30th Chapter : Sleepover

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Nabila's POV :

It was half past 9. We were having a sleepover at Mishka's house, which perfectly explained why we were all in our pajamas, sitting on the bed with chips and chocolates sprawled around us, playing music on the speakers but not paying  attention to it, as Nafisa was ranting about a time when she and Niall got detention together.

"No because out of nowhere, Niall asked me, so do you like someone? And I was all tongue tied, dying deep down, cuz you know- I can't just tell him “Yeah I'm in love with you for a whole damn year” and I can't lie either!"
"And then?"
"At that exact moment, Mr. Brown noticed that we were talking instead of paying attention to his class, so he gave us both detention. And then, as if it wasn't enough for that day, when we went to the coffee shop after getting the detention, the waitress thought we were on a date or something!" She hid her face with a pillow as we all started to laugh.

"Come on guys, that's not funny," Nafisa whined.
"As the most intelligent person of the group and your elder sister, it is my job to advise you," Nadira said with a look of extra fake seriousness on her face, "I think you should just tell him."

"Come on, you are just 12 minutes older, so that - wait,  WHAT?"
"I agree with Nadira, only the last part I mean."
"Nabi, you too? I mean, out of all of you guys, you understand my situation more. I mean, you never told Harry because you didn't want to ruin your friendship with him, you know?"

"Yeah, I know how hard it is, but....I actually wanted to tell him."
"Yeah. I fell in love with him when I was in 8th grade, and I was only 13, and I thought, what do I know about love? All I realised was it was different from some sort of silly crush. But then, at one point, I was ready to tell him.... Only to find that he was already in love with someone else. You all know the rest."
"Wow." Nafisa let out a breath.
"Yeah. And that's the exact reason I think that if you are sure about your feelings, you have to tell him.
"But what if he doesn't feel the same?"
"Then it's a risk you have to take, at least you will get an answer and stop wondering about what if's."
"Come on, don't worry about it. Just like Nabila, you’ll figure everything out as well."
I tried to smile at that, but the sadness and guilt didn't go unnoticed.

"Nabi, why do you seem so sad?" Mifty asked.
"Is everything okay, girl?"
"You always look distant when we are talking about Harry," Nadira stated.
"Is he treating you right, or do we have to break a few of his bones?" Mishka asked.
"Guys calm down, I'm fine." I laughed, "My head is aching a little. I think I'll go to the washroom and spray water on my face." I got up.

"Oh shit."
"2 missed calls from mum, and I have zero balance, so I can't call her back."
"Take my phone then, it is in my purse." I said, before leaving the room, with Nafisa trailing behind me, as she didn't want to speak in the room with the piercing sound coming from the speaker. 

A few minutes later, when I left the washroom, I was met with a pale faced Nafisa.
"Nafi, you okay? Why did- why did your mom called-"
"No, everything is fine," she said, her voice shaking.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, now let's go."

Confused and worried, I followed her to the room where the rest of the girls were.

Nafisa's POV :

I couldn't believe my own eyes for a minute.

When I finished talking to my mum, I was about to put Nabila's phone in her purse, but but before I could do that, a message notification came. I definitely wasn't snooping, but a certain word caught my attention in that text. So I did what I shouldn’t have. I read that text from the notification, along with the name of the person who send that.

I didn't even know what to feel. There were so many emotions, shock, anger, sadness, worry, confusion all mixed into one. I took a deep breath to finally comprehend the newfound information. And suddenly, it all started to make sense, why Nabila looked sad and guilty, how Harry managed to get over his past relationship to start a new one all of a sudden.

they were faking it all along.


Author's Note :

And the actual drama has just started....... 🥳


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