Back To School

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Two days later all of the teens were released from the hospital, some bones were still broken but would be healed within the week.

None of the kids were cleared to drive yet so their parents had to take them to school. All would go along with their normal routine until lunch time, since it was January, it was too cold for the teens to eat outside so they decided to eat at an empty lunch table. They were talking when they were joined by the only other witch at their school, a tall girl with light brown hair, Danni.

Danni became friends with the teen when she met Trinity in detention, but she was never close enough to join the group.

"So, what really happened?" Danni asked the group silently once she sat down. She didn't believe the story that they told the humans.

Trinity let out a sigh "We were kidnapped by hunters, and to make a long story short, we had to kill a lot of them to get out."

"Oh my god." Danni responded

"Yeah, and to make things worse, Stacy Wilson was part of it." Diamond said as she glanced over to a seething Stacy

"That bitch." Danni said, turning around to glare at Stacy. Stacy got up and walked away "I'm so sorry guys." Danni said sadly

"Well it wasn't all bad, it brought us together, and I met a really nice guy." Diamond blushed

"Aww." Danni gushed "And I see they're together now." Danni said as she glanced over to see J.T place a kiss on Dana's nose and her giggling

The bell rang and the teens started walking back to class. The teens walked down the hall when they saw Stacy, she walked closer to them and grabbed Diamond's arm

"You killed my brother." She said through gritted teeth

"You kidnapped and locked us up." Diamond replied, shocked at Stacy's audacity

"You killed all of them." Stacy said very loudly causing a few students to look her way

"Somebody cast a spell." Logan whispered

"On it." Dana said "Freeze time for just us, so we don't have to cause a fuss." Dana sneered as she cast a spell and immediately all of the students in the hall stopped, giving the teens and Stacy time to talk.

"You claim that magic isn't evil, but yet you killed fifty people, in less than an hour, like it was nothing." Stacy sobbed

"In hours you've killed thousands of us." J.T retorted with his eyes in slits

"Witch's and werewolves were all over this world, then you started the war, you weakened us and after that you started hunting, killing off the packs... and the covens. Remember the those? Of course not, they went extinct along time ago. Now there are less than ten thousand magical creatures left all over the world." Jordan added, starting to tear up

"We kill because you're dangerous." Stacy said through gritted teeth

"We're dangerous?! Are you fucking serious?!" Dana raged "How was my mother dangerous?" Dana said, stepping forward

"How about my parents?" Kendall sneered "I know hunters smashed into their car, on purpose." He said remembering everything "What did they do, huh?"

"And how about Luca's parents, they weren't even a threat, but yet hunters killed them." Diamond said

"Things had to be done. Casualties were necessary." Stacy said coldly

"And your brother was one of those casualties." Trinity said

"You little bitch." Stacy sneered as she lunged toward Trinity. Trinity grabbed her by her throat and slammed her into the ground, holding a fist in her face

"My shoulder may still be hurt, but that doesn't mean I can't still break your teeth in." Trinity warned as she stood up "Now get up." Trinity commanded

Stacy got up and brushed off her clothes, she glared at all of them. "You all should have died, two weeks in a cell with no food or water, you should have died." Stacy said in disbelief

"We would have died, if we weren't all of alpha blood. You hunters were too stupid to kill all the alphas, instead you killed the betas and lower level witch's and werewolves." Kendall stated

"We're done here." Diamond stated

"Unfreeze time, once I finish this rhyme." Dana cringed at her makeshift spell. All of the students unfroze and continued on their walk.

"We should have killed her when we had the chance." Trinity whispered to the others as they walked to class

After school, all were still wary of going to the mall and the warehouse, so they walked over to a local café. They sat down at a large table and started talking.

"So Di, whats with Luca?" J.T asked as Dana kissed his neck

"What do you mean? I'm dating him." Diamond answered

"Yeah, but where is he living? He has no money, no job, no friends, no family..." Jordan trailed off

"Oh, he's staying with me and my parents, in the guest room, after they realized that he was alone and that he helped us out, and that he was a one of them, my parents invited him to live with us." Diamond answered

"So, have you gotten frisky with him?" Kendall smirked

"No, unlike you, were going to wait at least a few months." Diamond smirked back

"Is it weird that none of us have talked about... the incident?" Dana asked, changing the subject

"Its weird, because the longer we've been out, the more I forget." Trinity stated and the others nodded

"Yeah, Luca said that might happen. He said that you'll forget more and more until its just a blur, because of the solutions he used." Diamond said

They all stayed quiet for minute, thinking about everything that they did.

"We did the right thing." Logan concluded, breaking the silence "We didn't just break free to save ourselves, we did it because we needed to show the hunters that just because there are few of us, doesn't mean we're helpless."

The others nodded and smiled, they realized that was their only choice and that the hunters have little power over them, that witch's and werewolves are going to take their world back, for good.

After a few hours of the group talking, they realized that if they didn't want to continue being pushed around that they had to go back to the mall, and the warehouse.

"I want to say something." Dana announced. and all eyes landed on her. "I'm going to quit smoking, I realized that I don't need it and I'll be a better person without it." Dana smiled

Jordan smiled at her friend. "I'm proud of you Dana."

"Me too." J.T smiled then gave his girlfriend a quick peck on the lips.

All were happy for their friend and soon their parents picked them up and took them home


hope you liked the chapter

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