The date

914 16 16

1 Week later

Izuku: "Alright today's the day. You got this. You got this."

As Izuku knocks on Ochaco's door, George opens it and brings Izuku inside.

George: "So Izuku, what are you doing here tonight?"

Izuku: "Uhhh... well you see... me and Ochaco were gonna.... go see that Black Panther movie tonight.... and I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you?"

George: "What? Like a date?"

The atmosphere turned cold when George said this.

Izuku: "Only if......... your okay with it."

George stared at Izuku with murderous intent, before cracking into laughter.

Izuku (Nervous): "Hehe..he..... your gonna kill me aren't you?"

George: "No Izuku! I was just playing around with you! Of course she can go!"

Izuku: "Really?"

George: "Yeah, I'll go let her know your here!"

As a few minutes passed, George came back and sat down with Izuku.

George: "Sorry for the scare kid."

Izuku: "It's okay sir. You got me good!"

George: "That's for sure! In all seriousness though, I'm happy you and Ochaco are hanging out a lot. Your one
hell of an improvement from that Bakugo guy."

Izuku: "Yeah...... it sucks I have to live with him."

George: "You have to live with that punk?! Damn. How's that like?"

Izuku: "Not bad at the home, because my Aunt Mitsuki stops him from hurting me. School with him USED to such, but not so much anymore."

George: "Why's that?"

Izuku: "Well I started to, finally, stand up for myself."

George: "What lead you to finally do it?"

Izuku: "Ochaco's been encouraging me to stand up, so I have been."

Uraraka: "Dad hasn't been torturing you has he?"

Izuku: "Oh yeah, pepper sprayed me, tased me, broke my arms and legs, you know the usual."

George: "Hey a dad's gotta do what a dad's gotta do."

Izuku: "Heheh, bye Captain!"

George: "Be safe you two! And have fun!"


Izuku: "So how much you wanna bet we're gonna see Bakugo here?"

Uraraka: "Knowing your luck? %99.99."

Izuku: "Those are some low odds."

Bakugo: "DEKU!!!!!!"

Izuku: "Holy shit you were right."

Bakugo: "What do you think your doing here you little quirkless cretine?!"

Izuku: "First off, it's cretin. If your gonna insult someone do it properly. Second, this a PUBLIC MOVIE THEATER, which means you have to keep your voice DOWN, and me and Ochaco are allowed to be here."

Bakugo: "What did you just say?!"

Izuku: "I said cretin."

Bakugo: "After that! What did you just call her?!"

Izuku: "Oooooo, look...... nachos!"

Izuku and Ochaco then proceed to grab their food and leave behind a highly confused Bakugo.

After the movie

Izuku and Ochaco walk out of the theater, looking starstruck.

Izuku: "That"

Ochaco: "Was"

Both: "AWESOME!!!!"

As they continue to talk about how awesome the film was, the annoying angry pomeranian named Bakugo stops Izuku in his tracks.


Izuku: "When? The one before the movie or another rtime?"

Bakugo: "BEFORE THE MOVIE!!!!"

Izuku: "Ohhhhhhh! Okay. I called her Ochaco."

Bakugo: "WHY!?!?"

Ochaco: "Because me and Izuku are dating, duh."

Bakugo completely froze, unable to move from shock, while Izuku and Ochaco left him behind.

Izuku: "Nice one. That got to his head."

Ochaco: "Yeah, that was the plan."

Izuku: "Ummmmm...... did...... did you mean it?"

Ochaco looked at him with puppy eyes and a giant smile.

Ochaco: "Every word."

Just like that, Izuku returned the puppy eyes and smile back towards her.

Izuku: "You know..... nights still young. And we didn't get to have that ice cream last week. Wanna go now?"

Ochaco: "More than ever."

As they reached a diner, Izuku saw some old friends he'd never thought he saw again.

Izuku: "Momo, Shoto!"

The two turned around, seeing their old broccoli haired friend.

Momo: "Izuku!"

Shoto: "Brother!"

*Giant hug

Izuku: "Man, I'd never think I'd see you guys again!"

Shoto: "You've grown a lot brother. No longer that little guy anymore."

Momo: "Hey, is that Ochaco?"

Ochaco: "It's good to see you again Momo."

Izuku: "You two know each other?"

Momo: "Yes! Me, Ochaco, and my friend Jiro were practically sisters growing up."

Ochaco: "So when were you gonna tell me you had a brother?"

Izuku: "Well, not brothers by blood, but kinda like you and Momo."

Shoto: "We all grew up with each other, until my dad forced me to cut ties with Izuku."

Momo: "Me and my parents moved to America six years ago."

Izuku: "Yeah..... I've missed you guys. You wanna talk for a little? Try and catch up?"

Shoto: "Of course. I need to hear how my little brothers been handling Bakugo without me."

Momo: "I'm alright with it as well."

Ochaco: "I'd love to!"

Izuku: "Alright then! And by the way, your only older than me by two minutes Shoto!"

As the hours passed, the four of them exchanged numbers, planned to meet up in the following weeks, and went on their separate paths.

Izuku: "Sorry about that. I know we were supposed to hang out and all, it's just that I haven't seen them in years."

Ochaco: "I'm alright with it Izuku. I knew Momo growing up as well, so I wanted to talk to her again. Plus it's adorable hearing how you and Shoto grew up together."

Izuku: "Sense I tease you, now I'll bet you have leverage to tease me with."

Ochaco: "Revenge is the ice cream we just ate."

Izuku: "Well, here we are. I'll see you tomo-"

Izuku is cut off by Ochaco pulling him in for a kiss.

Ochaco: "See you tomorrow bug boy."

Izuku was blushing bright red, and smiling uncontrollably.

Izuku: "Yeah..... see ya tomorrow."

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