Hard Goodbyes

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Chapter 26
Inside the Pokemon Center Celeste and Quartz inside a table booth with Koga and Janine sitting on the opposite side, as Clefairy sits in between of Celeste and Quartz looking irritated it's even there
Clefairy - "Clefairy.."
Quartz looks at Koga with a very serious look on his face
Quartz - "it's not like you to just be hanging out inside a Pokemon Center so what's up?"
Koga - "like I said I originally came to Fuchsia to ask Janine with something"
Koga looks at Quartz with a intimidating gaze
Koga - "Team Rocket's back Quartz.."
Quartz - "excuse me what?"
Celeste - "Oh I know Team Rocke-"
Quartz cuts of Celeste
Quartz - "not now Celeste the adults are talking"
Quartz puts his hand to his chin looking anxious
Quartz - "do you know where there at?"
Celeste - "but Quartz tha-"
Quartz cuts of off again
Quartz - "Celeste like I said not now"
Koga sighs
Koga - "Maybe she should know the story behind Team Rocket to better understand the situation"
Koga coughs clearing his throat
Koga - "around sixteen years ago Team Rocket went inside of Saffron city where the Silph Corporation building is, Team Rocket broke inside the building and attempted to steal the MasterBall that's the day the legendary three from Pallet Town took out the entire organization and saved Saffron city"
Celeste - "the legendary three..wait do you mean Red, Blue and Green?"
Koga - "I do yes"
Celeste - "so why can't you just get them I mean isn't Red the strongest trainer in the world, Blue is Professor Oak's Grandson having only Second in Pokemon knowledge then the Professor, and Green even though she's mysterious she still kept up with both of them so what I don't understand is why you can't just go get them to take care of Team Rocket?"
Koga sighs
Koga - "it's not that simple"
Celeste - "wait what do you mean?"
Quartz - "Reds been missing for a few years now after his Legendary Battle with Gold from the Johto region he just disappeared"
Celeste - "but Blue and Green can still help right?"
Koga - "Blue left the Vermilion after Gold defeated him people say he's in the Sevii Islands but thats all we know and we don't know how to get into contact with Green"
Celeste - "but the Champion Yellow can still help she's strong jus-"
Koga - "She's the one who sent me Celeste"
Celeste - "wait what?"
Quartz - "Koga you mean here?"
Koga - "I mean Saffron, I came here to ask Janine to accompany me"
Janine being silence just holds her hands together
Janine - "father I'm not strong enough for that.."
Koga - "what do you mean you aren't strong enough?"
Janine - "you know before Celeste and Quartz came I was on the verge of quitting my position as Gym Leader"
Koga - "why on earth would you do something so stupid as that?!"
Janine - "I just don't win any battles because they come here expecting to battle you father and they're just always too much for my Pokemon to handle. I'm sorry.."
Koga sighs
Koga - "no need for an apology my daughter"
Janine let's out a small smile as Koga stands up looking at Quartz
Koga - "why don't you take Janine's place and come with me Quartz?"
Celeste, Quartz and Janine look in shock in what Koga said as Clefairy doesn't pay any mind to the conversation
Quartz - "Koga but I don't think I can it's not like how it use to-"
Koga cuts Quartz off
Koga - "Quartz you are one of the strongest trainers in Kanto!"
Koga kneels on a single knee on the floor bowing his head
Koga - "please help me save Kanto I beg of you"
Celeste and Janine stare in shock as Quartz stands up holding out his hand to Koga
Quartz - "Koga please stand up look I'll help"
Quartz looks at Celeste
Quartz - "Are you okay with that?"
Celeste - "Of course I am Quartz it's Koga of the Elite 4 you should go help"
Quartz - "that settles it right?"
Koga nods
Koga - "we will leave by helicopter in a few hours I'll call for one"
Koga steps away from everyone and walks outside of the Pokemon Centers door, as Celeste looks at Quartz
Celeste - "So when are we going?"
Quartz - "not ”we” Celeste"
Celeste - "Wait, what do you mean I'm not going?"
Quartz - "he said me Celeste, Koga said nothing about you"
Celeste - "but our journey!"
Quartz smiles
Quartz - "it's your journey"
Celeste - "I know it's my journey but I want you to be a part of it Quartz!!"
Clefairy pats Celestes thigh to attempt and comfort her with a worried look on it's face
Clefairy - "Clefairy?"
Celeste - "no it's alright Celeste but thanks.."
Celeste just pets Clefairy's head
Quartz - "it's not going to be for long how about this I'll make a deal with you"
Celeste - "what kind of deal?"
Quartz - "to get to Saffron you need to go through Celadon city once you beat the Gym there in a week I'll meet up with you at the Pokemon FanClub in Saffron"
Celeste - "wait Pokemon Fanclub is it like the one in Vermillion?"
Quartz - "no that one is just gross this one isn't that bad"
Celeste - "well how do I get to Celadon?"
