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Ship: Kay x Mario

Type: Fluff|Cuteness!!|Affirmation

Requested By: Kawaiime4410

Plot: Years after the camp was closed for the majority of the year before next summer. Meanwhile, Kay and Mario have had their own plans set out for them, happily engaged and raising a single child who looks remarkably like Kay. As they relax in their living room and watch their son crawl around, they begin to notice more features about their son.

(Not the best plot desc. I know.)


3rd POV:

The male brunette took a sip of his coffee. The warm fluid ran down his throat and he let out a sigh in satisfaction.

The brunette held the cup with both hands in an attempt to warm himself up after waking up in the cold morning.

He had let the baby out of the crib just a few minutes before and was letting him roam around on the floor. He watched the small child crawl around on the floor as he traveled to a couple of toy blocks and rearranged them in different orders. He and his fiancée had started to teach their son how to crawl just about a month earlier. They were still getting the hang of it, even the child.

As he watched his child dally with his toys, his mind began to wander about the past; How much had happened, especially during camp. His mind sometimes wondered about what he had done or how he could've possibly gotten himself into this position.

In a couple of years, he was fighting his inner demons, learning how to control his powers and fight his counterpart, fighting his stepmother Hera, and destroying the Seductive Rose. And now here he was, happily engaged to the love of his life and raising a son together. All of it just didn't seem real. His mind couldn't wrap around it for some reason.

As if someone was listening out there, a soft voice called out. "When did you get up?"

He almost jumped at the sudden voice. The coffee stirred in his cup slightly.

He glanced at the living room doorway and saw his groggy fiancée standing at the doorway. She was dressed in a floral printed nightgown with a satin kimono robe with one sleeve slipping down her shoulder.

She rubbed her eye and glanced up at her fiancé, still waiting for an answer. She sauntered over to the couch and plopped herself onto the couch with a soft thump. The brunette wrapped one arm around the exhausted woman's shoulder and leaned his head against hers.

"I only woke up about 20 minutes ago." He muttered, setting the drink down.

"Don't worry," He began, "I already changed Olie's diaper and gave him some breakfast. You relax."

The female brunette gazed up at the brunette with a soft smile. She reached up and gave him a soft peck on the lips. "I love you, Mario."

"I love you too, Kay."

They heard small cooing coming from near the blocks. They turned their heads and saw their small boy placing one of the blocks on top of another. They examined the blocks and saw the 'O' block on top of the 'B' block.

The small boy watched the two blocks before suddenly laughing.

The brunette, known as Mario, smirked. "Obi-wan Kenobi," He whispered in a mocking tone. The other brunette, known as Kay, gawked at Mario and lightly smacked him in the chest with the back of her hand. Mario chuckled in return.

Mario watched as Kay stood and strolled through the living room. She paused near her child and leaned down to rub his barely hairy head. The child looked up at his mother and laughed. The boy reached up for his mother and grabbed her hand. It took both hands to grasp the whole hand.

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