War at Silph Co

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Chapter 32
Inside a helicopter that can be seen flying over Fuchsia City with Quartz sitting down as Koga sits at his side, as Koga turns over to Quartz
Koga - "so you have a kid?"
Quartz sighs
Quartz - "what gave it away?"
Koga - "what you should be asking is what didn't.."
Quartz - "what does that mean?"
Koga - "in appearance she has your eyes and her mothers hair"
Quartz sits there quietly
Quartz - "..."
Koga - "her Mother is Cheryl right?"
Quartz - "yes Koga it is.."
Koga - "I see"
Quartz - "you don't see me putting you on trial here dude"
Koga - "huh?"
Quartz - "you went out of your way to battle her then you used Crobat your ace Pokemon..seems a little extreme for a rookie don't you think?"
Koga - "but she won"
Quartz - "yeah I still need to process that.."
Koga - "three years it's been since I lost a battle you know"
Quartz - "you didn't exactly hold back either why?"
Koga - "you want me to be honest?"
Quartz - "sure"
Koga - "only if you answer two questions for me"
Quartz - "two? that's not fair"
Koga - "well have it your way then"
Quartz sighs
Quartz - "alright deal"
Koga - "so Cheryl is the mother right?"
Quartz - "she is yeah"
Koga - "that's one question now for my second question, why doesn't she know about you being her father?"
Quartz - "..because I guess..Cheryl never said anything and I'm not ready to tell her myself.."
Koga - "have you talked to Cheryl recently?"
Quartz - "once over the phone when I was in Pewter City"
Koga has a confused look on his face
Quartz - "what?"
Koga - "well what she say?"
Quartz - "that Celeste is my daughter"
Koga - "that's it?"
Quartz - "pretty much"
Koga - "that's pretty cold"
Quartz - "well 10 years after ditching her I'd hold a grudge too"
Koga nods
Koga - "no I understand if I knew that was the case I would have checked up on her"
Quartz - "now for my question"
Koga - "hm?"
Quartz - "why'd you do it?"
Koga - "because I wanted to test her and she passed"
Quartz - "what test?"
Koga smirks
Koga - "she gave me a look only now that only seven people have ever given me the legendary three of Kanto, Gold the strongest trainer in Johto, Crystal the Greatest Pokemon catcher in the world.."
Koga gives a look at Quartz
Koga - "and you the Fossil expert"
Quartz - "guess that runs in the family"
Koga - "you ain't kidding...but seriously listen up"
Quartz - "whats up"
Koga - "Celeste is still young you might as well make a effort to stay in her life while you can or you'll end up like me not knowing his daughter before she grows up"
Quartz - "after this little detour I don't plan to leave her side again"
Koga - "So when do you plan on telling her?"
Quartz - "once the time is right.."
The helicopter pilot yells back at Quartz and Koga
Helicopter Pilot - "we have reached your destination!"
Koga - "think it's time to go"
Quartz - "right"
Quartz looks outside as they finally reached Saffron City as the Helicopter is flying over the top of the Silph Co building
Helicopter Pilot - "I think you guys need to jump!"
Quartz - "what!?"
Koga chuckles
Koga - "I accept this challenge!!"
Quartz looks over to Koga
Quartz - "what!?"
Helicopter Pilot - "ready?!"
Koga - "Yes!!!"
Quartz - "No!?"
Koga pushes Quartz out of the helicopter as he falls out, as Koga nimbly jumps out with his cape breezing through the air, as Koga lands on his feet and Quartz falls landing on Silph Cos rooftop
Quartz - "ugh that hurt why'd you do that Koga you crazy basta-"
Koga shushes Quartz cutting him off, he points at a door leading inside to the building
Koga - "that's where we need to go"
Quartz nods
Quartz - "on it"
Quartz and Koga sneak over to the door and attempt to open it with it being locked
Quartz - "it's locked so now what?"
Koga pulls out a Katana sword of a sheath along his back and slices the door down the middle
Quartz - "okay so known to self never to piss you off"
Koga then leads into the building as Quartz follows from behind as they enter inside the building together, as they walk alongside each other through a hallway on the twelfth floor inside the building Koga, as Koga stops and points at the floor
Koga - "here"
Koga holds out a Pokeball as he sends out his Koffing gets sent out
Koffing - "Koffing!"
Koga - "Koffing use Sludge Bomb on the floor!"
Quartz - "Koga what are you doing?!"
Koga - "just do it!"
Koffing uses Sludge Bomb on the floor melting away as it dissolves making a hole in the floor as without a moment of hesitation Koga jumps down into the hole with Koffing following behind
Quartz sighs
Quartz - "I'm getting too old for this.."
