"What's the worst that can happen?"

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Espresso stormed out of the castle, completely outraged.

"Pfft! A kiss! That's the most awkward prize possible!!- But.. the most wanted..-"

Espresso added.

Espresso then groaned, why did he care anyways? Was he maybe.. Jealous?
No! He couldn't be.. He would break his schedule/rules!


Espresso mocked.

It began to rain, maybe it was the jealousy or the annoyance, but tears began to form in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and continued to walk, saying some words along the way.

"As if i'm jealous, i'm not! It's.. it's stupid!" He groaned, half crying.

Espresso stopped at a wall with a streetlight at the corner, he leaned against the wall and began to think over his life.

"Well it's obvious I don't do lovey dovey stuff or friends-"

Espresso paused, then continued.

"I'm only after success from my magic school, and becoming the best magic user! Well, apart from my sister I guess.. She's always been the spotlight!"

He groaned.

"Why can't I be the spotlight- Or even in it for once!"

He muttered, half yelling at the end as he cried.

He began to stop crying, he wiped his tears away from his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Why am I thinking of this shit. I don't need a relationship, I don't need friends as already said. What else do I not need? Oh, that's right."


He yelled.

Thank god he was out of sight and hearing from Latte, otherwhise she would've been upset.

He found a dock, and decided to sit near that, that'd do him good. He could jot down spells.

He grabbed his notebook and pen and began to write down some stuff.

His phone rang, he forcefully picked up, why would someone call him now?!

He soon realised the number called was his parents. He attempted to speak properly without his voice shaking.

"Err- Hello, my dear parents.."

He said.

One of the cookies on the phone scoffed.

"Told you he'd still be stuttering at his age!"

Espresso didn't know if that was meant to be said aloud, but it was.

He felt quite hurt, not physically but emotionally and mentally. Then he realised, his parents were always like this, thinking he was a complete dissapointment every single second of his life, with attempts to bring him down and quit what he loved doing most, being himself.

They wanted him to be some sort of mathematician, but he wanted otherwhise. He wanted to own a Magic School, and yes that came true.

Then again, he could never properly satisfy them, no matter how hard he tried. The money? The fame? That never even satisfied them, not one single bit.

When he was younger, he'd stay awake trying to impress his parents, but the two always made remarks, and sometimes did somethings much worse..

But we aren't getting into detail about that, not now!

"Eh, what do you want now?" Espresso lost his patience and blurted out.

"Young man don't you dare speak to me that way, i'm not one of your pals you understand me?" His father snapped.

Espresso became honestly mad, he didn't even have any 'pals' (Friends), so why would they be saying that shit?

He sighed, trying to control his anger.

"Listen, i'm not up for this shit, so if you will tell me what the hell you want, I will kindly leave." He snapped back.

The father was surprised. "Aye, you don't change one bit with that dorky attitude!"

Espresso mocked him, pretending to be him.

"I'm not in the mood for this, congrats you wasted a minute of my precious time I do not wish to waste on your poor ass."

He hung up, and threw the phone beside him.

He honestly thought he'd get alone time, without his parents.

But atleast it was over now, he could be alone alas.

[ Why can't this end?! ] ESPRESSO X MADELIENEWhere stories live. Discover now