
715 5 0

Ship: None

Type: Fluff|Overprotective|Sexism

Requested By: Me

Plot: Brypu kids and Dhalia head to the mall and shop for a bit when Dhalia realizes that she needs to buy more weights. They head into an exercise shop and run into a sexist man.

Dhalia POV:

Today, Bryan and Inpu kicked us out of the house so they could spend time together and I had arrived at the wrong time and got stuck babysitting them. So, I took them to the mall.

We have been here for about 30 minutes now. We had gone to books-a-million for Femi, we had stopped by Spencer’s and bought prank supplies for Lotus and we stopped at Hot Topic for Atlas.

Right now, we were just roaming the mall on the second floor and we were window browsing. I looked down at my phone and looked at the time. “Where should we go now?” Lotus asked.

“I don’t know. I feel like we checked out every store,” Femi replied.

“Yeah, I think we got everything we wanted. What about you, Dhalia?” Atlas asked me. I put my phone back into my pocket. “Um, I don’t think so…Oh! Actually, yes, there is something I need to get,” I said, walking past them.

“What is it?” Femi asked.


“Weights?” Lotus asked.


“Is that what you’re doing at night instead of sleeping?” Altas asked.

“Yep. Now to find the weight- oh!”

Across the bridge from us was a corner weight store. “Well, that was easy,” I remarked. I looked up at the sign above the door. “Frank’s Weights,” Atlas read outloud.

“How original,” I snarked.

All three of them walked across the bridge and headed inside the shop. 80’s music played inside the store. “Okay, this is kinda cool,” Atlas commented. I walked up to one of the aisles and looked at the yoga mats displayed there.

I asked Atlas to get me one of the baskets and asked him to carry it for me. As he went to grab the basket, I took one of the boxes off of the shelf. When he came back, I placed the box into the basket and headed into the next aisle.

I looked at all of the weights in the aisle. I picked up two of the 25lb dumbbells and placed them into the basket while Atlas wasn’t looking. He instantly fell to the floor from the sudden weight. I chuckled in my head as Atlas called Lotus over to help him lift the basket.

I continued to browse through the aisles and picked up two more 30lb weights and placed them into the basket. I went back to the shelves. Femi walked over and stood next to me. “Hey, Femi? Pick a random number.”

Femi thought for a second. “Hmm…20!”

“20? Okay.” I picked up a 20lb kettlebell and walked over to the Atlas and Lotus. They automatically backed up. I stopped. “W-...what are you guys doing?”

They backed up another inch. I started to chuckle as Femi started to snicker behind me. “Guys. Let me put it into the basket.”

“No! That’s too heavy!” Atlas yelled.

“Come on! It’s the last thing I’m gonna put into this cart.”

“You promise?” Lotus asked.

“I promise.”

Atlas and Lotus looked at each other and nodded. I put the kettlebell into the basket and they fell to the floor. God, I need to get these guys into lifting weights.

I chuckled and picked up the basket with ease. As I walked over to the cash register, I heard Atlas make a shocked sound. I mentally chuckled.

I placed the basket onto the cash register. “Well, hello there, did you find everything good?” The man at the cash register asked. He wore a black and white striped shirt and black pants. He had small bits of acne on his face and had blue braces.

“Yeah, we did.”

He picked up the weights and started to scan them as Femi, Lotus and Atlas started to walk over. The guy glanced up at Lotus and Atlas. “Oh, is this for you boys? Trying to gain some muscle, huh?”

Lotus chuckled awkwardly. “No, these are for me,” I answered. He looked at me. “You?”


“Oh. Are you sure you want this? I can give you another weight if you want. Here,” He said as he reached below the counter and pulled out a pink 3lb dumbbell.

He waved it around and twisted it. “Huh? Huh? I think it might fit you.”

“No offense, but pink’s not my color. Maybe for Femi but not for me.”

“Oh well…You still might want it.”

“I’m good with my choice but thanks.”

“You sure? It’s pink, you’re a girl. Girls like pink and it’s not too heavy for you.”

“I said I’m good with my choice,” I say, starting to get agitated.

“Alright, if you say so.”

He continued to scan the items but glanced up at me every so often. He placed the last weight into a box and was about to hand it to me before handing it to Atlas. “Here you go. A big strong man to carry the box.”

Atlas awkwardly took the box and handed it to me. “Thanks, Atlas. Come on guys, let’s go.”

“You sure you don’t need help?” The man called out to me. I ignored him and kept walking.

3rd POV:

The man looked back and saw Atlas still standing there. “Hey, are you gonna buy a weight?”

“No, I just wanted to talk to you.”

“Oh? What about?”

Atlas suddenly grabbed the man’s collar and pulled him over the counter. “Woah!”

“What you said was completely unacceptable. That was my cousin, so you saying that really pissed me off and if you ever so much as say another sexist thing like that to another female that walks into your store, you’re gonna wish you were never born, got it?”

The guy quickly nodded. Atlas threw his against the glass which made a thud and the guy slowly slid down the glass. Atlas scoffed and walked out of the store.

As Atlas walked out, he saw Lotus, Femi and Dhalia standing at the bridge. “Hey, what took you so long?” Dhalia asked. He stayed silent as he walked over to them. “Atlas..” Dhalia said in a warning tone.

“Don’t worry. I was just giving him a little talk.”

“I also rated his store zero stars on yelp,” Femi added. Dhalia sighed. “Let’s just go to the food court and then head home.”

Lotus and Femi cheered and rushed ahead of them. Dhalia and Atlas walked together behind them. “You realize I’m going to tell your parents, right?”

“Oh yeah, I know.”

Word count: 1117

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