Mt Moon

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Chapter 6
Celeste and Clefairy walk through Route 3 pretty quickly as they reach Route 4 right in front of Mt Moon where they walk inside a Pokemon Center that just so happens to be right outside next to Mt moon as Celeste opens the Pokemon Centers door and walk through with Clefairy
Celeste - "What a conveniently placed Pokemon center wanna stay here for the night Clefairy?"
They proceed to walk up up a escalator inside the Pokemon Center where a lady at a desk can be seen as Celeste and Clefairy walk up to her
Teala - "hi my name is Tesla how can I help you today love!"
Celeste - "Can I have a room for the night"
Tesla - "yeah sure you have a Pokemon license?"
Celeste puts down her Pokemon license as Tesla gives her a hotel key as Celeste and Clefairy walk to there hotel room as they walk inside Celeste jumps onto the bed sighing
Celeste - "ah a comfortable bed it's been so long since I've laid in one of these"
Celeste stands up and sends out Beedrill to join her and Clefairy
Celeste - "Hey Beedrill you're on our Journey too so you should be able to sit and relax yourself!"
Beedrill - "Bee!"
Beedrill uses it's String Shot to make itself a cocoon as it encases itself in it getting some much needed sleep as Clefairy climbs up on the bed with Celeste as they both pass out asleep
The next morning
Celeste wakes up walking over to the bathroom getting yourself ready for her journey as Clefairy gets up immediately after walking over to Beedrills cocoon noticing its gone
Clefairy - "Clefairy!"
Clefairy then runs over to Celeste grabbing her leg as Celeste is brushing her teeth immediately spitting in the sink afterwards
Celeste - "what's up Clefairy?"
Clefairy points at the cocoon as Celeste notices Beedrills absence immediately getting ready as she grabs her bag and Beedrills Pokeball as Celeste and Clefairy dash around the whole Pokemon Center looking for Beedrill
Celeste - "Beedrill! Beedrill!!"
Clefairy - "Clefairy!"
As they walk outside where Beedrill can been sitting outside on a rock outside of Mt Moon waiting for the pair as Celeste just happy for its safety recalls Beedrill to its Pokeball as they enter Mt Moon as they enter Celeste realizes how big the cave is and starts to walk through the large cave with Clefairy as after walking for a few hours they behind to get Lost
Clefairy - "Clefairy!"
Celeste runs into a random hiker and begins to talk with him
Celeste - "um excuse me do you know a way to get out of here I'm trying to get to Cerulean city?"
The Hiker - "I've walked through here countless times and I still don't know my way around"
Celeste groans
The Hiker - "But I know if you catch a Zubat it can lead you out of here faster"
Celeste - "wait for real!?"
The Hiker - "yeah, they're pretty big nuisance in here I'm sure you can find one easily"
Celeste - "alright that's helpful thanks!"
The Hiker - "No problem!"
Celeste and Clefairy start walking through Mt Moon looking for a Zubat as they see one hanging upside down from the cave ceiling
Celeste - "maybe I can just throw a Pokeball?"
Clefairy uses metronome as it creates Mud  Sport as the Zubat starts flying at them as Celeste goes into her bag as she pulls out a doughnut, she was gonna eat later and throws it at the Zubat as the Zubat catches it in its mouth Celeste throws a Pokeball at it as it shakes three times catching the Pokemon
Celeste - "yes I did it"
Celestes PokeDex reacts to the capture
Celestes PokeDex - "Zubat the Bat Pokemon It has no eyes. Instead, it relies on its ultrasonic cries for echo location to flit about in darkness"
Celeste - "no eyes huh well alright welcome to the team Zubat"
Celeste calls out Zubat from its Pokeball
Celeste -"You think you can lead us out of here?"
Zubat - "Zubat
It nods as it uses a Ultrasound cry through the cave and starts leading through the cave with no difficulties until the tree come across a scientist on the cave ground studying two weirdly shaped the rocks as the scientist sees them and yells
The Scientist - "Hey stop, I found both these fossils, they're both mine!"
Celeste - "but I don't want your foss-"
The Scientist takes a Pokeball sending out his Grimer
The Scientist - "Grimer use Pound"
Celeste - "Zubat use Supersonic"
Zubat uses Supersonic as the Grimer becomes confused because of it unable to attack
Celeste "now use Astonish"
Zubat uses Astonish over and over again Grimer faints as the Scientist sends out his next pokemon
The Scientist sends out his Voltord next
The Scientist - "Voltorb use charge"
Celeste sends out Beedrill
Celeste - "Beedrill use Poison sting!"
Beedrill uses Poison sting taking out the Voltorb in one direct hit as the Scientist recalls his Voltorb he sends out his final Pokemon his Koffing
The Scientist - "Koffing use smog
Celeste - "Clefairy use Metronome!"
Clefairy uses metronome creating a future site as Koffing uses smog missing its attack
Celeste - "Clefairy use Metronome again!"
As before Clefairy can do anything the  future sight from before attacks Koffing knocking it out in one shot as Celeste just stands there
Celeste - "okay I wasn't expecting that"
The scientist hands her the Helix Fossil as she decides not even argue with it putting the fossil in here bag as Celeste Clefairy and Zubat traverse through the cave making it out as Zubat falls on the ground screeching in pain from exposure from the sun as Celeste blocks away the sunlight recalling Zubat to its Pokeball as she begins to talk to its Pokeball
Celeste - "Sorry Zubat I didn't know you couldn't deal not being inside caves you did a good job so get a long rest"
Celeste and Clefairy now walking through Route 4 again as there Journey continues
Chapter end

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