Janine coughs for attention
Janine - "I didn't want to be rude and ruin your guys moment sorry but I can show you"
Quartz mouths out the words Thank you to Janine as Janine just nods
Celeste - "that would be great thank you!"
Janine - "of course"
A few hours later
Koga walks inside the Pokemon Center calling out to Quartz
Koga - "the helicopter is here for us Quartz!"
Quartz - "already?"
Quartz stands up as Celeste and Janine stand up right after, as Quartz heads outside of the Pokemon Center with Celeste and Janine walking behind him, as Clefairy tries to keep up trailing behind yelling at them to wait up
Clefairy - "Clefairy!"
Quartz stands outside as a helicopter lands outside of the Pokemon Center with it's door opening up for Koga and Quartz
Koga - "you can say your goodbyes really quick before we go"
Koga walks into the helicopter as Quartz turns back looking at Celeste
Quartz - "listen i-"
Celeste just smiles at Quartz
Quartz - "just stay out of trouble I trust you'll be okay"
Quartz looks at Clefairy mouthing out the words watch her as Clefairy nods putting a thumbs up
Clefairy - "Clefairy!"
Quartz - "I'm trusting you"
Quartz steps into the helicopter as the propeller spins taking the helicopter off the ground as Quartz closes the door
Celeste - "Bye Quartz I'll see you soon!!!"
Clefairy - "Clefairy! Clefairy!!"
Celeste and Clefairy wave to the helicopter as it flies away as Janine stands holding her hands together as Janine looks at Celeste
Janine - "I was wondering something"
Celeste looks back at Janine
Celeste - "yeah?"
Janine - "how about I train your Beedrill and Golbat right here at the Gym for you?"
Celeste - "Wait, what you would do that?"
Janine - "I really admired the way you took down my father and I train Poison types so I would be willing to do it"
Celeste - "I don't know what to say thank you Janine"
Janine - "its alright"
Celeste holds out the PokeBalls of Beedrill and Golbat
Celeste - "but.."
Janine - "but what?"
Celeste - "they've been with me through my whole journey so far like Beedrill was the very first Pokemon I ever caught it evolved all the way from a Weedle and even won me my first Gym Badge and Golbat even though it's not the fastest or strongest Pokemon I own I caught it evolved from a little Zubat and it helped me through Mt Moon it even helped me get my second Gym Badge"
Celeste sighs
Janine - "sounds like those Pokemon helped you through a lot"
Celeste - "I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for them.."
Celeste sends both Beedrill and Golbat out from their PokeBalls as Beedrill hovers off the ground and Golbat stands covering it's  mouth with its wings
Celeste - "hey guys would you guys mind staying here and train with Janine?"
Beedrill puts its Stinger arm up with determination in its eyes
Beedrill - "Bee! Beedrill!"
Golbat just slowly nods with a noticeable smile behind its wings
Golbat - "Golbat!"
Celeste just hugs both Beedrill and Golbat as Clefairy joins in as Beedrill places its Stinger arm around her shoulder and Golbat places one of its wings on her opposite sides shoulder
Celeste - "thank you for helping me get this far guys.."
Celeste let's go of Beedrill and Golbat as small tears fall down her face as she runs her sleeve against her eyes
Celeste - "look at me crying like what's wrong with me"
Celeste hands Janine Beedrill and Golbats PokeBalls
Celeste - "take good care of my Pokemon"
Janine - "I will don't worry"
Celeste - "thank you"
Janine - "let me walk you where you're supposed to go"
Celeste nods as Janine leads Celeste and Clefairy to Route 18 the edge of Fuchsia city just outside the gate leaving the city
Janine - "So before you leave, do you have a bike?"
Celeste - "yeah why?"
Janine - "on the other side of this gate is Route 18 or what most people call it Cycling Road"
Celeste - "Cycling Road?
Janine - "yes Cycling Road now listen this is very important now you need to Bike through Cycling Road alright"
Celeste - "alright"
Janine - "they won't let you through without a bike so take it out when you are inside"
Celeste - "that seems pretty stupid that they will let me through without a bike but alright"
Janine - "and remember Cycling Road is a very dangerous area so be careful"
Celeste smiles
Celeste - "I'll be okay thanks for everything Janine"
Celeste begins walking into the Gate with Clefairy alongside her as she waves goodbye to Janine, Beedrill and Golbat with Janine waving back
Celeste inside the Gate tries to walk through the Gate as a Guard yells at her
Guard - "You need a bicycle for Cycling Road!"
Celeste - "sorry my bad!"
Clefairy sighs as its trainer is already doing stupid things
Celeste pulls out her Bike unfolding it as she places Clefairy inside the rear basket
Celeste - "there now ready Clefairy?"
Clefairy puts a thumbs up
Clefairy - "Clefairy!"
Celeste smiles
Celeste starts riding her bike exiting the Gate riding along Route 18
Celeste - "let's go!!"
Celeste continues on riding her bike down Route 18 as the journey continues
Chapters end

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