Jordan's Parents

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After the fantastic meeting with Logan's parents, Jordan was really excited to have Logan meet her family. Jordan's mom and dad were cooking dinner while Jordan tried setting the table while her grandma was giving me "the talk" for like the millionth time. Jordan was about ready to shoot herself when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Jordan announced. She scurried away from her grandmother and toward the front door. She opened it and saw Logan standing on the porch. She walked outside and closed the door, Logan pulled her in for a kiss and she smiled against his lips. After the kiss Jordan put up her hands and cast a spell so that Logan wouldn't smell like wolf, once she was done she led Logan into the living room. "Everyone, this is Logan." Jordan announced "Logan, this is my mom Lauren, my dad Mitchell and my grandmother Margaret." she smiled and pointed to each family member while she watched Logan shake everyones hand.

"Well, welcome Logan. Dinner's almost ready." Lauren announced.

In the meantime Logan sat down on the couch with Margaret and Jordan. Jordan eyed her grandma as she touched on Logan's muscles, she then placed her hand on his leg and started moving it upward, Logan sat there in total shock and Jordan hissed at her grandmother, she smirked at her and Jordan could see a hint of red in her grandmother's eyes.

Margaret and Jordan have never had a strong relationship, when Margaret would babysit Jordan, she would never really pay attention to her. She was always very cold to her and Jordan never knew why, its weird because the rest of her family doesn't act like Margaret or even notice the things she's done to Jordan. Things got even worse after Jordan's grandpa, Leonard rejected Margaret as his mate, when Jordan was about five, now Margaret blames Jordan for it.

"Dinner's ready." Mitchell announced which caused Jordan to stop glaring at her grandmother and focus her attention on her dad. Everyone walked over to the dining room and all took their seats. All ate in silence for a few minutes before Mitchell started asking Logan questions, which sparked a very long and entertaining dinner conversation.

"Well Logan, you seem like a very nice boy." Lauren smiled as she picked both her's and her husband's plates.

"Thank you Mrs. Blade." Logan smiled back

"I'm so glad you said that mom, because we have something to tell you." Jordan smiled as she gripped Logan's hand.

"Oh god, please don't tell me you're pregnant." Margaret whined as she pinched the bridge of her nose and played with her wine glass.

Jordan's smile faded into a frown. "No, and for your information, I'm still a virgin."

"No wonder you're so uptight."

"Shut up!" Jordan spat. "Logan's a werewolf." Jordan stated abruptly

Once that was said, all smiles faded. Margaret rose from her seat and walked over to Logan, she then swiftly grabbed his neck and slammed him into the wall. Jordan got up and tried to help Logan but Margaret put her hand up and Jordan couldn't move, she froze her.

"Grandma, you said you'd stop freezing me." Jordan shouted as she struggled to move

"Shut up and let me kill this dog for corrupting you." Margaret snarled.

"He's not corrupting me! He's my mate!" Jordan yelled and everyones eyes snapped to her's. Margaret let Logan and Jordan go and they ran to each-other and hugged.

"Get away from her!" Lauren yelled as the house started to shake

"Everyone stop! I'm with Logan and that's that!" Jordan yelled

"The hell you are!" Mitchell scoffed

"Dad-" Jordan started in a pleading tone

"No! You will never see this boy again, now get out." Mitchell told Logan as he pointed toward the door

Logan nodded then kissed Jordan on her cheek. "I'll be in my car." he whispered to her and Jordan's family hissed until he left.

"You little whore." Margaret spat

"Mom." Lauren gasped in shock

"Shut up, Lauren." Margaret snapped "You are a stupid little girl, that wolf will only break your dumb little heart."

"Logan Woodruff is a ni-" Jordan started

"He's a Woodruff? You're mated to a Woodruff?! They killed my parents!" Margaret shouted.

In the war many family's were killed, including Jordan's great grandparents when her grandma was little.

"I'm sorry grandma, but-" Jordan apologized

"You're a worthless slut, I hope you die with him." Margaret raged

"I hate you! You are the most disrespectful, piece of shit that I have ever met! You hated me since day one and I don't know why! I cant take it anymore! And you wonder why grandpa left you?!" Jordan screamed

"How dare you?" Margret said

"Shut the fuck up! Either she's gone, or I am." Jordan told her parents, but they just stood there. "Really? You're going to take this bitch over me? Your own daughter, your only child?" Jordan asked, but her parents were still silent "Fine, I'm gone." Jordan said before storming out the door and was about to get into Logan's car

"Run away little bitch, I hope he knocks you up and leaves you." Margaret smirked

Jordan stuck her middle-finger up. "Fuck you Margaret!" Jordan slammed the car door and Logan drove off. They drove for a few minutes when Logan looked at Jordan.

"I heard what happened in there. Do you want to talk about it?" he asked

Jordan tried to fight back the tears but she couldn't hold them anymore. She burst into tears and Logan quickly pulled over. He moved her over to so she was sitting on his lap and tried to comfort her, she cried for along time into his chest. Once Jordan finished crying, Logan kissed her and drove her to his house and his parents let her stay over in their guest room.


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