Quartz jumps into the hole as he lands on his feet behind Koga with his Koffing alongside him levitating off the floor, as Quartz notices Koga looking ahead menacingly
Koga - "watch out we have company"
Quartz looks ahead and notices Giovanni standing there along with the President of Silph Co tied up and gagged to a chair
Giovanni - "hello there gentlemen it's been awhile"
Giovanni gives a cold smirk at the two as they look back at him with cold determined stares
Giovanni - "Michiko come in here and deal with these unwanted guests"
Giovanni stares at Quartz and Koga with a grin on his face as the sound of clatter can be heard, as a folding metal door gate opens as a busty brown skinned woman with a comically sized afro sways her hips through the door giving Quartz a side eye glance as Quartz looks stunned
Michiko - "Quartz it's been a while"
Koga looks confused and turns to Quartz
Koga - "you know this woman?"
Quartz sighs
Quartz - "it's a long story.."
Koga - "well lucky for you we don't have time for one of those"
While Quartz and Koga talk amongst themselves Giovanni holds out a briefcase and throws it over to Michiko
Giovanni - "go get out of here!"
Michiko nods and runs through the metal door gate
Koga yells at Quartz
Koga - "you stop her while I stay and take care of him!"
Quartz - "yeah on it!"
Quartz begins to run after Michiko as they run through the twelfth floor as they reach outside both standing along the rooftop of the Silph Co
Michiko - "does this bring back any old memories Quartz?"
Quartz - "Really Michiko Team Rocket, how could you!"
Michiko - "how could i?...How could I!? You abandoned me Quartz!!"
Quartz - "I didn't abandon you"
Michiko - "yes you did our research!..our relationship!!..and for what to hide away in Pallet Town!!!"
Quartz - "I fell in love Michiko what do you want me to say!!!"
Michiko - "that's the problem Quartz..."
Michiko pauses and holds out a PokeBall
Michiko - "listen I threw everything away for you once I'm not about to do that again so stay out of my way"
Quartz - "What's in the briefcase Michiko?"
Michiko sends out a Smoochum
Michiko - "Smoochum use Metronome"
Smoochum - "Smoochum! Smoochum!"
Smoochum uses Metronome creating a Haze as Smoochum blows a black mistake from its mouth that surrounds the area
Quartz - "damn it I can't see a thing!"
Quartz holds out a PokeBall and sends out Rapidash
Quartz - "use Fire Spin and get rid of that Haze!"
Rapidash uses Fire Spin as it opens its mouth and a ball of fire appears in its mouth. It then shoots a vortex of fire at the floor with the vortex blowing away the Haze
Rapidash - "Rapidash!"
Michiko - "a Rapidash that's new"
Quartz - "what do you think I'm going to use the very same Pokemon for the rest of my life?"
Michiko - "Relax, don't get cocky Smoochum use Metronome again!"
Smoochum uses Metronome creating a Hydro Cannon as it fires the attack at Rapidash
Quartz - "Quick Rapidash use Wild Charge!"
Rapidash uses Wild Charge as its body becomes surrounded in blue electricity and it charges at the fired Hydro Cannon ramming through the attack, as it takes recoil damage with the attack landing on Smoochum as it faint upon impact as Michiko returns it to its PokeBall without saying a word
Michiko - "..don't get too excited that was just a Baby Pokemon after all.."
Michiko holds out a different PokeBall as she sends out a Golduck
Golduck - "Golduck!"
Michiko - "Alright make this quick use Aqua Jet!"
Golduck uses Aqua Jet becomes surrounded by water and it shoots into the air like a rocket
Quartz - "Rapidash use Wild Charge!"
Rapidash uses Wild Charge as the attack collides with Golducks Aqua Jet with the attacks strengths being about even as both Pokemon faint from exhaustion
Quartz - "Rapidash!"
They both recall their Pokemon with blank looks on their faces
Michiko sends out Ludicolo as Quartz sends out Tangela
Tangela - "Tangela!"
Ludicolo - "Ludicolo!"
Michiko snickers
Michiko - "another odd Pokemon choice for you"
Quartz just stands there with a cold blank look as his trapper hat covers his eyes
Quartz - "..use Vine Whip.."
Michiko - "oh please that's all? Ludicolo u use Ice Beam!"
Tangela uses Vine Whip as Ludicolo let's off a powerful Ice Beam as Tangela immediately faints from the powerful attack
Quartz - "no damn it Tangela.."
Michiko - "Did you think my beloved Ludicolo who was once owned by my father Miror. B would get taken out that easily?"
Quartz grinds his teeth as he holds out a PokeBall
Quartz - "I'm counting on you buddy.."
Quartz lets out a slow sigh
Quartz sends out his Nidoking
Nidoking - "King!!!"
Michiko - "I see so you at least kept that around.."
Quartz - "Nidoking I'm tired of playing games with this woman use Megahorn!!!"
