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Ship: Xylo x Cal

Type: Angst|Fluff

Requested by: @06042003a

Plot: After eating something weird last night, Cal wakes up with a PAIR OF WINGS on his back! Cal then decides to hide in his cabin in fear of scaring his friends away.


Cal POV:

I opened my eyes to see the bright orange light entering my room through my windows. I buried my face into my pillow for a few moments before actually deciding to get up.

As I was using my arms to prop myself up, it felt as if a huge weight was weighing me down. I went crashing back into my mattress. Geez, I must be super tired, I wondered to myself.

I propped my arms back up and tried again. The heavy weight was still there. I must be really tired.

After a few minutes of struggling, I was finally able to sit up in my bed. That was certainly one way to wake me up. Talk about an early exercise.

My back began to feel a little weird. Thinking it was an itch, I reached my hand back to scratch it. My hand was suddenly blocked by something. I froze.

I moved the back of my hand on whatever was there. Moving it up and down, I could feel the soft texture of it. Almost like- feathers?

I noticed the mirror leaning against the wall beside my door. I stood up but immediately regretted it as I almost fell back on my bed from the heavy weight on my back. I was able to regain myself and stood my ground.

I slowly made my way over to the mirror. I cautiously stood in front of the mirror and glanced up at it. My mouth dropped as I stared at the blue feathered wings that were now attached to my back.


I hesitantly moved my hand toward my wing while staring at it. As I touched one of the feathers, my wing flinched and both of them flapped making me jump.

How did I grow wings? Was I cursed? I don't think I did anything to upset any gods. Did I somehow accidentally drink some kind of potion- wait.

My mind traveled back to last night's dinner. I remembered that one of the dishes tasted weird. I didn't think anything of it and still ate it. Where did I even get the food from? I think it was stuck in the back of the fridge.

I turned away from the mirror and stared at the ground. How am I going to walk around the camp without the others noticing?

Well, that's the thing, I can't. I can't go around camp looking like this! They'll all be scared of me and that's the last thing I want. Speaking of wings, do I even have control of them?

I thought about my wings flapping. Not even a second after I thought that, my wings flapped which sent a weird feeling through me.

Alright, well, that's good. I guess.

Well, if I'm going to be in my cabin all day, I might as well be wearing something.

I made my way over to my dresser. I opened one of the drawers and pulled out some pants. I slipped them onto my legs and buttoned them. I trudged over to my bed and fell into it face-first.

I knew I was going to be bored most, if not, all of today. But I couldn't risk scaring my friends. I made so many friends here. I didn't want to lose them. If I had lost my friends, I'd be alone. Just like when I first got here.

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