Pokemon Fanclub

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Chapter 12
Celeste, Quartz and Clefairy as they come across a Fisherman giving away free fishing rods as it gets Quartzs attention
Quartz - "ah here we go"
Celeste - "what?"
Quartz - "okay you're going to learn how to fish"
Celeste - "what!? No fishing is boring!"
Quartz - "there is plenty of Pokemon ex be found in the ocean"
Celeste - "yeah but I don't need a water one right now the gym is electric based"
Quartz - "well it's happening so suck it up"
They go over to the Fisherman
Old Rod Guru - "so you are interested in my Old Rods huh?"
Quartz - "we'll take two"
The Old Rod Guru hands them both a Old Rod each as Celeste and Quartz walk over to the water bank on the side of Vermilion city as they both sit down throwing both there Rods in the water, as they wait a for a few hours
Celeste - "this is so boring Quartz can't we just do something else?"
Quartz smiles as he thinks about something
Quartz - "So have you ever even been fishing before?"
Celeste - "nope"
Quartz - "....your dad never take you or?"
Celeste pauses and thinks for a moment
Celeste - "I..actually don't really have a dad now that I think about it, it's always just been me and my mom"
Quartz - "I see"
Celeste feels a strong tug on the rods line from inside the water, as Celeste pulls on the Rod not being able to budge whatever is in the water
Celeste - "I can't do it!"
Without a moment of hesitation Quartz stands up grabbing Celeste pulling her whole body towards him as a giant Magikarp flies out of the water flopping on the ground
Celeste - "uhhhh"
Quartz - "I mean it's something"
Celeste just drops a Pokeball on top of the Magikarp as it goes inside with it shaking three times finally catching the Pokemon as Celeste pulls out her Pokedex checking its data
Celeste - "there needs to be something good about this Pokemon.."
Celestes Pokedex reacts to it
Celestes Pokedex - "Magikarp the Fish Pokemon It is virtually worthless in terms of both power and speed. It is the most weak and pathetic Pokemon in the world"
Celeste just stands there staring at Quartz
Celeste - "All of this for what it says is the most worthless Pokemon"
Quartz - "Well that's all the Old Rod gets you"
Celeste - "Wait you knew I would only get a Magikarp the whole freaking time!"
Quartz - "Fishing is a skill you need to have a trainer and you did it you caught the Pokemon"
Celeste - "The most worthless Pokemon!!! Three hours!!!"
Quartz - "Yes"
Celeste just yells in frustration as the Fisherman from before walks over to the both of them
Old Rod guru - "did you catch a Pokemon?"
Celeste just stands there and calls out the Magikarp as it pathetically flops around
Celeste - "if you can even call this a Pokemon"
The fisherman looks at the Magikarp in ah
Old Rod guru - "that's the biggest Magikarp I've ever seen.."
The Magikarp just continues to flop around slowly dying as the three stand around it
Old Rod guru - "how much for it?"
Celeste - "Wait, you actually want it?"
Old rod guru - "why is that a problem?"
Celeste - "no no that's not-"
Quartz cuts her off
Quartz - "how about you just trade her a Pokemon for it"
Celeste - "doing what for what now?"
Clefairy just stands away from them drinking a Pokemon themed juice box pretending she doesn't know her trainer or her trainers new traveling companion
Clefairy - "Clefairy.."
Old rod guru - "I only really have..wait you want my Farfetch'd?"
Quartz - "you own a Farfetch'd?"
Old rod guru - "I sure do yeah"
Celeste - "what's that?"
Quartz - "seems like a good offer she'll take it"
Celeste - "I'll take what!?"
Old rod guru - "alright that settles it"
Quartz and the Old Rod guru shake hands on the deal
Celeste - "What's a trade!? What's Farfetch'd!!? what's even going on right now!!?"
Old rod guru - "you know there should be a trading machine inside the Pokemon fanclub we should try that?"
Quartz -"that's not a bad idea"
Celeste just sighs
Celeste - "Quartz you're supposed to be teaching me things remember!"
Quartz - "The Pokemon fanclub is a place where weirdos go to leave parents basement and talk about how much they love Pokemon"
Celeste - "ohh"
Celeste stands there questioning society
Celeste - "okay now I'm just mad at myself for asking"
Celeste, Quartz, The Old Rod guru, walk into the Pokemon fanclub as Clefairy walks behind them as they open the door where a endless amount of overweight Pokemon fans can be seen hugging oily looking Pokemon plushies and sitting in front of computer screens with a the Pokemon chairman who looks like he invented the word Pedophilia as The Old Rod guru and Celeste walk over to the trading machine
Old rod guru - "look you just place the Pokemon here and press this button and it trades over the Pokemon"
Celeste - "can't we just give each other the PokeBalls instead by hand I mean this seems a little extra?"
Old rod guru - "nope it has to be done this way that's how it works"
Celeste just sighs while Clefairy walks around the Fanclub Hall as it's immediately getting dog piled by a bunch of overweight Pokemon fans
Clefairy - "Clefairy!"
Clefairy nearly suffocates over the stomachs of the unhygienic people as it squirms it's body from under the pile
Clefairy - "Clefairy!!!"
As Clefairy runs over to Quartz hiding behind his leg as the Pokemon fans wobble over to him
Quartz - "enough! Don't make me use this!"
Quartz pulls out a bar of soap
Quartz - "stay back or I will use this!"
The Pokemon fans hiss and run back to there computer screens as a little fat kid runs following them behind for no apparent reason
Quartz - "you doing alright Clefairy?"
Clefairy stands there having a existential crisis afraid what our world is coming to as sweat pours down it's face Clefairy wonders how long the world has until every last human being becomes one of those gloopy human ice cream men as Clefairy stands there hiding it's fear giving a smile and thumbs up too Quartz
Clefairy - "Clefairy"
As Celeste and The Old Rod Guru put there pokeballs in the trading machine it trades the Pokemon adding Farfetch'd to Celestes team as she looks at its Pokeball
Celeste - "Welcome aboard Farfetch'd!"
The Pokemon chairman walks up to Celeste from behind her whispering in her ear
The Pokemon chairman - "My favorite Rapidash... It... cute... lovely... smart... plus... amazing... you think so?... oh yes... it... stunning... kindly... love it! Hug it... when... sleeping... warm and cuddly... spectacular... ravishing... ...Oops!"
Celeste shivers hearing the Old man whispering into her ear
Celeste - "uhh"
The Pokemon chairman gives her a Bike Voucher placing it into her hand
The Pokemon chairman licks his lips
The Pokemon chairman - "come back when you turn 18 hehe"
Celeste stands there in fear as Quartz stands in front of her giving a Death stare to the Pokemon chairman
The Pokemon chairman - "Oh it appears to be time for you to go! go!! go!!!"
As Celeste, Quartz and Clefairy walk out of the Pokemon fanclub waving goodbye at the Old rod guru as they walk through Vermilion city as there journey continues

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