Pewter Gym

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Chapter 4
Celeste and Clefairy walk inside the gym where the ground is made out of a rocky terrain Celeste and Clefairy walk through it until silently a single Gym trainer walks up to her
Trainer Liam - "you're ten thousand light years away from facing Brock!"
Celeste just stands there then points at Brock
Celeste - "but he is literally right there?"
Trainer Liam - "Ugh just battle!"
Trainer Liam throws out a pokeball which is a Sandshrew as Celeste sends Clefairy
Trainer Liam - "use defense curl!"
The Sandshrew rolls its body up into a ball and increases its defense
Celeste - "Use metronome!"
Clefairy uses Metronome creating a  foresight as it just stands there looking at the Pokemon
Celeste - "shit.."
Trainer Liam - "use tackle!"
Celeste - "another metronome Clefairy!"
As Sandshrew charges at Clefairy with Tackle Clefairy uses Metronome creating a Wing Attack with the 2 attacks colliding with about even strength
Celeste - "metronome!"
Clefairy uses metronome as it creates a thunderbolt doing about nothing to the ground type Sandshrew
Celeste - "Shit another bad roll"
Trainer Liam - "Use Roll Out!"
The Sandshrew curls itself into a ball and rolls at a highs speed hitting Clefairy rolling around as it gains more power with Clefairy not taking that much damage
Celeste - "try another one!"
Clefairy uses metronome making a Knock Off as the next Roll Out Sandshrew uses gets flung away from Clefairy with Clefairy smacking it away with Knock Off as it comes back rolling with greater speed and power
Celeste - "Clefairy let's try one last one!"
Clefairy uses metronome as it makes a Megahorn as Clefairy strikes through the Roll Out  damaging the Sandshrew with a enough Power to cause it to faint winning it the battle
Trainer Liam - "No my Pokemon!"
Celeste - "Yes we did it!"
A voice coming from behind Celeste - "but you've yet to beat me in battle?"
Celeste turns around as she comes face to face with the Pewter City gym leader Brock
Brock - "shall we begin?"
Brock then walks to the other side of the battlefield with Celeste settling gets very nervous with this being the first time she's challenged a Gym leader with Clefairy pulling on her Pant leg attempting to comfort her with it being a little exhausted
Clefairy - "Clefairy.."
Celeste - "you sure you're up for this Clefairy?"
Clefairy with a determined look gives a thumbs up as it enters the battlefield as Brock takes put a Pokeball
Brock - "Go Geodude!"
Brock sends out Geodude with it giving Clefairy a cold glance as Clefairy is too tired to even notice
Brock - "Geodude use Tackle"
Celeste - "Clefairy use metronome"
Clefairy uses Metronome and creates a Vine Whip with the vine wrapping around Geodudes arm as Geodude pulls on the vine with its other arm using the power of tackle to hit Clefairy with full power as Clefairy lays on the Gyms floor ground barely having the power to stand up
Celeste - "Clefairy you okay!"
Clefairy makes a thumbs up for its trainer
Celeste - "Alright then use Metronome!"
Clefairy uses Metronome creating a powerful magical leaf with the attack being super effective causing Geodude to Faint with Brock calling it back to its Pokeball
Brock - "I got to say nice work but you're Pokemon is on its last legs I don't see you winning this battle"
Celeste - "Then maybe Open your damn eyes then maybe you will!"
Brock just smiles as he sends out his Strongest Pokemon
Brock - "Go Onix!"
As the Pokeball lands on the gym ground it appears out of its Pokeball being gigantic in size compared to Clefairy
Brock - "finish this off in one hit use slam!"
Onix uses its tail to slam Clefairy so hard it sends Clefairy flying through one of the Gyms walls with Clefairy laying bloody and bruised fainting giving Onix the win as Celeste quickly runs over to Clefairy lifting it
Celeste - "are you okay Clefairy?"
