"OH. MY. GOD."

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Espressos POV:

Oh my my, after what happened yesterday that latte and princess know about, should I have refused? Yes. Yes I should've. But honestly it was tempting, feeling his warm breath. His face up to mine.

Altough I am tired, and as I always say..

"Sleep is not on my schedule!"

I'm starting to think I should add it to my schedule. I've only been drinking coffee, and honestly I can't focus on my work and i've been starting to get ill easily, it's honestly something that happens now.

Though Madeliene asked me why I looked so pale, I couldn't tell him the truth. He'd worry about me so much that he'd most likely quit the occupation he wanted since we were kids just to take care of me!

I can take care of myself, can't I?! I'm returning to the magic school in two weeks, if I can go two weeks without being ill, it'll all be fine. It'll be alright, i'm sure about it.

I have been able to cure myself before, I mean.. With magic atleast... BUT, I can't use it here! Want to know why? Well basically when i'm ill I can't use my coffee magic and it just becomes brown goo like a morning shit a after eating taco bell the night before.

Trust me I have examined carefully and when Latte eats taco bell- WHY AM I SAYING THIS, GOD.

Anyways lets hope I can work this out for the best.

So like, five goals for a Sleep Deprived Professor.

1. Don't get ill.

2. Don't let Madeliene make out with you.

3. Don't let Madeliene worry about you.

4. Don't let Madeliene quit his job.

5. Leave to the magic school in two weeks.

Should be a piece of cake, right?

I just made an unfunny joke, okay.

As Madeliene snoozed, the alarm clock made noise. Madeliene shot up from the bed. "AHAH! TIME FOR THE DIVINE TO WATCH OVER ME ONCE MORE!" He shouted in triumph.

Espresso, two rooms away groaned, he worked away at his desk, not wanting any noise. He didn't sleep last night, or the other night. He had a bad headache and honestly wanted to puke.

Madeliene flung the door to Espressos room open.
"ESPRESSO, WAKE- Wait a minute-" He paused. "You're already awake?!" He gasped.

"Madeliene, I was literally always awake, sleep is not on my damn schedule!" He groaned, flinging his pencil at the wall, in anger since they didn't even remember.


Espresso grinded his top layer of teeth against the bottom layer. He got up and shoved Madeliene out of the room, locking the door behind him.

Little did he know, he only broke the 3rd thing on his schedule.


As Espresso got dressed, leaving the room and unlocking the door, he began to yell things to himself loudly, as they walked down the corridor everyone stared, Latte and Princess ran up to him.

"Gee, Espresso, calm down! What's the matter?" Princess soothed.

"Literally, nobody can leave me alone for just a day, can they! Theres always: 'Oh Espresso come help me with this!' Or, 'Oh! Bookworm, come help me with that!' LITERALLY, I CANNOT GET ANY DAMN PEACE AROUND THIS CASTLE!"

Espresso yelled aloud.

Princess and Latte just widened their eyes and stared. Latte then spoke.

"Should we tell him-"

"Yeah I think we should." Princess replied.

"Tell me what?" Espresso scowled, he was in a mood and he didn't wish to speak to anyone right now.

"Madeliene literally worried about you so much he put up: 'EMO BOYFRIEND NEEDS THERAPY, PLEASE COME TO CASTLE TO GIVE HIM THERAPY!! URGENT!' Posters up everywhere. Now there's a literal line of cookies attempting to give you therapy. Surprisingly theres only women. They want the reward Madeliene promised if you were out of your fit when given therapy."

"And what was that reward?" Espresso snapped, crossing his arms.

"Ehh, Princess? I don't think Espresso will be happy when he hears this." Knight Cookie walked in.

"JUST TELL ME BEFORE I LEAVE!" He yelled, he had no patience or time for this.

"Fine," Latte sighed.

"So basically Madeliene rewarded a kiss from him to whoever's therapy would work."

"MY GOD, YOU'RE JOKING-" Espresso put his hands on his head, this day couldn't get any worse for him.

[ Why can't this end?! ] ESPRESSO X MADELIENEWhere stories live. Discover now