Late Christmas Special Chapter!

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I wanted to make this a bonus chapter for christmas, but I never got around to that.
This chapter is going to be calm and overall just nice. It's sort of a bonus so you don't get bored due to the chapter writing speed. Reading your comments everyday makes me so happy, and warm inside. - Espresso <3

(This chapter is set BEFORE he went to the kingdom)

I glanced out the window, watching the snow fall gently onto the grass.

I take a sip of my coffee, this was quite relaxing.

I hear footsteps at the door, and Madeliene comes in.

"Espressooo! Can we PLEASEEEE go outside?!" He begged.

I chuckle, this was the usual Madeleine.

"Well, I suppose so." I grin.

Madeliene smiles.

I place my coffee mug down on a nightstand, and I walk over to Madeliene.

He grabs my hand and practically drags me along eagerly.

When we went outside, he ran to the streets.

Gingerbrave, strawberry cookie, wizard cookie and custard were all there, along with some other people.

Festive decorations were hung, and it was calm with the falling snow and the joyful atmosphere.

They were selling Festive Star Jellies, shaped like christmas trees, and fireplaces.

They were also selling festive hats.

Madeliene tells me to wait where I am for a moment, and I do as said.

Latte walks over, and we begin to chat.

"Hello Espresso! I'm glad you could make it! I see Madeliene is with you?"

She grins.

I nod.

"Yes, Latte! He is."

"Ooh, is this like a Christmas Date?~"

She teased.

I am almost as red as a literal tomato at this point.

"It- It's not like that!!"

I stammer.

Madeliene gets back, and at this point I had to put my hands over my face to cover the mad blushing.

"Espresso, are you okay-?"

Madeliene asks.

"Yes yes, i'm alright-."

I stammer once again.

Madeliene laughs.

He hands me a star jelly, he has one aswell.

"I got us these! Try it, tell me how it tastes!"

I smile, and nod. I carefully take a bite out of the star jelly, it was quite good, actually. Something I wouldn't usually eat.

He takes a bite out of his star jelly aswell, and Latte looks at us and teases me, making kissing noises.

I'm still red as hell, but it doesn't matter.

Soon, the fair ends and everyone leaves.

Me and Madeliene are the only two people left in the fair.

We look at eachother, I was about to suggest heading back,

But he suddenly kisses me.

To my surprise, I turn like literal pink.

The end of the bonus chapter.

Tell me what you thought!

[ Why can't this end?! ] ESPRESSO X MADELIENEWhere stories live. Discover now