29th Chapter : Forgive me?

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Nabila's POV :

"Is there one time when everyone is going to be present in the cafe at lunchtime?!"
"Hey y'all," I said as I flopped down beside a pretty irritated Niall, who stopped to give me a side glare before continuing.

"Okay, so, as I was saying...... It has been 20 minutes  already, and you, Nabi just arrived here, while Fari and Haz are yet nowhere to be seen! Why do you people get missing during the lunch time?"

"Did any of you mix some sort of angry potion in his morning coffee?" Completely ignoring Niall, I asked the rest of my friends.
"Calm down, Ni." Liam said as he chuckled at my words.
"I am calm!!"
"Yeah, like a fucking bomb." Mishka rolled her eyes.

"Niall, to be completely honest, you are the one who gets missing most of the time, so why don't you answer that question of yours?"

Niall was about to get right back at Nafisa, but he remained still because at that exact moment, Fariha entered the cafeteria.

"Were you with Habib?" Nadira smirked as she asked Fariha her regular question. Habib was Fariha's academic rival. But me and the rest of my friends can feel their chemistry so good, and we tease her about it in every chance we get.

Only if they weren’t idiot enough to notice that chemistry.

To our surprise, Fariha nodded slowly.
Niall's anger dissolved in a millisecond.
"Finally my ship is sailing!" He cheered.

"Whaaaatttt??!!" Liam shrieked.
"You didn’t actually kill him, did you?"
"Or kiss him?" Mishka smirked.
"Or both?" Mifty giggled.

"Guys, we were just solving a math problem together!"
"Which chapter?" Orpa narrowed her eyes, "You're not someone who would ask for help, and neither is he.

"Well....." She trailed, "It's out of syllabus, just some questions from the latest Math Olympiad."
"Oh right. I often forgot you two are scholars."

"We're not Scholars!"
"But remember, if there is a zombie apocalypse, then you two would be the first ones to die, considering your brains are larger than ours."
"Zombies probably won't care about brain sizes."
"Why wouldn’t they?!"

Before we could get into a meaningless argument, we were stopped abruptly as Mishka scolded, "Shut up, you two. I was thinking....." "What?"
"Our first term will end soon, and we haven't had sleepovers in such a long time, so....... do you guys wanna have sleepovers next week at my place?"
"Sounds cool."
While us girls started planning the sleepover, Liam suddenly noticed Harry's absence.

"Wait.....didn’t Harry leave to see what was taking you so long? Then where is he?"
I shrugged.
"Did you two fight or something?"
"Something like that."

Liam facepalmed, wearing his "what am I gonna do with this kids" look.
"God knows whether he is going to show up or not."

He did not.

He showed up later that day, when I was listening to music with my earphones on in the afternoon at the lakeside, a very favourite place of mine, my feet dangling in the lake.

When I didn’t look up, he chuckled lowly.
"Still mad at me?"
When I didn’t answer to his second question either,
he took off his shoes to seat beside me, before handing me a small box that read "Cupcake Glaze", the name of my favourite cake shop. I opened the box to find four chocolate cupcakes. The cakes were inscribed with "I'm" "Sorry :(" "Forgive" "Me? :)" respectively. I couldn't help but smile.

"Sorry about earlier.....I shouldn’t have reacted like that......"
I hummed, before picking up a cupcake to start eating.
When I looked up, he was staring at me.
"You got a little something on your cheek.
"No, a little bit left."
"Then where?"
"You know what? Here, let me."
He leaned forward to wipe that frosting off. I blushed as he caressed my face, his finger lingering on my cheek.
It almost felt like we were stuck in that moment, but then we leaned backwards at the very same second.

"So, umm...." Harry trailed after a long pause, "Am I forgiven?"
I laughed, before unplugging an earphone to hold it in front of him, a silent gesture between us to show that we're okay.
He grinned as he took the earphone, and before long, we were bickering about which song to listen to next, like always, our fight long forgotten.


Author's Note :

And I'm back on track 🥳

And I'm back on track 🥳

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