
595 11 1

Ship: None

Type: Fluff|Family Bonding

Requested by: @Ryuu_Night

Plot: Molting season has come around leaving the avian and half-avian members of the family bedridden. With only Femi and Inpu around to help, they certainly have a pretty hard task. After the molting season passes, Femi has a gift for Bryan, Lotus, and Atlas and then this happens...


3rd POV:

Lotus groaned in pain as they stuffed their face deeper into the pillow.

"I know, I'm so sorry, Lotus."

Lotus peeked their head out from their pillow. "It's okay, Femi. It isn't your fault-" They were cut off by another groan and buried their face into their pillow again. Femi frowned in sympathy and continued to pick up the feathers on the comforter that fell off Lotus's wing. If they had only one wing, there were still a few feathers to collect.

On the other side of the room, Inpu sat beside Atlas as he too laid face down on his bed, carefully picking up the feathers from Atlas's comforters. Atlas winced in pain as another feather fell off his wing bone. "Ow..." Atlas whined.

"I know, it hurts, Atlas. But you're doing so good right now. How about when this is over, I'll get you some ice cream."

Inpu was met with a groan. "I don't even care about ice cream anymore. I just want this to be over."

Inpu quietly chuckled. "I know. But, good thing is, the molting season only lasts three days. After tomorrow, you're gonna be home free."

Atlas let out an exasperated sigh. "Thank the gods-"

He suddenly let out a yelp as another feather fell. Inpu sighed. "Well, at least you're doing better than your father was when we were dating."

The statement made Atlas slightly turn his head to look at his dad. "Really?"

Inpu nodded with a small smile. "Yes. In fact-"

Inpu leaned down to whisper to his son. "When your father and I were dating and he was going through his molting season, he was always complaining and groaning in pain. More than you actually. You're getting this a whole lot better than he did."

Atlas smirked. "Well, of course, I am the strongest in the family after all," He said in a cocky tone which was followed by a small and quiet wince in pain. Inpu saw this but chose not to acknowledge it even though it would probably allow his ego to grow even more than it was.

Inpu glanced over at Femi sitting on Lotus's bed picking up their feathers while apologizing profusely every time Lotus yelped in pain when one of their feathers fell off.

The way Femi was acting made Inpu's face go soft. Femi always seemed to apologize for things that sometimes weren't even her fault. It reminded him of how he used to act back then when he first came to camp; Bashful, curious, an absolute bookworm-

Inpu almost chuckled at the memory of how much he used to read back then. Not even what he used to read, but how much he still does read. The bookworm in him never went away even when taking care of the triplets. Femi and he would spend countless hours together reading books upon books upon books; Lotus would join sometimes but it was mostly comic books he would read since he found actual novels to be "super boring". But it was the thought that counted.

He looked down at his son and gently patted his shoulder, being careful not to cause any more pain to him. "I'll be right back. If you need anything, don't be afraid to call your sister," He told him in a hushed voice. Atlas scoffed in return.

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