Goodbye Clefairy?

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Chapter 9
After Celeste and Clefairy exit Cerulean city and begin making their way through Route 5 as they start arguing
Celeste - "Again I didn't mean to leave you there it was a accident"
Clefairy - "Clefairy! Clefairy!"
Celeste - "that's not fair it was after a battle you know I wouldn't just abandon you stupid!"
Clefairy - "Clefairy! Clefairy!!"
Celeste - "Hey don't bring my mother into this!?"
Clefairy - "Clefairy!! Clefairy!!"
Celeste just sighs as Clefairy faces the other way as they continue down the path of Route 5 as they come across a fork in route with two paths as Celeste takes out her Town map looking at it with a confused face
Celeste - "It doesn't say which one takes us to the Underground Path"
Celeste sighs
Celeste - "I don't think you have any great ideas huh Clefairy?"
Celeste faces Clefairy as Clefairy flips off Celeste with a apathetic look
Celeste - "Guess I'll choose then"
Celeste begins to have a existential crisis on the path she should take as she decides on the left
Celeste - "This one"
Celeste and Clefairy walk through the path as they reach a dead end coming across what seems to be a house with a long fence around it with a field of different pokemon
Celeste - "Dammit it's a dead end and a long way back maybe we should look inside?"
Clefairy just nods as the two enter with a middle aged man with his face unexposed, as he sits on a chair behind a counter sleeping as Celeste looks at him
Celeste - "excuse me?"
Celestes tries to get the man's attention as he continues sleeping
Celeste - "excuse me!?"
as Celeste talking with a louder tone wakes the man up
??? - "wh-what?"
He just stares at her
??? - "Who in the hell are you?"
Celeste - "Hi I'm Celeste Pinkwood and this is my partner Clefairy"
??? - "Pinkwood? You wouldn't happen to be related to Cheryl Pinkwood wouldn't you?"
Celeste - "Yeah Cheryls my mom"
The man gives a shocked look
Celeste - "why do you ask?"
??? - "No reason I actually haven't seen Cheryl in Ten years or anywhere near Pallet Town I've just been sitting here raising Pokemon doing something like a Pokemon daycare in a since"
Celeste tilts her head to the side
Celeste - "So you're from Pallet Town?"
??? - "I sure am"
Celeste takes a seat with Clefairy sitting next to her as the man takes a look at Clefairy
??? - "that's a extremely rare find a Clefairy that's comfortable around people"
Celeste - "huh?"
??? - "Because most people hunt them down for there extreme rarity"
Celeste - "I don't even see why it's such a big deal Clefairy doesn't seem any different from any other pokemon?"
??? - "it's because of the a special stone"
Celeste - "special stone?"
??? - "yeah didn't you past through Mt moon to get here?"
Celeste - "I did why?"
??? - "Because there's only 4 pokemon that can evolve with it and out of those pokemon Clefairy is one of the best"
Celeste - "why is that?"
??? - "because of its typing"
Celeste - "its a normal type isn't it?"
The man takes a sip from a drink on the counter he is sitting on
??? - "Fairy"
Celeste - "Fairy?"
??? - "The fairy typing is quite rare in Kanto. I think there's only like 5 different Pokemon species? Anyways its the only typing next to Ice that can defeat a Dragon Pokemon so people take advantage of that"
Celeste in ah by the mans knowledge on Pokemon
Celeste - "you know so much about Pokemon"
??? - "well I was traveling around for about Ten years on my own now"
Celeste - "oh wow so you've been traveling for the exact time I've been"
??? - "yeah but even before that I was traveling with my old traveling partner and before we parted ways we were traveling together since I first became a Pokemon trainer which is about Thirty years of my life"
Celeste - "wait you're a Pokemon trainer?"
??? - "that's right"
Celeste - "can I see what kind of Pokemon you have?"
The man stands up whistling as Three pokemon walk up from behind him as a intimidating stomping can be heard with a Nidoking, Rapidash while a small Tangela walking behind them
Celeste - "those are so cool!"
The man looks at her
??? - "so what have you manage to catch?"
Celeste pulls out two pokeballs as she sends out Beedrill as it flies off the floor with Golbat following with it standing covering its face with its two large wings
??? - "that's impressive a Golbat with two badges and a fully evolved Beedrill can be helpful yeah"
Celeste - "Golbat actually just evolved not that long ago actually"
??? - "you should watch with that pokemon"
Celeste - "why because of the drinking blood thing?"
The man sighs
??? - "no that's not even true don't always take Oaks Dex entries as fact"
Celeste - "Oh.. Sorry"
The man places his face over his head with a irritated look
??? - "Golbat is a flying pokemon right?"
Celeste - "Yeah?"
??? - "Now it's body is very heavy it's wings can't support that weight so it's going to have trouble flying"
Celeste - "I never thought of that"
Celeste looks at Golbat
Celeste - "is that true Golbat you can't fly properly anymore?"
Golbat stands there and nods covering it's face
Celeste - "hey I have a question about Golbat"
??? - "yeah what's up?"
Celeste - "how come it covers its face like it's been doing it a lot?"
??? - "that's because its jaw is way to big so it gets sore I guess it covers it since because of the size of its mouth it can't close it on its own"
Celeste - "oh that sounds horrible"
Celeste gets up and knees down at Golbat
Celeste - "You pushed yourself in that gym for me didn't you? That's why you evolved, you gave yourself a living hell just so I can get a badge..."
Golbat just nods
Celeste - "but why?"
??? - "you caught that Golbat as a Zubat right?"
Celeste - "yeah why?"
??? - "because Zubat next to Rattata is one of the most miss treated pokemon in all of Kanto since its known for being such a pest"
Celestes eyes water up
Celeste - "before I caught were treated horribly by a human weren't you"
Golbat just stands there staring at Celeste as Beedrill and Clefairy both look away from Celeste as Celeste notices
Celeste - "wait a second.."
Celeste - "you all were..."
Celeste - "that makes so much sense its why Beedrill and Golbat pushed themselves to get my badges and that's why..."
Celeste gives her focus to Clefairy
Celeste - "you really thought I was going to abandon you didn't you Clefairy?.."
Clefairy turns facing the opposite direction
Celeste - "this all makes sense that's why you act that why you do....wait that's why you hated me and you still do...."
??? - "you think Clefairy hates you?"
Celeste with teary eyes looks at the man
??? - "didn't that Clefairy walk in here with you outside its Pokeball?"
Celeste - "does Clefairy does that all the time"
??? - "took my Nidoking six months to get comfortable with me when I first caught it and it still wouldn't walk around with me until three years later"
Celeste wipes its eyes with her arm
Celeste - "really?"
??? - "I don't think Clefairy hates you I think it just wants to trust you and its having a hard time letting itself do that"
Celeste - "is that true Clefairy?"
Clefairy turns around teary eyed as both their eyes meet
Clefairy - "Clefairy!"
Celeste - "okay I understand"
Celeste recalls her Beedrill and Golbat as she stands up walking out of the Pokemon Daycare holding out Clefairy's Pokeball as Clefairy follows behind as she stands still
Celeste - "I understand you didn't have a choice in becoming my partner"
Clefairy gives her Trainer a look of confusion
Celeste - "ever since we started I wanted nothing but to get along...grow a bond with you so If you don't want to continue traveling anymore you don't have too you deserve that choice Clefairy you've saved my I owe you that.."
Celeste walking down the path throws Clefairy's Pokeball over her shoulder, as it lands on the ground rolling in front of Clefairy, as Clefairy picks it up with Celeste continuing down the path with Clefairy traveling back down the other way as Celestes journey continues with or without Clefairy by her side
Chapters end

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