The Love Of A Wife

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Ship: Mitch x Marshie (semi-mentioned)

Type: Fluff (with a dark side)

Requested By: @Mxlanch0ly_

Plot: King Mitch has been stressed out with his duties of ruling Atlantis and especially after Emiya's temporary leave for a well-deserved break, King Mitch is under even more stress with paperwork.  But one day, during his work hours when he is at his peak of strain, someone special decides to visit and this happens...

TW!: Gore (near the end)

A/n: Since, I wasn't able to finish the two oneshots that I had planned to post over the weekend so I decided to post this one out of the two before publishing the ship requests for my My Hero Origins one-shot book. Enjoy!


3rd POV:

The hands on the clock ticked and twitched, slowly making their way around and marking every number that it passed. But the hands on the clock weren't the only hands moving. At the desk below, there was a man slouched over in his chair. One arm was propped, elbow digging into the table and his hand running through his hair, occasionally tugging on it when he got stressed. He sighed exasperated as he dipped his quill in the ink pot before firmly pressing the tip against the paper. The quill's point bent into the paper causing a tiny bit of ink to spill out. It wasn't too noticeable if you were reading the paper but it was enough to set the man off.

With a growl and a small curse under his breath, he threw the quill over his desk and onto the floor. He leaned into the chair and dulled his head back. He closed his eyes as he let the stress fill him. He rocked his head from side to side and heard the small popping of his tense bones.

He felt the soft pressure of the cold air as the AC hummed to life and brushed against him. The brisk air hit his back and there was a line of sweat slowly dripping down. His hands gripped the armrests and his nails scarcely dug into the wood.

The door on the other side of the wood gave a small click and opened with a soft groan. A woman popped her head in. Her eyes scoured along the room before her sight landed on the man in the chair. The once-beaming smile on her face slowly turned into a small frown. She stared at the man's face. She could see the way his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were squinted. She noted the way his fingers practically pushed into his closed eye sockets and the way his fingers were digging into the wood.

She stepped out of the doorframe and glanced down at the quill on the floor with a small pile of ink surrounding the tip and piles upon piles of papers on his desk and a few stray papers that were littered on the floor. She sighed and pushed her blonde hair back before making her way over to him. She stepped over the discarded quill on the floor and approached the desk. She pressed her hands firmly against the desk and stared at the man sitting in the chair. His eyes were still closed; He seemed to be off in his own world.

The blonde-haired woman pressed her fist against her mouth and softly cleared her throat. The man didn't answer so she did it again but a little harder. Again, the man failed to notice or hear. The woman sighed in her head. "Little Guppy~" She cooed softly.

The man let out a small groan. The woman's smile dropped and her face became stern. "MITCHELL!" She yelled. The man jumped and his soul practically left his body. He gazed up at his fiancé glaring but didn't acknowledge the glare.

"Great gods, Marshie. You scared me."

A low growl escaped from her. That was when he tensed up and slowly gazed up at her and noted her stern look. That alone sent more chills down his spine than the AC above him. He nervously chuckled. "Hello, darling."

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