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Chapter 2
Celeste and Clefairy make there way through Route 1 pretty quickly as reach Vermilion city a way bigger town then Pallet
Celeste gives a slight glance to Clefairy as Clefairy still gives her a side cheek as she sighs and stops walking in front of Clefairy
Celeste - "look I understand you don't like me but can you at least give me a chance?"
Clefairy - "Clefairy"
Clefairy walks around her doing a baddest bitch walk away from her as Celeste sighs
Celeste - "I just wanna get along"
Celeste walks behind Clefairy as they walk to the Pokemart where Professor Oak's Package should be just as she opens the mart door two team rocket grunts run out of the mart with one of them bumping into Celeste the Rocket grunt quickly runs out of the way of Celeste before she could take a look of them as she walks in with the whole Pokemart vacant as she walks to the mart clerk at the counter who seems to be having a panic attack
Mart Clerk - "they took everything man everything!"
Celeste - "they didn't take a package assigned to the professor by any chance did they"
Mart Clerk - "they took everything and all for some stupid box look I don't want any trouble I have a family you know"
Celeste - "so they did take my package got ya"
Celeste stands there contemplating her next decision as without a second thought she dashes out of the mart as Clefairy just watches in amazement with her actually catching up to them tackling the one guy down
Celeste - "oh hell no I have waited to freaking long to start my journey and that geezer asked one simple favor from me and I'm not just going to let you take that away from me"
Celeste turns the guy around as there eyes meet
Celeste - "understand?"
The Rocket grunt - "do you ever know who I am you stupi-"
Celeste cuts him off going
Celeste - "I don't care if you are the damn champion you will not take away my dream just to make a quick buck"
Celeste begins repeatedly punching the guy as Clefairy stands back and watches in shear awe from the situation as the other rocket grunt walks up from behind her grabbing her throwing her off the other rocket grunt lifting her off the ground
The other Rocket grunt - "you have a lot of nerve getting in our way you bitc-"
Before he can finishes his sentence she spits in his mouth and uses his leg to slam him down on the ground making herself fall in the process
The Rocket grunt - "you nasty mother fuc-"
She then walks over to him grabbing him by the collar
Celeste - "wheres the package!!"
The Rocket grunt - "we don't have it it's inside the Vermilion city gym"
Celeste drops him
Celeste let's out a aggravated groan
Celeste - "okay where's the gym"
The rocket grunt points the way to the gym as Celeste drags both of the grunts on the way there as she heads in front of the gym uses her leg to slam open the door as she throws the rocket grunts aside
Celeste - "I don't know who runs this place but but I want my package but and so help me if i don't I'll take down everything single person in here with my bare hands as a legion of Rocket grunts hear her threat a older man steps out from the shadows
??? - "all of us huh?"
Celeste - "and you are?"
??? - "Giovanni, the leader of team rocket!"
Celeste puts her fists up
Celeste - "okay let's go?"
Giovanni laughs it off as he simply drops a Pokeball unleashing a Machamp
Giovanni - "get rid of it"
Celestes confidence slowly turns into fear as she begins to run out of the gym with the Machamp running after her as she stops running out of breath as the Machamp uses a karate chop on her sending her flying hitting a Pokemon center as Machamp prepares another attack with Clefairy standing in front of Celeste protecting its trainer
Clefairy - "Clefairy!"
Machamp - "Machamp!"
Celeste stands up pushing Clefairy out of the way with her leg adjusting her Bucket hat with some blood dripping out of her mouth
Celeste - "I appreciate you trying to save me Clefairy but I am your trainer and as your trainer"
Celeste puts her fists up
Celeste - "I will protect you Machamp if you wanna fight me come get some!!!"
Machamp gets surprised by her words but goes in for another attack as Clefairy jumps in front of Celeste and uses metronome creating a meteor mash using the meteor mash Clefairy punches Machamp in the chest with all of its force sending Machamp flying as Celeste spits blood on the ground
Celeste - "eat disasteroid right Clefairy! "
Celeste gives Clefairy a bold smile as Clefairy just stands there disappointed at the pun it's trainer made breaking the awkward silence comes the same rocket grunt who Celeste beat up and spat at who saw everything
The Rocket grunt - "Hey I just saw what you did I got to say that was pretty cool so I figured I give you this"
The rocket grunt hands her the package for Professor Oak as she takes it As she thanks him and begins walking back to Pallet town with Clefairy at her side again really quickly traversing route 1 she walks back inside the lab as Professor Oak can seen playing a computer game on one of his old PCs as she walks up to him handing him his package
Professor Oak - "what are you handing it to me for dummy?"
Celeste and Clefairy standing there both giving him a confused gaze
Celeste - "okay what do you mean why am I handing it to you?"
Clefairy standing next to her mimicking her movements
Clefairy - "Clefairy Clefairy!!"
Professor Oak - "Oh I don't need it anymore I remembered I had another one laying around to give you"
Professor Oak goes back to playing his computer game
Celeste - "give what to me?"
Professor Oak - "Find out for yourself"
Celeste stands there opening it as a Brand new PokeDex is inside it with Five pokeballs as Celeste stands there clearly losing her mind mentally with her twitching her right eye
Celeste - "you mean you had me go and get something you were going to give me anyways"
Professor Oak - "uh yeah you slow or something kid"
Celeste stands there screaming internally as Clefairy just watches feeling the same as her trainer as Celeste puts her new Pokeballs inside her Bag with her new PokeDex in her right pocket as she walks outside the lab yelling lifting rocks slamming them into a river outside of Oaks lab lashing out her built in anger as Clefairy joins her
Celeste realizes Clefairy copying her actions as Clefairy stops throwing rocks inside the river looking back at Celeste Meeting her gaze as they fall down laughing about the whole situation together now officially starting her Journey to become even better then who ever was

Back at the Vermilion city gym
Giovanni can be seen lashing out at the Team Rocket grunt who helped Celeste as Machamp enters the gym with a depressed look as his four arms sway back and forth Giovanni walks up to Machamp
Giovanni - "a Clefairy you lost to a Pokemon who can't even stand toe to toe with a useless Magnemite!"
Machamp just stares at the gym ground as Giovanni takes its Pokeball out as he smashes it with his single bare hand making Machamp a wild Pokemon as it slowly walks away from Giovanni planning on how to get revenge on Celeste and Clefairy
Chapters end

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