Before Ludicolo or Michiko can react Nidoking in a instant uses a powerful Megahorn instantly defeating Ludicolo as it faints on the floor as Quartz raises his hand victory
Quartz - "ah ha I still got it right Nidoking!"
Nidoking - "King!"
Michiko remains quiet and just smirks
Michiko - "is that it?"
Quartz remain still as her words put a pit in his stomach
Michiko - "I couldn't agree more, I'm tired of playing games even though it's been fun"
Michiko throws out three PokeBalls as three separate Pokemon get called out the first one is a fierce looking Kabutops with it preparing it's scythes, the second is a gigantic Steelix looks down at them with a intimidating stare, and finally the third is a Golem with its rough, dark grey exterior replaced with brilliant gold color
Kabutops - "Kabutops!!!"
Steelix - "Steelix!!!"
Golem - "Golem!!!"
Nidoking stands there with a cold sweat and a sad look on its face as it turns back to face its trainer as Quartz falls to his knees with a single tear going down his face
Quartz - "you evil bitch how could you.."
Michiko - "what don't you just love reunions? Say hello to your old teammates Quartz!!"
Quartz - "I..uh..Nidoking use Meg-"
Michiko cuts him off
Michiko - "Steelix use Stone Edge, Kabutops use Liquidation and Golem use Steamroller!"
Steelix uses Stone Edge as it slams it's tail against the ground as two single jagged stones trap Nidoking, as Kabutops uses Liquidation as both of Kabutops scythes become covered in water as it quickly let's off twenty quick and powerful attacks
Quartz - "Nidoking no!!"
Golem then uses Steamroller as Golem withdraws its head, legs and arms within its shell. It then jumps into the air and spins its body rapidly. Then, its outlines start to glow white and it slams its body into Nidoking with the attack being strong enough to shatter the jagged stones trapping Nidoking as it's body gets through towards Quartz as they both get sent hurling off the Silph Co Rooftop with them falling to their death as Quartz holding onto Nidokings unconscious body he begins thinking
Quartz - "well I guess here is how I die I guess I'll never..get..to..see Celeste..defeat..the..league"
As Quartz closes his eyes and accepts his death as a Kadara appears unexpectedly and teleports Quartz and Nidoking elsewhere
Meanwhile Koga can be seen menacingly looking at Giovanni with his Koffing at his side as he puts his Katana back inside it's sheath
Giovanni - "let's let this battle begin shall we?"
Koga - "yes we shall"
Giovanni holds out a PokeBall as he sends out a Rhyhorn
Koga - "Koffing use Gyro ball!
Giovanni - "use Horn Drill.."
Koffing uses Gyro ball as Rhyhorn uses Horn Drill as Rhyhorn's horn spins like a drill and it charges towards Koffing with Rhyhorns Horn Drill easily overpowering Koffing as Koffing faints after the attack
Rhyhorn - "Rhyhorn!!!"
Koga recalls Koffing and sends out his Weezing
Weezing - "Weezing!"
Koga - "we don't have enough time to strategize Weezing make this quick use Explosion!!"
Giovanni stands still doing absolutely nothing just giving a cold stare
Weezing - "Weezing!!!"
Weezing uses Explosion as it's body glows a bright light as it uses explosion as the blast from the attack blows a hole through the ceiling with both Weezing and Rhydon lay on the floor fainted
Giovanni - "you got mad I took one of your Pokemon out so you decided to go boom huh?"
Without saying a word Koga recalls Weezing to it's PokeBall and sends out his Arbok
Arbok - "Char-bok"
Dugtrio - "Trio! Trio!!"
Koga - "let's hit them with our signature move use Toxic!"
Giovanni - "use Fissure.."
Arbok sneakingly slithers behind Dugtrio as Arbok uses Toxic opening its mouth and releases a black smog from its mouth hitting Dugtrio directly poisoning it, as Dugtrio uses Fissure causing Arbok to faint from the one attack
Dugtrio - "Trio! Trio!!"
Koga recalls Arbok as he then sends out his Muk
Muk - "Muk!"
Koga beings stressing out with sweat drops dripping from his forehead
Koga thinking to himself inside his head - "he's still as good as they say.."
Koga - "okay let's take advantage of the poison use Venoshock!"
Muk uses Venoshock as it fires a stream of purple, poisonous liquid from its mouth at Dugtrio who can't avoid the attack due to the immense pain of the poison, as it faints with Giovanni recalling it back to its PokeBall then sending out his Onix
Onix - "Onix!!"
Muk - "Muk!"
Giovanni lets out a evil grin
Giovanni - "I'm done playing with you..Onix let's show them our own boom use Self Destruct!"
Onix in a instant uses Self Destruct with the power of the blast with it having just enough power behind it to cause Muk to faint with Onix along with it as both Koga and Giovanni recalling their Pokemon, as Giovanni sends out his Rhydon, Koga sends out his Venomoth
Koga - "Venomoth use Zen Headbu-"
Giovanni cuts him off
Giovanni - "use Fire Punch!"
