"Is it our last stand?"

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Before I get into the chapter,
I would like to say that the:
And the:
Have some clues to what may happen,
Because if you try to decode the signature in the Poem,
You'll find the name.


Madeleines POV.

I begin to fret, wandering around the kingdom.

Yet I knew Espresso was perfectly independent, I couldn't let him leave.

He literally just injured himself,
Out of everyone.

He chose himself.

I have no clue if this will be fine, if I am deeply and truly honest.

Yet the fact that things have happened..


Fuck it..

Espressos POV

I stare at the horizon, it seems beatiful at this time.

Altough it will most likely be..
My last stand.

Unless I get to PV quickly.

I heard they're at the dock.
I need to go there.

Head there,

Because god knows when i'm gonna die.

Let's hope there arent any interruptions.

As Espresso made his way to the dock, there was a crowd swarming Pure Vanilla.

PV seemed exhausted and quite flustered at the whole crowd awaiting his expertees.

To his surprise, PV walked over to him.

'Espresso, what happened-?'
He inquired.

Espresso explained it all, PV listening to the story.

'If you can give me your soulstone, i'll fix it.'
PV then said.

Espresso nods.

As Espresso reaches for his soulstone, he can't find it.

He begins to panic.

'PV, I can't find my soulstone..'
Espresso says.

'I had it right in my pocket, but.. It's gone..'
Espresso then mutters.

PV was quite shocked, and quite seemingly upset.

'If you lost it, then i'm afraid it's gone forever.'
PV whispers, his eyes clouded with pain.
Was he through it before?
Did he have a loved one that was lost to it?..

Espresso then hurries in great attempts to find his lost soulstone.

He charges up a hill with great difficulty.

He finds it at the edge of the hill, the soulstone right there.

'How did it get there..'

Before he could awnser his own question, he fell to the ground, quite startled with the sudden fall.

He couldn't feel his legs.


Espresso attempts to crawl over to get his soulstone.

He then can't feel his arms.


This.. This was his last stand.

Madeleines POV

I was sitting at a tree, by a hill.

My eyes were closed, I was lost in thought.

Suddenly, I heard yelling.

So I jolted up, I turned to see..

I dash over to him, and kneel beside him.

'Espresso.. What happened?!'

I cry out.

Espresso doesn't give me an awnser, but just stares up at me.

Without question, I then hold him in my arms.

He.. He was cold.

I cry into his hair like a child.

He couldn't possibly be gone..

Not after everything.

I could hear him mutter:
'I love you.'

Im sorry if this chapters bit made you cry or smn, but literally it's not the end >:]
mhehehe, next chapters gonna be soon!!

Word count: 505.

[ Why can't this end?! ] ESPRESSO X MADELIENEWhere stories live. Discover now