Facing It

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Hunter's POV:

I drove down the road stopped at the red light and punching the steering wheel of my truck. I just had to tell her that I couldn't do it. I am a single father who needs to focus on his daughter before he goes worrying about others. She makes you feel alive. A part of my brain shouted at me and it was true. My head and my heart were agreeing on taking that risk with Emma, but I just can't bear losing her or worst hurting her. Adam was a good fit for her and Skylar. Both of them needed someone who could support them more than I could especially if Skylar goes to college. Even though their young by time college comes the bill will be through the roof. I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white as I stopped in front of Maria's school. "Daddy." She cheered running into my arms. I picked her with ease as I walked back to the truck. "Are we going to see Ms.Emma and Skylar?" She asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Maria," I said.

"Why not? Skylar's my friend and Ms.Emma's your girlfriend." She said.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"No one. I just thought that since you guys talk I thought you liked each other." She said.

"We do," I said.

"Then why aren't you dating yet?" She asked.

"Daddy's weird that's why," I said.

"Then get to it, daddy. She won't stay single forever." She said. It amazes me how 1) my little Maria is giving me good dating advice and 2) she trust Emma only after a couple of encounters. Even though Maria is still my baby girl and very close to still being a baby in my eyes she's right. There's only so long that Emma will sit around waiting for me when she can have Adam. She admitted to being in love with me and yet I can't even admit that I like her. I was never like this before it was scaring me. It could be love, but I never knew what it felt like. I thought I had it with Maria's mom, Angela, but I didn't. With her, it was pure want, but here with Emma, I needed it. It was something about her that made me feel more than what I was. That I was special, important, needed and wanted at the same time. One thing was finally clear to me. I was in love with Emma and I had to tell her. "I love her," I said.

"Daddy," Maria said.

"Sorry pumpkin," I said.

"Are you going to tell her now?" She asked.

"Not now. I'll make her wait." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"To make sure that it's really me that she loves," I said.

"Emma might be my mommy?" She asked.

"Would you be okay with that?" I asked.

"That'd be the best cause I'd have a sister and a mommy and a daddy and everything else." She said.

"Everything that you deserve," I said kissing her forehead. Love here I come let's just hope you haven't pulled out yet because I'm ready to face the truth.

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