... yeah."

"Yeah, that's my bad. I stopped hanging out with you because I liked you so much and I was scared you would leave and I didn't want to go through that." Jordan said with tears streaming down her face

"Hey don't cry." Logan cooed as he wiped away Jordan's tears with his thumbs. Jordan smiled and both looked into each-others eye's for a moment before sharing a long kiss.


so sorry, forgot yesterday was monday, hope you liked this chapter.

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