...At the scene of a crime

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A few days after the suit was made, Uraraka sent Izuku the parts to make the web shooters. Despite a few complications, Izuku managed to make the web shooters completely functional. During school, Izuku would sketch future suit concepts. When a student threw a soda can at him, Izuku caught it without looking up, and threw it across the room into the trash. When the bell rang, Bakugo attempted to destroy Izuku's sketches.

Bakugo: "Hey Deku!!"

Izuku: "Don't have time I gotta go!"

He then walks past Bakugo, leaving him in a rage. He then grabs Izuku and gets close to his ear.

Bakugo: "Listen you damn nerd!! You wanna be a hero? Then take a swan dive off a building, and pray you have a quirk in your next life!"

Izuku: "........ that's not a bad idea!!"

Bakugo: "Wait. What?"

Izuku then runs up to the roof, with Bakugo running behind him, trying to stop him from actually jumping. Reaching the top, Izuku puts on the web shooters, and dives off the building. Reaching the bottom, Izuku presses the button the web shooter, attaching a web to the building, and swing him to safety. Bakugo reaches the top, looks down and sees Izuku cheering that he made it. He then runs out of the school.

Bakugo: "What. The. Fu-"

Later at the Uraraka home.

Izuku: "Hello Captain!"

George: "Hey kid. Ochaco is in her room right now."

Izuku: "Thank you!"

In Uraraka's room.

Izuku: "So the web shooters work. I can use them for combat, and traveling around."

Uraraka: "Did you test them out?"

Izuku: "Yeah, I jumped off a building and th-"

Uraraka: "You jumped off a building?! Why didn't you just..... I don't know, NOT jump off a building?!?!"

Izuku: "I only did it too see how'd they'd react to high pressure winds. I can gladly say they work."

Uraraka: "No more building jumping!"

Izuku: "No promises."

Izuku laughs it off, becoming uneasy as he sees Uraraka giving him a death glare.

Izuku: "Haha...ha....ha..... please don't hurt me."

Uraraka: "No. Promises."

Izuku: "Soooooooo........ I haven't tested them out in combat yet, but I'm pretty sure if traversal with them works, combat does ad well."

Uraraka: "What about you're wall crawling and "spider-sense"? Have you been testing them out?"

Izuku: "Actually yes. I can run up the walls now and the sense hasn't been failing once."

Uraraka: "Good."

Izuku: "Sooooooo........ I was thinking........"

Uraraka: "What?"

Izuku: "It's just...umm... that movie based on Black Panther is coming out next month and.... I wanted to know if you would want to go with me?"

Uraraka smiled and looked at Izuku.

Uraraka: "I would love to go."

Izuku: "Alright! It's a date then!"

Both teens turned bright red when Izuku realized what he said.

Izuku: "I didn't mean by a date-date, I meant like you know friends going to hang out together!!!!"

Uraraka looked a little saddened hearing Izuku say that.

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