Vermillion Gym

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Chapter 16
Celeste, Quartz and Clefairy walk back through Vermillion city as they stop in front of the way to the gym as a small tree blocks there path
Celeste - "so now what?"
Quartz just sighs
Quartz - "this could be a learning experience so what do you do if something is blocking the way to something?"
Celeste begins stomping on the small tree with Clefairy's help as the branches break off one by one with Clefairy finishing it off with a Mega Punch
Celeste - "like that?"
Celeste pants out of breath with Quartz just standing there giving her a awkward thumbs up
Quartz - "I was not a HM person either so at least she doesn't need them"
Celeste Quartz and Clefairy walk into the Vermillion Gym as Celeste sees Trash cans surrounding the gyms front area all lined up in rows
Celeste - "u-Uh Quartz?"
Quartz points at the trash cans then walks away
Celeste - "Quartz you can't just not tell me what to do here!"
Quartz - "I just did"
Celeste groans
Celeste begins to search through the trash cans as one of them has a button at the bottom so she pushes it and nothing happens she realizes they all have buttons at the bottom of them
Celeste - "we're getting somewhere I just need to figure out how I'm going to pass this"
One hour later passes
Celeste begins to fall to her knees and has a existential crisis
Celeste - "I don't know what to do!"
Celeste - "why can't I figure out this damn puzzle!!"
Clefairy just stands sighing there
Clefairy - "Clefairy.."
Clefairy begins to do the puzzle by itself and begins to search through the trash cans
Celeste - "it took me so long to get here and I can't even do a simple puzzle!!!"
Celeste yells in annoyance as Clefairy sees a trash can with a blue button and pushes it and next to it finds another trash can with the same button as Clefairy finishes the gym puzzle and walks back to Celeste dragging her to the gym battle as Lt. Surge stands at the end of the Battleground with cameras watching the whole puzzle challenge take place as he just looks at Celeste with a Look of disapproval
Lt. Surge - "a puzzle that simple and you had the Clefairy do it!?"
Celeste - "I'm not good at puzzles okay!?"
Lt. Surge - "whatever what really makes a trainer is how they can battle but you need a brain for that and it seems you don't have one"
Celeste pouts
Lt. Surge sends out a Voltord as Celeste sends out Golbat
Celeste - "Golbat start off with a supersonic!"
Lt. Surge - "Voltord use Sonic Boom!"
Golbat uses a screeching supersonic as Voltord is unaffected thanks to using Sonic Boom to cancel out the noise
Lt. Surge just smiles as Celeste returns his smile with a confused look
Lt. Surge - "Voltorb use Explosion"
Celeste - "wait what?"
Voltord rolls after Golbat glowing a bright light as it uses Explosion causing dust to surround to the two pokemon
Celeste - "Golbat!"
After the dust settles Golbat and Voltord seem to be both fainted as they recall their pokemon at the same time
Celeste - "you didn't even let my Golbat have a chance"
Lt. Surge - "took out one of your Pokemon that's my job I'm not taking it easy on you"
Quartz from the viewing stands watches the battle with Tangela sitting next to him
Quartz - "now why would you use Explosion turn one Surge..."
Lt. Surge sends out a Magnemite as Celeste sends out Farfetch'd
Farfetch'd - "Farfetch!"
Lt. Surge - "use Thunder wave"
Magnemite uses a quick Thunder wave paralyzing Farfetch'd
Celeste - "use slash!"
Farfetch'd forcing itself to move through the paralysis let's out three powerful Slash's that seem to do nothing to Magnemite
Lt. Surge - "using a normal type move on a Steel type? Oh you have a lot to learn"
Celeste just stands firmly still trying to keep her cool
Lt. Surge - "use Discharge!"
Magnemite uses Discharge with Electricity shooting out of its body from all kinds of directions hitting Farfetch'd
Farfetch'd - "Farfetch!!"
Farfetch'd uses its leek to continue stand not letting out a inch
Celeste - "can you still battle Farfetch'd?!"
Farfetch let's out a smile
Celeste - "alright then us-"
Lt. Surge cuts her off
Lt. Surge - "use Spark!"
Magnemite uses Spark as it slams its body against Farfetch'd surging electricity through Farfetchs body as soon as the attack finishes Farfetch faints giving Magnemite the win with Lt. Surge recalling Magnemite as Celeste filled with anxiety recalls Farfetch'd
Celeste - "you did your best.."
Lt. Surge - "two flying types in here it's pathetic like don't you know Electric is super effective against flying"
Celeste just calls out Beedrill with Lt. Surge calling out his Raichu
Celeste - "use Twineedle!"
Surge just smiles as Beedrill uses Twinneedle with Raichu grabbing both of Beedrills Stingers and wraps it's long tail around Beedrills body
Celeste - "wait hold on that's not!!"
Lt. Surge - "use thunder punch!"
Raichu continuously use Thunder punch against Beedrills torso with Beedrill not taking the multiple hits very well
Beedrill - "bee.."
Lt. Surge - "use hyper beam"
Raichu charges up it's hyper beam as Beedrill attempts to struggle away from Raichus grip
Celeste - "Fly away Beedrill!"
Raichu unleashes it's Hyper Beam against Beedrill letting you go sending Beedrill flying as Celeste catches Beedrill with the force slamming her against the wall
Celeste - "you okay Beedrill.."
Beedrill being in a fainted state fails to answer as Celeste takes it's Pokeball out recalling it
Celeste - "you did a super job Beedrill take a rest"
Celeste stands up looking at Lt. Surge
Celeste - "So what the hell was that!?"
Lt. Surge - "hm?"
Celeste - "you didn't even give my Beedrill a chance!"
Lt. Surge - "I keep telling you I'm not going easy on you"
Celeste - "there's a difference between taking it easy on me and just being a complete douchebag!"
Celeste looks at Clefairy
Celeste - "I only have one pokemon left..."
Lt. Surge - "well figure out how you are going to take out my four Pokemon"
Celeste - "I'm sorry you said four?"
Lt. Surge - "I said four"
Quartz from the battle stands - "that's not fair Surge she only has four and you took out three of them!"
Celeste begins to panic as Clefairy walk onto the battlefield looking directory at Raichu
Clefairy - "Clefairy!"
Raichu - "Rai!"
Celeste - "let's just continue"
As the battle continues Tangela sitting next to Quartz walks away from him as it walks out from the battlestands
Celeste - "use Mega punch!"
Lt. Surge - "use thunder punch!"
Clefairy and Raichu's attacks collide with their strength being about even
Lt. Surge - "use thunderbolt!"
Celeste - "use metronome!"
Clefairy uses metronome creating a Lightscreen that halves the damage from Raichus thunderbolt
Celeste - "Clefairy use metronome again"
Lt. Surge - "finish this use Hyper beam!"
Raichus uses Hyper beam as Clefairy quickly uses Metronome creating a Barrier protecting a Clefairy from the Hyper beam
Celeste - "Clefairy use metronome make this one count"
Clefairy uses metronome creating a Earthquake being super effective against Raichu causing it to faint but from using a powerful move like Earthquake it causes Clefairy to faint due to exhaustion tying the battle
Celeste - "Wait"
Quartz gasps Inside the stands
Quartz - "oh no.."
Lt. Surge laughs
Lt. Surge - "guess you lost so I would get ou-"
Tangela runs onto the Battlefield cutting off Lt. Surge
Tangela - "Tangela!"
Quartz - "Tangela what are you doing!?"
Lt. Surge just stands there looking at the Tangela with Celeste just looking up at the battle stands looking at Quartz with even Quartz in shock
Quartz - "What in the hell are you doing Tangela!?"
Tangela walks over to Clefairy wrapping its vines around Clefairy lifting it as it walks back to Celeste laying it on the Gym Floor
Tangela - "Tangela!"
Tangela stands inside the battlefield taking Clefairy's place in the battle as Celeste stands there falling to her knees with Tangela looking back at Celeste
Celeste - "thank you Tangela.."
Lt. Surge - "wanna battle in place of her Pokemon huh alright I can except that"
Celeste stands back up wiping her faceoff as Lt. Surge sends his Magnemite back out
Lt. Surge - "use Discharge!"
Celeste - "alright then Tangela use Vine whip!"
Tangela uses its vine to smack away the discharge as the power difference between the Pokemon as Tangela uses one single vine whip on Magnemite causing it to faint as Lt. Surge recalls it
Celeste - "you did it Tangela!"

