"The news knows everything."

216 1 42

The title is so fucking true 💀


I ran around the streets, two cookies were following me. I knew the voice of them, but forgot the names.

I couldn't take the chance to look behind me, so I continued to cut corners until they eventually lost me.

I came to an alleyway, I stopped right before I banged my head into a brick wall. There were two dumpsters at the walls.

They were blocking off any escape, if something bad were to happen.

I decided to get to know the alleyway, since I am too lazy to turn back.

(Its only three fuckin steps bitch)

I noticed some loose bricks I could climb up.

'If anything happens, thats my escape route.'
I thought.

I got a ping on my phone, I pick it up and I get a notification from the news.

'Breaking news, hospital patient Espresso Cookie has just escaped, Officer Almond and Detective Walnut are on the case! Could it be accidental or a kidnapping? Who knows! If someone finds them, please bring them to the hospital for your reward!'

I gasp, there was a bounty on my head, just because I escaped?

The news went on.

'Also this man is known as Emo Boyfriend!'

And the power cut off.

I sigh, I take my viel (the thing at the back of his head) from my bag and put it on, I then grab a black hoodie with a coffee cup in the middle, and two pockets at the side and put it on, then put the hood up.

I look emo as fuck, but it's a disguise I suppose.

Just then, someone enters the alleyway aswell.

It wasn't Madeliene, Espresso, Almond, Latte or creampuff, or princess or even knight. It was someone I didnt know.

They have a gun, they point it at me. I turn to the brick wall calmly, and with the loose bricks I climb over the wall, and jump to the other side.

As I got down I hit my head against the floor.

It began to bleed, and I pass out once again.

(I begin to pass out, then my head hit the wall POW)

[ Why can't this end?! ] ESPRESSO X MADELIENEWhere stories live. Discover now