Clefairy it weakly nods as Celeste slowly walks over to Brock giving him a determined look"
Celeste - "put our battle on hold until I come back"
Brock - "alright"
Celeste then quickly dashes out of the gym without a second thought and runs inside the Pokemon Center yelling for the Nurse
Nurse Joy - "hi how was your matc-"
Nurse Joy takes a quick glance at defeated Pokemon grabbing it quickly
Nurse Joy - "did you just come back from your Gym match?"
Celeste - "I'm actually still in the middle of it"
Nurse Joy - "then go I'll make sure Clefairy is alright"
Celeste - "thank you miss"
Celeste then dashes out of the Pokemon Center running back to the Gym slamming the Gym door open walking inside with a Pokeball in her hand as Brock still stands where he was when she left with Onix menacingly looks down at the trainer as Celeste looks down at her last Pokemon
Celeste - "Please..I can't just allow them to get away with hurting Clefairy"
Celeste adjusts her bucket hat
Celeste - "Go Kakuna!"
Celeste sends out Kakuna as Kakuna just falls over after being sent out with Brock looking down at it
Brock - "You have to be…"
Brock loses his bold and intimidating posture as he leans over laughing
Brock - "you brought a practically useless Bug type Pokemon to a Rock type Gym?"
Celeste - "yes I did.."
Celeste looks down in embarrassment looking at her Pokemon laying on its side
Brock - "I'll just put it out of its misery Onix just use Rock Tomb!"
Onix unleashes a Rock Tomb on the defenseless Kakuna submerging it under Rock Onix creates
Celeste - "Kakuna.."
As a blinding light can be seen coming from under the rocks as a stinger can be seen moving one of the rocks out of the way as a Beedrill flies from under the rocks staring intensely at Onix
Beedrill - "Bee! Beedrill!!"
Brock - "it evolved!"
Celestes PokeDex reacts to the Pokemons new evolution
Celestes PokeDex - "Beedrill the Poison Bee Pokemon May appear appear in a swarm, Flies at violence speeds, all while stabbing with a poison stinger from its rear,"
Celeste - "wow you really evolved for me…"
Celeste wipes a tear from her face
Celeste - "Thank you Beedrill!"
Brock - "the battle isn't over because of one Pokemon evolving Onix go!"
Celeste - "Beedrill use String Shot!"
Before Onix can react Beedrill shoots out a String Shot from its mouth covering Onix body in a sticky substance slowing its body down causing it on able to move
Celeste - "Beedrill use Poison Sting!"
Beedrill starts repeatedly jabbing at Onix with Poison Sting causing it to become poisoned slowly causing more damage to it
Brock - "No Onix enough finish this with Rock Throw!"
Onix breaks from the String Shot creating a rock in its tail hurling it towards Beedrill
Celeste - "use Harden then finish it off with a fury attack!"
Beedrill harden's its body making the Rock Onix threw break upon impact as Beedrill uses fury attack on Onix hitting it repeat giving it chip damage as the poison from  earlier on in the battle causes Onix to faint giving Beedrill the win as Celeste runs over to Beedrill hugging it from behind
Celeste - "We did it Beedrill we won!"
Brock recalls Onix to its Pokeball walking over to Celeste as she celebrates her win
Brock - "You really caught me off guard I'm impressed so I like to hand you the Pewter city gym badge"
Brock holds out the Boulder Badge giving it to Celeste as Celeste takes it bowing her head pinning it on her vest as she walks out from gym with Beedrill flies by her side as they walk into the Pokemon Center as Clefairy can be seen waiting for Celeste Clefairy practically jumps into Celestes arms as Celeste hugs Clefairy with Clefairy looking over at Beedrills new form impressed by it
Clefairy - "Clefairy"
Beedrill - "Beedrill Bee!"
Celeste calls Beedrill back into its Pokeball as Celeste starts walking out of the Pokemon Center waving back at the Nurse who healed Clefairy exiting the Pokemon Center as Her and Clefairy continue their Pokemon journey
Chapters end

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