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Its been two days since Jordan's last spoken to her family, her mom and dad have been calling and texting her everyday, begging her to come back since she left. Jordan's ignored them but she had to go back to get her car and some clothes, since she didn't want to borrow anymore of Lisa's, and Megan's.

Logan drove Jordan to her house and she took a deep breath before opening the door. Jordan walked in and saw her mom crying in the kitchen, staring at a picture of her with her dad beside her. Jordan walked past her parents and grabbed her car keys. Once her parents saw her Lauren smiled and hugged Jordan but she didn't hug back.

"Jordi, please come home, we miss you sweetie." Lauren pleaded

"Is grandma gone?" Jordan asked her mom blankly

"No I'm not you stupid slut." Margaret smirked with a bottle of wine in her hand, she was totally hammered at ten in the morning.

"Then I'm not coming back." Jordan told her mom "I'm just here to get my stuff." Jordan stated before storming off to her possibly old room, Jordan slammed the door and put most of her things into a large duffel bag. When she was done she grabbed the bag and came down the stairs. Both Lauren and Mitchell were screaming at Margaret for insulting Jordan and she was happy that they were finally standing up for her, but she still wasn't staying there. Jordan walked past them and her mom grabbed her wrist.

"Please don't leave baby, we need you home." Lauren pleaded, looking like a kicked puppy.

"I'm sorry mom, unless you're going to kick this bitch out, I cant stay here. I wont stay in a house were I'm being verbally abused." Jordan stated as she glanced at her grandmother.

Margaret looked at Lauren and smirked. "Do you have something to say Lauren?" She questioned

"Get the hell out of my house, you drunk bitch!" Lauren yelled at her mother, finally standing up to her

"We don't want you here anymore." Mitchell added

Margaret licked her top teeth and smiled. "Screw you, I always knew you were weak." Margaret said facing back to Lauren.

Jordan couldn't take it anymore, she had to leave, so she started for the door, but her grandma appeared in front of her. "You'll never amount to anything." She smiled, fully drunk. Jordan had enough, she slapped her across her face and Margaret fell to the floor with a thud.

"Karma's a bitch, and so are you." Jordan whispered before stepping over her grandmother and walking out the door and into her car, she started the car and drove off with Logan following her, Jordan drove until she was at Logan's house.

She didn't cry anymore, because she didn't care anymore. Margaret had a problem with her, but that was Margaret's fault. Jordan was happy that she was out of that house and into Logan's, she was happy about her life and everything she had and Margaret was not going to ruin it.


On sunday all of the kids decided to go to the warehouse after their activities were finished and hang out, because they weren't able to do that anymore because they all had projects and work to do after school.

After Jordan finished volleyball practice, she took a shower and got changed. Logan was doing something so she decided to take her car and meet him there. Jordan left Logan a note that she was leaving before she drove up to the warehouse and leaned against her car. She was early and decided to wait, while she was waiting she heard some rustling in the trees and saw a bush shuffle. Jordan walked around and tried to survey the area when someone grabbed her from behind by her waist, holding her arms back. Jordan started kicking and screaming then the person put a cloth over her nose and mouth and her vision grew cloudy until she saw only darkness.

Logan finished his run and saw a note from Jordan, she went to the warehouse early. Logan took a quick shower and got dressed. He drove to the warehouse and saw Jordan's car, but things didn't seem right to him. Logan walked into the dark warehouse and saw a single light turned on and under it was Jordan sitting in a chair with her arms and legs tied to it, her head was dangling and there was tape over her mouth. Logan ran over to her and checked her pulse, she was still alive, he lifter her head trying to wake her and her eyes fluttered open, she looked at him confused then a realization came to her face, she started mumbling something, so Logan removed the tape so that she could talk.

"Logan you need to get out of here!" Jordan stated as Logan started to take off the rope."Its a trap!" she screamed and once she did two men jumped on Logan and held him down. He could hear Jordan screaming in the background for his attackers to stop and Logan tried to fight them off, but one stabbed a needle in my neck and he fell unconscious.

Kendall, Trinity, Dana, J.T and Diamond, all arrived at the same time and saw Jordan and Logan's cars and assumed they were already inside. All walked inside and saw a large man with Jordan thrown over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?!" Diamond asked

The man looked up at the kids and sighed. "Take care of them." He said and out of the shadows three men and a girl came out with masks over their heads. They cracked their knuckles and one pulled out a blowdart and shot it at Dana's neck, she pulled out the needle and fell to the ground. Before anyone could help her all the people ran at the teens. After a few minutes of fighting, the masked people overpowered the witch's and injected them with a serum, which made them slowly fall asleep.


Who do you think kidnapped the kids? Why? Hope you liked it

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