Lt. Surge sends out his final Pokemon Electabuzz gets sent out as it unleashes a mighty cry
Electabuzz - "Electabuzz!!"
Tangela - "Tangela!"
Quartz sits observing the Electabuzz putting Clefairy down yelling at Celeste
Quartz - "You have your PokeDex use it to see it's moves"
Celeste - "right"
Celeste pulls out her PokeDex looking through Tangelas data
Celeste - "use Giga drain!"
Lt. Surge - "use Discharge!"
Electabuzz uses Discharge sending electricity in random directions as Tangela uses Giga drain wrapping it's vines around Electabuzz ignoring the pain from it's Discharge
Celeste - "use Toxic!"
Lt. Surge - "release more power out of that Discharge!"
Electabuzz keeps pushing out electricity more and more as Tangela keeps on just ignoring the pain from it as it uses a Toxic badly poisoning Electabuzz as neither Pokemon backs down
Electabuzz - "Electabuzz!"
Tangela - "Tangela!"
Lt. Surge - "Electabuzz keep going us-"
Before Lt. Surge can continue Tangela unwraps itself from Electabuzz with smoke steaming out of its body as Electabuzz due to the poison can be seen fainted as Tangela just sits
Lt. Surge recalls Electabuzz as Celeste runs over to the tired Tangela hugging it with her face looking like she could cry at any moment
Celeste - "thank you so much Tangela I couldn't win this without you!!!"
Lt. Surge after recalling his Pokemon walks over to Celeste holding out the Thunder badge as Celeste takes it pinning it on her vest
Lt. Surge - "before you leave there's something I want to say"
Celeste - "huh?"
Lt. Surge - "that Electabuzz hasn't lost a battle since I battled that boy Red"
Celeste - "wait so you really went all out.."
Celeste stares at Tangela
Lt. Surge - "I'm kind of surprised too I'm not sure how you did it but that little Tangela did it you have earned that Badge"
Celeste - "u-Uh thank you sir"
Celeste awkwardly salutes him as Lt. Surge just rolls his eyes
Celeste - "okay got ya"
Quartz holding Clefairy walks over to her
Quartz - "we need to talk because that wasn't okay!"
Celeste - "what I won, didn't i?"
Quartz - "with Tangela"
Celeste - "yeah sorry about that.."
Quartz - "look you need to start relying on your Pokemon's strength not mine or using the luck of Clefairy's Metronome"
Celeste - "I get it.."
Quartz - "let's just go to the Pokemon Center were gonna have to walk a lot in the morning"
Celeste and Quartz walk out of the Vermillion gym and start heading to the Pokemon Center once inside they hand Nurse Joy their Pokemon and stay the night and once they awake they begin to start heading out of Vermillion city as there journey continues
Chapters end

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