I Should've Frozen You..

715 9 5

Ship: Set x Khonsu

Type: Fluff|Gay|Angst

Requested By: Me

Plot: [Takes place before Set was evil/The past] Khonsu is watching the timelines when Set comes in and forces him to hang out together.

Khonsu POV:

I stared into the crystal ball as I switched through different timelines as if it was a tv. I finally picked one and began to watch it.

My job as the God of time and the moon was to watch over other timelines to make sure everything was in balance. So that meant constantly watching over them and barely ever getting anytime to myself. Sometimes, it was exhausting.

As I was watching the timeline, I felt two arms snake around my waist. I gasped and looked behind me. Set.

“S-set! You scared me!” I yelled as I hit him in the arm. He began to laugh. “I’m sorry, Khonsu. You just looked so focused and I couldn’t help it.”

I sighed. “What do you want, Set? I’m busy,” I say, turning back to the crystal ball.

“I know you’re busy, Khonsu. You always are. We barely hang out anymore,” He said as he made his two fingers walk up my arm, making me shiver slightly.

“I’m sorry we don’t hang out as much but as for my job, I have to constantly watch all of the timelines.”

“Hmm…Tell me, Khonsu, when was the last time you ate?”

I chuckled. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

“Funny you thought that,” He whispered in my ear. I looked away from the crystal ball blushing.

“I just thought it’d be nice for us to finally be able to spend time together,” He added.

I let out a deep breath. “I can’t, Set.”

“Oh, I wasn’t asking.”

Suddenly, he grabbed my waist and lifted me up. “Set!”

He snapped his fingers and the room around us disappeared. I started floating around as he let me go. I yelped and grabbed onto him. He chuckled.

I held tighter as we started traveling through black and white. The black and white started making me feel sick so I closed my eyes and buried my face into Set’s neck. Set held onto my waist. “Don’t worry, I got you.”

Eventually, I felt us stop but I didn’t want to risk looking. “It’s alright, Khonsu. You can look now.”

I slowly lifted my head out of his neck and looked around. We were on a grassy hill with short grass. It looked like the sun was just setting.

“Remember when we used to come here?” Set asked.


“We used to come here all the time. We come up here and do all sorts of things. Play chess, roll around the hills, just sit and talk, play tag…”

I smirked as a lightbulb lit up in my head. “You’re it!” I yelled as I punched his arm and took off running down the hill. “Why, you little-”

I laughed as I ran down the hill. I heard his footsteps advancing closer to me. Before he could touch me, I quickly turned around and froze him in time. He froze as he was just about to touch me. I slowed down and stopped running. I walked up to him and stared at his face. I smiled at the determined look on his face. I chuckled as I walked behind him. I turned around and snapped my fingers and watched him as he stumbled forward laughing in what he thought was victory.

He suddenly stopped and stood up straight. He looked to his left and right. “Khonsu?”

I cleared my throat. He looked behind him and glared. “Hey!”

I chuckled. He rushed at me. I calmly put my hand up and froze him again. I stepped out of the way and unfroze him. He stumbled forward. He looked over at me. “You cheater!”

“I don’t know what you mean, Set.”

“You can’t use your magic, that’s cheating.”

“Well, over the years we’ve been playing this game, you’ve never said I couldn’t use it so that’s sounds like a personal problem,” I said as I looked at my hands.

“Oh, you little-!”

I suddenly felt myself being tackled to the ground. I looked up and saw Set above me, smirking. I laughed and tried to push him off of me. We tussled around for a little before I finally got to be on top of him.

He looked up at me and stared at me. I watched as his dark blue cheeks started to glow a little pink. I chuckled and leaned down closer to his face. “Are you alright there, Set? Your cheeks look a little pink.”

He nervously chuckled. “N-no…I don’t blush.”

“Are you sure~” I teased.


I stayed there for a moment before leaning back. “If you say so~”

I stand up and get off of him. I reach out my hand for him to grab. He sits up and grabs my hand and I lift him onto  his feet.

We walk over to a hill with a tree on it. We both sat down against the tree and watched the sunset in front of us. “I…don’t think I remember the last time I ever saw the sun like this,” I said, out of nowhere.

“Yes, it’s been a while since we’ve both been here.”

I leaned my head against his shoulder. I looked up at his face. His smile was so genuine and his eyes were perfect. If I could, I would keep him frozen forever just so I could see this face all of the time.

I looked back at the sunset and leaned my head back into his chest. I felt his arm rest around my shoulder. “Aren’t you glad I got you out of there?” He asked.

I hummed in response. “I’m so glad…” I whispered.

Word Count: 972

Time skip: Many decades later…

Khonsu POV:

I closed the memory and placed it back into my personal library. I sighed and walked over to my pedestal with the crystal ball. I waved my hand over it and it automatically showed me Set and Cal talking in his temple in Mercury.
I glared at his new form. “I knew this was coming…” I muttered under my breath. I closed my hands and the crystal ball disappeared. 

I quickly put my hands on the pedestal to hold myself up. I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to come out.

Muffled sobs were all that was heard in the corridor of time.

I should’ve frozen him so I could’ve kept him like he was…

I should’ve frozen him….

REAL Word Count: 1105

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