Where Are We?

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The sounds of screaming and banging awoke Jordan, Dana and Logan. There eyes flickered open to see Trinity was the cause of the screaming.

"Let us out of here you bastards!" Trinity yelled as she hit her fist against the bottom of her cell.

Jordan looked around the dimly lit room and saw that there were seven small cells, one for each of them. Jordan tried to move from the corner of her cage, but her right arm wouldn't move, Jordan looked over and saw that she was handcuffed to the cell bar, there was also a needle attached to the vain in her wrist. Jordan looked over and saw everyone had the same.

"Where are we?" Jordan asked groggily

"Who fucking knows?!" Trinity snapped "I know you bastards can here me! Let us the fuck out!"

"Trin, you've been screaming for hours, give it a rest." Kendall asked as he rubbed his temple with his free hand

Trinity sighed. "Fine, but when they get down her I'll torch them." Trinity tried to blow fire, but only ice came out of her mouth "What the hell?" she almost choked

"We're all attached to IV's Trin, and they're filled with binding solution, and Logan's is filled with wolfsbane." Diamond told.

Wolfsbane and binding solution neutralize magic. It makes it so that the creature becomes human as long as its in the system. It first starts by inverting the powers, then it stops them all together. It also makes it nearly impossible to be tracked by magic.

"We need to get out of here." Logan stated as he grabbed the bars trying to bend them, but quickly moved his hands away. "Those assholes put us in silver cages." Logan stated very pissed.

Pure silver burns the skin of any magical creature that touches it, just being around it slows down the healing processes, and being cut with it leaves a permanent mark.

"It's official, we're going to die in here." J.T stated as he rocked himself slowly

"Please don't be so optimistic." Jordan said sarcastically

"Why are we even here?" Dana asked

"They haven't told us, nobody's even come down to see us yet." Kendall answered

Jordan was about to ask a question when some shuffling was heard then the large steel door opened and a three people dressed in all black walked in. One of them cleared their throat and stepped forward, he was tall with dark-blue eyes and black hair and he had a scar across his right eye.

"Hello, my name is Daniel." he smirked

"Who gives a damn! Why did you kidnap us?!" Trinity shouted

"I don't like your tone. Kevin, do something about that." Daniel commanded to his partner. The blonde man with brown eyes walked over to Trinity's cell, knelt down, smiling.

"You might feel a little pinch." Kevin chuckled and pushed a button on the base of the cell and the sound of electricity and Trinity screaming filled the air.

"Trin! Trin!" Kendall screamed with concern filling his eyes

"That's enough." Daniel stated. Kevin pushed the button again and Trinity's screams stopped and turned into whimpers as she shook on the floor. "Now that I have your attention, I'd like to state the obvious. You've been kidnapped." Daniel smiled

"Why?" Dana asked softly

"Don't play dumb you abomination!" Kevin spat as he took a step forward

"We really don't know." J.T interjected, hoping neither him nor Dana would receive the same fate as Trinity for their interjections.

"Alright, we'll tell you then." Daniel stated "But first I want you to meet my little sister, Stacy." he called and out of the shadows came a girl with light green eyes and curly blonde hair, pulled back into a ponytail.

"Stacy Wilson?" All the kids asked at once.

Dana and Jordan have known Stacy since second grade, they all thought she was human. She was never in their little group, but she was always a friend to them.

"Hi." Stacy chirped

"You conniving bitch!" Trinity screamed as she shoved her hand through the bar, trying to grab at Stacy.

Stacy moved close enough to Trinity to not get hurt and grabbed her hand and slammed it into the bar. Trinity let out a pained scream and after about a minute Stacy let her go and smiled. "I never liked you."

"I thought we were friends." Dana stated

Stacy scoffed. "I lied you morons. Why would a girl like me ever want to be friends with any of you?" She chuckled "Dana, you're a total stoner. J.T and Diamond, you're both nerds. Kendall, you're a complete asshole. Jordan, you're a showoff.Trinity, you're a total bitch and Logan, you're new." Stacy smiled as she pointed out everyones problems

"How did I not know you were a hunter?" Diamond asked almost angry as she ignored Stacy's insults

"Because I hide my mark with makeup, like you." Stacy answered.

Most creatures in the magical world have markings on the back of their necks when they are born, each creature has a different one, the only ones that don't are magia visorums.

"I'm a magia visorum, I don't have a marking." Diamond said and her voice started to shake.

"Stop lying, we all saw the makeup on your neck when we dragged you here, you're a custos." Stacy smirked

"What's a custos?" Jordan asked as she looked at her friend

"I'm a guardian." Diamond stated

"Now that all the lies are cleared, you can know why you're in here. You're in here because of Jordan and Logan." Stacy told us

"What the hell did we do?" Logan asked shocked

"Oh nothing, you're just part of a prophecy, let the custos explain the rest." Stacy told them before turning around.

"And one more thing." Kevin started. "We control how long you live, so you have three options; one you starve after a few weeks, two you piss us off enough and we kill you, or three you somehow kill yourselves." Kevin smiled then walked out of the room with the rest of the hunters.

"Diamond, why did you lie to us?" J.T asked

"It wasn't all a lie, my entire family are magia visorum, but I became a custos. I don't know how or why, but I'm the only one in my family. I didn't want to tell you guys, because I didn't want you thinking someone was after you." Diamond explained

"Do you know anything about this prophecy?" Jordan asked

"No, and I doubt they'll tell us." Diamond stated

No one said anything after that, they just sat there trying to process what just happened.


Hope you liked it.

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