Koga - "No wait dodge! dodge!!!"
Rhydon rapidly uses a powerful Fire Punch knocking out Venomoth with one attack
Koga - "damn it!!"
Koga quickly sends out Crobat from its PokeBall
Koga - "okay no more games Crobat get ready!"
Giovanni - "I agree we the part of no more games"
Giovanni throws out two PokeBalls sending out a Nidoking to his left and a Nidoqueen to his right
Nidoking - "King!"
Nidoqueen - "Queen!"
Rhydon stands in between the pair
Rhydon - "Rhydon!!!"
Rhydon uses Thunderbolt, Nidoking uses Flamethrower, and Nidoqueen uses Ice Beam, as all three attacks combined into one heading straight for Koga and Crobat
Koga - "well if we die it's been an honor fighting alongside with all these years Crobat!!!!"
Crobat nods
Crobat - "Crobat!!!"
All of a sudden a invisible barrier shields Koga and Crobat from the attack
Koga - "what the hell!!!"
In front of Koga a Mr. Mime makes a hand signal telling Koga to go for an attack
Mr. Mime - "Mr Mime!!!"
Koga - "Right!!!"
Koga faces Crobat
Koga - "stay behind the barrier!!!"
Crobat nods
Koga - "Mr. Mime in my signal make me a opening through the barrier!!!"
Mr. Mime nods
Mr. Mime - "Mr. Mime"
Koga counts exactly three seconds in his head
Koga - "now!!!"
Mr Mime creates a tight entrance through the barrier, as in a instance Koga pulls his Katana from its sheath along his back as he swiftly dashes through Rhydon, Nidoking and Nidoking heading towards Giovanni, as he instantly slices his head clean off as his head rolls along the floor towards Koga, as Koga eyes widen shocked by what he sees
Koga - "no fucking way.."
As Giovanni's body falls to the floor it's revealed that he was a cyborg all along
Koga - "it's not possible.."
It's head lets out a glitchy laugh as it powers off
Koga then turns around as his face goes from shocked to absolute fear, as standing right before him a young ten year old girl with a Mewtwo standing behind her teleport right in front of his very eyes
Koga - "W-who are you?"
The Girl has jet black hair with blood red shrieks in her hair, she stands proudly wearing a uniform that consists of a black shirt, with a white leather, long sleeve jacket over it. a small black patch on the left side of the jacket bearing team rocket's symbol in a blood red font, along with a long white skirt with a slit on the right side for style. on her waist, a black belt with a silver belt buckle. on her feet, a pair of white, knee high, high heeled leather boots., as she stares at Koga with cold evil looking eyes reminiscent of Giovanni's, as standing behind her is a Mewtwo with a long bright green tail, and evil dark green eyes menacingly looking at Koga
Alula - "my name is Alula, I'm the head of Team Rocket"
Alula looks and Mewtwo as Mewtwo lifts off Koga off the floor, as he struggles grabbing his neck gasping for air
Alula - "remember my name.."
Mewtwo slams Koga against a wall as he hits his head leaving him on conscience
Alula - "I will honor my grandfather's name.."
The sounds of a helicopter can be heard as a ladder hangs down from the hole inside the ceiling as Michikos can be heard
Michikos - "we need to go!!!"
Alula - "we have what we need we're done here"
Alula looks at the green Mewtwo
Alula - "teleport the Silph Co President inside the helicopter"
Mewtwo nods as the Silph Co Presidents muffles can be heard as he gets teleported into the helicopter along with Alula, as the Green Mewtwo stays behind for a brief moment as it use it's psychic powers to grab Kogas sword bending and stretching out the metal of the blade creating a giant spoon with it's remains as the swords hilt drops to the floor
Green Mewtwo - "pathetic.."
The Green Mewtwo teleports away with everybody else, as a woman alongside a Alakazam teleport into the room with the Green Mewtwos departure, as the woman is revealed to be the Gym Leader known as Sabrina the master of Psychic Pokemon
Sabrina - "oh Koga.."
Sabrina sighs
Sabrina - "we need to take him to the Pokemon Center Alakazam teleport us all there immediately"
Alakazam nods
Alakazam - "Alakazam!"
Alakazam teleports everyone inside the room to the Pokemon Center as Sabrina has a worried look on her face
Inside the Pokemon Center hours go back
Sabrina can be seen in a waiting room as Nurse Joy walks up to her
Nurse Joy - " your friends won't make a slow but successful recovery"
Sabrina nods
Sabrina - " thank you for the information Nurse"
Sabrina opens the door to where Quartz and Koga are resting in hospital beds...as the journey continues
Chapters end

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